View Full Version : Naim Clone Amp For Sale

26-11-2013, 15:46
I lashed this together a while back to test the quality of the Chinese clone boards... I ended up using it for 6 months :doh:

As you can see its a pair of NAP140 style clone boards powered by a 200va toroidal transformer into 40000uF cap bank. Single pair of phono inputs with a 50k potentiometer on the input so can be used as a power amp with gain control or a single input integrated which is how I've used it... Sounds pretty good & runs cold - There's no output inductors fitted so like a real Naim you need to use decent diameter speaker cable not litz [I've been using 2.5mm without issue.]

Please don't think this is a polished or high quality DIY build, it was just to evaluate the clone boards... Its fully fused & earthed so there's no safety issues.

It cost me £60 to put together... I'll take £50+p&p for it but would rather it went to a real member & not someone who's joined just to buy it with no intention of contributing to the forum :rolleyes:

http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2868/11068800086_6419d54929_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/87920837@N06/11068800086/)

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7321/11068887453_91e8d30815_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/87920837@N06/11068887453/)

26-11-2013, 16:46
Very nice, I wish you well with the sale. Economical enough :thumbsup:


26-11-2013, 16:56
Very nice, I wish you well with the sale. Economical enough :thumbsup:


Thanks Alan, its quite amazing how cheap one can make something for if willing to recycle & improvise ! I've plugged it back into the system after a week out & its just comprehensively trounced an amp from a well known high end British manufacturer with an rrp over £1K.

26-11-2013, 17:20
Looks great considering ...wish I could do things like that.
Not sure I'm a real member so will just say good luck.:D

PS the speaker cables are fantastic.need to find another pair now. :thumbup:

26-11-2013, 17:22
I would love to buy it, if you'll sell it to me.

26-11-2013, 17:36
If Nigel changes his mind....I'll take it!!

26-11-2013, 18:15
3rd dibs..if it isn't sold...

26-11-2013, 20:10
Nice work, and generous of you to offer it up at such a good price. Love the pretty coloured wires. It just needs a green LED.

26-11-2013, 20:37
Thanks for the kind words chaps :)

Of course you qualify Grant... It was those chaps that join up to buy something in the classifieds & then never post again I was trying to deter... Glad to hear you like the cables :thumbsup:

I've just PM'd Nigel so I'll await his reply & take it from there.

26-11-2013, 21:11
cheers, maybe you can make me one some day;)

27-11-2013, 01:16
Ooo very nice!

I'm too slow and missed out again!:doh:

27-11-2013, 07:01
Seems a lot of us are interested. Is it something which DIYers could make up with some help on the design? Are the parts all easily obtainable?

I don't think I could do it, but there are people around here who could. To do it for around £60 doesn't value one's time very highly, though. Well done, that man!

27-11-2013, 13:01
Seems a lot of us are interested. Is it something which DIYers could make up with some help on the design? Are the parts all easily obtainable?

I don't think I could do it, but there are people around here who could. To do it for around £60 doesn't value one's time very highly, though. Well done, that man!

I would say building an amp looks far more daunting than it actually is... Well, it can be as simple or complicated as the builder desires ! In the Naim clone's case you can buy both the amplifier boards & the power supply board "ready assembled" all one would have to do is find a decent chassis, secure the output transistors to a suitable heatsink, connect a suitable transformer to the power supply board & then wire up the boards for which there are many diagrams online... You're looking at:

Transformer £40
Amp boards £30
Power supply board £15
Chassis £60
Connectors £10
Wire £5

This one cost me considerably less to build as I only had to buy the PCB's, everything else was in the spares box... As for valuing my time it only took a Sunday to build that would have otherwise been wasted on forums :lol:

Oh, this is now sold to Nigel btw.

27-11-2013, 14:03
Well bagged Nigel..I'll bet this is a punchy little power amp..have fun..Alan...

27-11-2013, 16:28
Looking forward to hearing it.

I recently blew a channel on my amplifier, an Exposure X, whilst messing with Rothwell attenuators. The Exposure is over twenty years old and was enjoyed virtually everyday. Since my mishap, i purchased a Bantam Gold, a fantastic little amp, especially with my CD source but maybe lacking the overall musical cohesion of the Exposure. I choose the word maybe on purpose, because i haven't performed a direct comparison, just going on rose tinted memories. Yesterday morning, I was hankering after hearing the old Exposure again and contacted Tony Brady about arrangements for it's repair. Great man that Tony is, the repair will be no problem but it would be after the Christmas holidays. From a google search, i knew there was a chap in Leatherhead, toprepairman, who was able to sort out my dilemma too. Then I spotted this for sale and thought, man i would love to hear that!

27-11-2013, 16:46
yes, i fancied it too, but now have an old Rogers coming so fate has worked for both:)

27-11-2013, 21:49
would be interesting to get them side by side...in a bake off..haha..

27-11-2013, 22:04
it would indeed Alan....always wanted another rogers amp.....always made good stuff even if it is maybe a bit outdated....got a nice pair of Tannoy E11's just waiting for it;)

28-11-2013, 08:41
Great man that Tony is, the repair will be no problem but it would be after the Christmas holidays. From a google search, i knew there was a chap in Leatherhead, toprepairman, who was able to sort out my dilemma too. Then I spotted this for sale and thought, man i would love to hear that!

Well done on the purchase Nigel.

I can vouch for Henry aka toprepairman, he did a few tuner and amp repairs for me last year, I've no complaints and he is also very reasonable.



PS, if you do a search on the wam for toprepairman you'll find his contact details, failing that pm me for them.

28-11-2013, 15:07
Cheers Tony. Yes, I have Henry's contact details. Thanks for the recommendation.