View Full Version : iFI Audio I-Tube - Why?

04-11-2013, 17:00
I am not being facetious here but WTH is it for? From what I've read all it does is tailor the sound, to which I'd say, don't waste money putting yet another gizmo in the signal path, search out components which will give you the sound you are looking for. Maybe I am being cynical but it looks to me like yet another way of relieving audiophiles of cash unnecessarily :eyebrows:

04-11-2013, 17:25
I believe we have seen several such products before. Didn't Musical Fidelity make a tube buffer back in the 80's ? The idea was to provide that 'warm glow' of valves..:rolleyes:

Arkless Electronics
04-11-2013, 17:43
Taken from their website (warning. Bullshit alert!)

"Many audiophiles wax lyrical about the ‘magic of tubes.’ Why? Because the scientific fact is that adding tubes to a HiFi system increases our intrinsic enjoyment of music. The harmonic characteristic of tubes eases tension and gives us a greater sense of well-being. "

You couldn't make it up.... except they did!

04-11-2013, 17:48
Taken from their website (warning. Bullshit alert!)

"Many audiophiles wax lyrical about the ‘magic of tubes.’ Why? Because the scientific fact is that adding tubes to a HiFi system increases our intrinsic enjoyment of music. The harmonic characteristic of tubes eases tension and gives us a greater sense of well-being. "

You couldn't make it up.... except they did!

I'm glad I am not alone in thinking this, what an utter waste of money. I mean, if a punter wants a toob sound then buy toob based equipment. Hey Jez, we agree on something... :mex:

04-11-2013, 17:48
Like the ' greater sense of well being ' bit :D

04-11-2013, 18:04
Well I'm glad you said that. I was trying to be diplomatic...:rolleyes:

Arkless Electronics
04-11-2013, 18:09
Well I'm glad you said that. I was trying to be diplomatic...:rolleyes:

I'll have to look that up... I love leaning new words :D

04-11-2013, 18:10

Arkless Electronics
04-11-2013, 18:11
I reckon the ASA could have a field day with their blurb!

04-11-2013, 18:14
I reckon the ASA could have a field day with their blurb!

I reckon if the ASA were let lose on most manufacturers of hifi all adverts would read something like this, 'It reproduces music' :D

04-11-2013, 18:15
I doubt that the ASA are a bunch of tossers

04-11-2013, 18:42
I recently had one to have a play with.

Its got all sorts of little features, which I completely ignored and used it as a preamp, which it did an excellent job of. I won't go I to it all again as there's a reviewette in my system thread. I can't speak for other situations, but if you've got a DAC going straight to power amp and want to use 'physical' volume control, you could do a lot worse.

Like I did this morning, when I got a 500w burst through my 100w speakers :( woke me up for sure; I haven't turned it on since, I hope they're not ruined...

For the record, that was my fault for setting the volume up incorrectly on Jriver, the itube had saved me a lot of hassle in that respect (as would any preamp).

Neil, your inbox is full but I hope the above helps.

05-11-2013, 20:22
Have you sent it back to me yet fella?

05-11-2013, 20:32
I sent it to James as you guys asked me to; he's confirmed receipt of it.

05-11-2013, 22:48
The iTube is a unique device in this copycat world. Yes the marketing is enthusiastic but it is an interesting piece of kit.


05-11-2013, 22:59
The iTube is a unique device in this copycat world. Yes the marketing is enthusiastic but it is an interesting piece of kit.


Yes it's all too easy to mock and generally take the mickey out of something you don't really know much about or have used. The i-tube is quite special I would say Clive.

05-11-2013, 23:14
Yes it's all too easy to mock and generally take the mickey out of something you don't really know much about or have used. The i-tube is quite special I would say Clive.
Yep, that's why I gave it a Blue Note award amongst some very pricey kit!

05-11-2013, 23:18
Here's the link http://www.enjoythemusic.com/magazine/equipment/1013/blue_note_awards_2013.htm

09-11-2013, 12:57
Interestingly I have one on these on loan in my system. It was never my plan to borrow one but I heard good reports and it was offered to me, so why not give it a go?
I really haven't had the time to give this component a fair demo but from what I have heard my findings are mixed, but overall they are positive.
My amplifier is an NVA TSS very transparent, big, bold yet can be very delicate and tons of detail. Earlier this year I had an urge to try some high quality valve amps because I wanted to hear for myself what all the valve fuss was about. I only heard KT 88 amps but after about four months I went back to my SS amps as I preferred the sound.
So what did I think of the ifi buffer? When I first heard it in my SS system the first thing I noticed was a slight softening of the leading edges and a slight muffling of the sound particularly in the mid band. After a while I noticed a preferred warmer presentation of the music and a more realistic special presentation of the instruments /singers meaning everything sounded more realistic. That is about as far as I have got based on my two short demo's.
So do I prefer the sound with or without the ifi buffer? I'm not sure yet, I would like to keep it fora little longer in my system then take it out after a week or so.