View Full Version : Let me please introduce myself,i'm a man of.....

03-12-2013, 17:25
Just a few lines to let people know a bit about me.Enjoyed the forum as non member for quite a while before biting the bullet and joining.Musically I"m a product of my time which is the 60s to the70s [when nearly all the best music was written and all the best artists were in their heyday]Was 8 or 9 when the Beatles came along ,I tried but they never really appealed, BUT the Rolling Stones never made a single I didn't think was great[The Last Time 19th Nervous Breakdown anybody].The Animals Kinks Yardbirds all marvellous and a damned site better than the likes of Hermans Hermits etc.A few years later came the bands that really influenced me and still do to this day ,as far as I am concerned nobody has bettered them .Free,Sabbath,Family,Wishbone Ash ,Floyd and especially Jethro Tull.Always had a liking for folk rock and later on for Mike Oldfield. Nowadays I like Devin Townsend but I always go back to those bands from my formative years. Gear wise I'm a dyed in the wool valve [not "toob"] fan .At the moment ,hooked up is a pair of old Verdik 10 watt mono's,Thorens td150 , Quad ESL 57,disk spinner is a Marantz cd5000. Have a few other vintage valve amps which take turns on duty, a 401 which I keep promising/threatening to fettle and other odds and sods I know a few people on here from attending the NEBO get togethers,thoroughly enjoyed them,and hope there are more to follow [with due regard to Steve "Progmeister"s circumstances] A big thank you to Steve and Neil for organising them.Sorry for going on so long, but this is me and I look forward to joining you Mik_Rik

03-12-2013, 17:33
good to have you on board mick good to see another northener:laugh:

03-12-2013, 17:37
Welcome to the forum Mick, I like the cut of your jib :)

03-12-2013, 17:57
Welcome to AoS Mick :wave:

Sounds a really interesting system you've got there and impeccable taste in music too.

All the best,

mr sneff
03-12-2013, 18:07
Hi Mick, welcome to AOS :)

03-12-2013, 18:09
Welcome to AOS
Well worth putting a bit of time and energy into that 401

06-12-2013, 17:53
Thanks for the welcome everyone,have a few opinions on things which I look forward to putting forward if/when occasion arises in discussions [not right or wrong but which have been gained through experience-sometimes costly]. Mr sneff -that avatar of yours looks like me when I had Bell's Palsy 7 years or so ago.Once again thanks ,will catch you all again later Mick

07-12-2013, 07:30
Great to hear from you Mick, i notice you didnt even mention that old Radford you promised me for £50 :)

07-12-2013, 10:29
Hi Mick, welcome to AOS.

07-12-2013, 22:29
:respect:Fabulous to have you here Mick. We really must get those little valve monoblocks listened to. I look forward to reading your posts. I have to echo what keith said, your taste in music and gear is second to none. On top of that you are a diamond geezer. Wecome good sir.

07-12-2013, 22:49
Great intro, Mick, and great taste in music. Welcome!

19-12-2013, 21:15
Hi Steve sorry it has took a while to get back to you and thank you for your welcome it is appreciated and it is good to hear from you hope things are as well as can be expected.At the moment the Verdik mono's are not being used[changed speakers and they cannot drive them] soooo if you want you can borrow them over the hols see if you think they have a certain "10 watts of reminiscent musical heart".This means that the"50 quid Radford" is now out of the loft and has been press ganged back on duty. Just a small token for organising the NEBO,s,they really are something I enjoy.Catch you ,and anyone else, later Mick

27-12-2013, 18:30
Hi Mick and welcome to the forum :)