View Full Version : Sonus Faber 'speakers'

19-12-2013, 10:39
i recently bought a pair of Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home speakers from Simon at 2ndhandhifi in stockton-on-tees and i am amazed at the performance from such a modestly priced speaker (£2,500-£3,000 when new) . in the past i have drooled over pics of Sonus speakers and i never imagined ever owning a pair (cost !!)but i was fortunate in that a good friend heard them in the shop and thought they would suit me (and he was right) .
the thing that i like about them is that they sound excellent with high end kit or even with budget kit and the finish of the cabinets is beautiful .
is there anybody out there in ArtOfSoundLand who owns a pair of these superb speakers ? and would like to contact me ?? if so , feel free

mr sneff
19-12-2013, 11:48
Sounds like you've got an excellent purchase there, alf. I've long fancied a pair of their 'bookshelf' speakers just on looks alone never mind SQ! What are you partnering them with?

19-12-2013, 15:48
hi , Krell KSP-7B pre-amp and Beard P100 Monoblocks ! as you can imagine it sounds awesome !! gigantic soundstage these speakers are really 'larger than life' come and have a listen ?

20-12-2013, 08:42
I heard a pair of those recently and agree with what you say. I thought they were especially good with a recording of solo violin and piano - great scale, extension, and drama.

20-12-2013, 08:57
I have a pair of Grand Pianos which are fed by a Naimnet amp, but have had a DK Technologies monster in the past with no struggle.

I agree with all the comments above. They really are a bargain and the finish makes for a domestically acceptable bit of kit as well.


20-12-2013, 11:00
Sonus Faber speakers always sound superb. A friend of mine had a pair of Electas for years and I thought they were lovely. They may be an old speaker now, but are still wonderful.