View Full Version : Floyddroid's pimped Lenco

03-12-2013, 22:02
Pleased as punch with me Blackwood Lenco. It sings........


03-12-2013, 22:04
Oh yum, that's a sexy looking thing Steve :)

03-12-2013, 22:10
Oh yum, that's a sexy looking thing Steve :)

And it don't sound too shabby either!;)

03-12-2013, 22:14
And it don't sound too shabby either!;)

I bet it does (sound good) too Rich :)

EDIT: Oops, that didn't read quite the way I meant it to... :eyebrows:

03-12-2013, 22:50

Wow, that looks fantastic Steve - not surprised you're pleased with it...

04-12-2013, 05:05
Thanks chaps. It sounds pretty good. At the moment it has a 2M blue at the sharp end but i am thinking of putting a moving coil in there.

The Barbarian
05-12-2013, 19:00
I find Straight arms retrofits a pain on these 'GL75' mods.. Fancy trying something like an Alphason 'Xenon MCS' since you got it modded for Linn pattern, the 'S' shape armtube would keep the cartridge tip well clear of that power switch..

05-12-2013, 20:20
With a double platter set up, I find (even with my clunky hands) plenty of distance between stylus and the on/off switch.

Mr Kipling
05-12-2013, 20:25
Have Bassetts gone into turntable mats now?

It does look smart Steve.

05-12-2013, 20:34
Takes allsorts :)

06-12-2013, 23:05
Very professional finish it looks superb and its sounded the same at the NEBO3.
If you are looking to change something Steve I would say the Arm is the week point try a Rega 250 OL1, I have one you can borrow if you like?.
I would also agree that an S shaped arm would suit the deck and a 9" Jelco would be very nice.
Also having the arm fully extended like that can lead to azimuth and VTA errors and inconsistancy in tracking so consider making a parallel arm board spacer say 25mm thick
