View Full Version : HiYaaaaaa :) Too Much Information...

23-11-2013, 17:15
My names Warren,
I live in Manchester UK but grew up in the COD town of Fleetwood. I have OCD about Fish n Chips.
Started the Pink Floyd indoctrination program from the age of about 4. I honed my skill of committing vinyl to tape at optimum levels on our Ferguson HiF System 15. Moved to Madchester at 13. At 16 I bought my first HiFi separates from my HiFi Wifey Dom. I started to play guitar. Legally allowed to drink alcohol during the rave era 89' while getting into acid house. Before the first rave it was just a series of annoying bleeps that suddenly pulled into focus in the company of about 2000 ravers in an unfinished warehouse in Blackburn. I learned to used a 4-track porta studio creating my first song about the Ford Capri after getting off on replacing the engine.
Went off to study Music Technology in Ealing and make my first album (Plan A). While at Uni I was resident live sound engineer at the Students Union for cover bands and the occasion chamber orchestra. I learned how to beat and key mix on turntables at the SU. I did some black and white photography with chemicals.
Occasionally during "Plan A" I worked at Expo's rigging kit, speakers plasmas and general AV (Plan B).

Plan B became Plan A and I'm still doing that "****" now and the rock n roll never happened nor did the studio career.

I bought a few grands worth of studio gear then lost my mojo and it now makes a good clothing support.

The monitors however are still in use as ruthless turntable checkers.

Sort of got back into vinyl a few years back buying an old LP12 with a Hercules2. Loved it. I got into Digital Photography.

Moving on swiftly to now. More recently I got the horn for old Japanese Direct Drive TT's and had my eye's on the L07D. Fairly recently my HiFi Wifey always having to have the biggest and best, bid on the one I was perving at. Spent a fair few quid getting it up to spec but what a Daddy!!! He got into PA systems.

Being more skint I got a rough looking SP10mk2. I started to hear things that weren't there with the Linn or any other table I'd heard. It reminded me of the radio...

Then heard all the fuss about Lenco's and bought one. I could hear more of this dynamic drive thing and steady pitch but wasn't ready to rite off my LP12. It wasn't meaty enough. Then I bought a 401 which in my opinion rocks! Has full power bass weight and drive. Not Arf!!!

So I have all these unfinished projects and a state of flux. Need to finish some plinths etc etc

If your still awake then here's the info part. Think that was an exercise in reminding myself who I was...

Measurement system 1 is:
Allen and Greif Xone62 DJ mixer into PMC AML1 active monitors. Really need to get a decent preamp with balanced outs to be fair...
Ruthless beasts!! Garbage in = Garbage out.

System 2:
Beloved old Naim Nait2 into Arcam Two (monitors apparently) Musical and great depth of field but too bright. Suited my old K18/Akito/Axis in its dullness.

Telly System:
Linn Classic Music into Komponent 104's (awesome tweeters but small sounding because they are tiny cabs) Can be very revealing of a duff cartridge or any distortion. I wish they were bigger!!!

AK47 (only joking!)
Some Akito 1's,
Rega RB250
Origin Live Silver (Rega with a stainless steel arm tube!)
Alphason HR100 MCS
Akito 2 (bit broken but now works)

Tables in use:
Linn LP12 (Very old prob 1975/6) Hercules 2
Technics SP10 Mk2
Garrard 401
SL1210mk2 with bespoke Linn armboard
Twin normal Technics SL1210 Mk2 (Black) for occasional DJ moments. I'm a bit crap really.
Goldring Lenco GL75 (in bits)

Linn Axis (mine from 1996)
Thorens TD150 (project)
Couple of cheap DD's Marantz and Sony
Another Lenco

Linn Classic Music
MacBook Pro
TC Electronics Firewire Soundcard (pretty good)

More tables to come:
Dual 701 DD
Russco Studio B (hopefully) will need to convert to UK motor

Recently learned of Tim De Paravachini and liking the cut of his jib. Sounds like my kind of rebel. I need to hear some of his Valve action to find out about the valve speed he talks of. Anyone....?

:cool: Also like real ale and curry

The Grand Wazoo
23-11-2013, 17:54
Hi Warren,
Welcome to AoS.
Thanks for a great introduction.
Anyone who's messing about with a Russco like that one is OK by me - nice!

Welcome to the forum.

23-11-2013, 18:25
:cool: Also like real ale and curry

Warren, you`re IN. Welcome to the best audio forum on the web :carrot:
Rather into the valve scene myself, excellent sound :thumbsup:


25-11-2013, 07:23
Hello Warren and welcome to AoS. I only read half your intro before falling... zzzzz.

Only joking! Great intro, jump in!

25-11-2013, 13:06
Cool intro Warren Welcome to AOS

25-11-2013, 15:00
Howdy and welcome in.

28-11-2013, 19:53
Nice intro....

Sounds like you came through the same times as me and survived with enough wits intact to still enjoy the choooons!

Shine on...


28-11-2013, 21:24
Great intro Warren. You are in good company here. Big welcome.

29-11-2013, 00:07
Hi Warren and welcome to the forum

Audio Al
29-11-2013, 05:53
Hello Warren

Nice intro , make yourself at home , we all help each other around here

PS , look out for some bloke called Marco , he can be a right PITA sometimes , Anyone would think he owns the place :lol::D

Anti Meep
29-11-2013, 08:55
Warren, you've been here before, you just don't know it...a different time ... a different name ... a different toothbrush.