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View Full Version : oooh, look at that dust!

30-05-2009, 13:51

30-05-2009, 16:00
Ooh! You've got a valvey thing and what is either a D7 or a D8. Nice.

30-05-2009, 16:31
Lordy! Well spotted... another DAT user!

Welcome to AOS, by the way. Any chance of a full run down on that kit? :)

30-05-2009, 17:36
From the top:

Roksan Xerxes X; Rega RB600; Van den Hul Frog Gold
Sony Walkman Pro cassette deck
Meridian 500 CD transport; Chord DAC64
Tom Evans Groove phono amp
Tom Evans Vibe preamp (not in photo)
Maagnum Dynalab Tuner
Border Patrol power amp
Musical Fidelity X-cans headphone amp
Sony headphones (can't recall model number)
Audiovector Mi3 Signature loudspeakers

No DAT though!

Upstairs is:

Exposure CDP
Exposure XXIII preamp
Exposure XVIII power amp
Michell Iso phono amp
Stax Lamda Pro headphone system
Mordaunt-Short MS20 speakers
Akai reel-to-reel tape recorder
AR turntable/RB250 arm/Ortofon cartridge

Spectral Morn
30-05-2009, 17:43
Nice set up Joe.:)

Regards D S D L

30-05-2009, 18:01
No DAT though!


Akai reel-to-reel tape recorder

Ha ha! It was the Pro-Walkman we were misled by :)

Which Akai have you got? Don't say a GX-77 or I'll get really jealous!

30-05-2009, 18:05
Just yer bog-standard GX 4000D!

30-05-2009, 18:47
Welcome AoS , Joe. :)

You should really get rid of that rubbish DAC-64 though, if you want to send it to me I'll happily put it out of your misery! :lolsign:


31-05-2009, 17:02
Awww, DAC64!! I have one of those and love it!!

Mike, I'm very loosely thinking of getting a Qdb76 and so will have to sell the DAC64 to fund it's purchase. Interested????

31-05-2009, 17:46
Mike, I'm very loosely thinking of getting a Qdb76 and so will have to sell the DAC64 to fund it's purchase. Interested????

Might be, but I think it'll be out of range of my pocket money. :(

Nice to see you back BTW! ;)


31-05-2009, 18:28
Way hey, welcome back Paul! :) :cool:


01-06-2009, 18:44
Thanks guys, yeah things went pear shape for me for a while but getting back to normal slowly.

01-06-2009, 18:47
:wave: good to see you Paul. It's not been the same without you!

Ali Tait
01-06-2009, 19:09
Ditto.Hope all is well with you now. :)