View Full Version : Vinyl revival? - The Sunday Telegraph thinks so

29-11-2013, 17:12
I think in the London edition only, the Sunday Telegraph ran an article on the vinyl revival entitled "Steam Audio" it was an article on the HiFi revival including those valve things you all get so excited about. To quote the boy himself (quoted at the end of the article)

" Which
fits in exactly with what Arthur Khoubessarian
of the highly rated turntable makers the Funk
Firm told me. ‘We are seeing a whole new youthful
market emerging that realises if digital is fast food,
vinyl is a lovely home-cooked meal. There’s room
for both, but we’re certainly not done with analogue
yet. That’s what still makes it an exciting
voyage of discovery.’

Whilst Roy Gandy and others featured - the funk boy got the full page spread of a Saphire with photoshopped totty in lab coats crawling all over it , and was duly chuffed :)

Roll on the vinyl revival !!:cool:

The Barbarian
29-11-2013, 17:19
I would love to comment about this but i will refrain from doing so..

Gordon Steadman
29-11-2013, 18:22
I would love to comment about this but i will refrain from doing so..
Why's dat den?

Thing Fish
29-11-2013, 18:43
Here is the link - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/luxury/technology/16348/steam-audio-the-resurgence-of-classic-hi-fi.html

Martyn Miles
19-12-2013, 11:50
Vinyl revival ?
When did it go away ? It's the old story of a new medium promoted by the makers of same. It has happened throughout the history of audio. Many people still record using cassettes, especially if they own a radio / cassette. They play records.
Apart from the ' audio anoraks / obsessives ' most people have a life which consist of paying bills and getting on with the everyday things, not buying a Kimber speaker cable that costs thousands.
Forums such as this contain but a tiny percentage of those owning audio equipment.

Ali Tait
19-12-2013, 12:07
No one said it had gone away, but the fact is, vinyl sales are at a ten year high.
