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29-10-2013, 23:47
How your system sounds?

What does it do well?

What would you like to improve?

What genres does it excel at?

Due to some recent work, mine's in the best place its been. I'm not an expert in audio by any means but I think its pretty versatile in what it can playback. Female vocals and pianos sound very real and enjoyable.

My speakers are honest, clean and get the emotion accross. They provide genuine full range goodness :) Paired with my amp, there's no want for juice to provide dynamics when required, they can go loud enough to be uncomfortable but not sound stressed (they fill the room and don't look like they're working hard, ever).

Subtle nuances have crept out over the months, the tq black diamond interconnects are bloody good, I can't believe how much more music they let through and the interconnects before were no slouches!

I've added foo over the last year too and honestly I'm so glad I gave it all a try, its helped to drop my noise floor substantially.

There's not much I'd change now, mucking about with tweaks here and there might help eak a final few % out, but that's more for the geek in me. The biggest problem now is my listening room, one thing at a time though!

Over to you gents.

30-10-2013, 00:15
Well my system is pretty simple in most ways, but I'm getting some seriously fine sounds. Class 'A' amps and (in my case the inevitable) Tannoys. Sources are CD and decent MC's on good TTs. It's very much the best it's ever been, I've heard systems costing upwards of 40k and I don't feel there's a disparity here apart from ultimate power (which I don't need).

30-10-2013, 08:32
Sounds like a good place to be Geoff! I really do need to see what this Tannoy things all about.

30-10-2013, 08:48
Due to recent upgrades to my system it has gone from excelling at resolving female vocals and simple instrumental arrangements to resolving just about any genre of music pretty decently. Orchestral stuff could do with a little more scale, however I am hoping a pair of Ditton 44's which will be arriving tomorrow will go a long way towards helping on that score...

30-10-2013, 08:55
The trouble here is that we aren't good and fair judges of our own systems.

"Cor, yeah, I think mine sounds great, mate" is about the best we can come up with, really.

It takes others to come along - with their own set of histories and viewpoints, of course - to really make an assessment.

I think my system does a stonking job at pretty much anything - but a recent audiophile visitor rejected my system's sound completely as fundamentally flawed.
Mind you, I think the same of his system. :lol:

30-10-2013, 08:59
The trouble here is that we aren't good and fair judges of our own systems.

"Cor, yeah, I think mine sounds great, mate" is about the best we can come up with, really.

Oh I don't know - I think I am a pretty good objective judge of mine - which is why it is always changing ;)

If I was better at lying to myself I would be a much happier person...

30-10-2013, 09:11
All the comments I've posted over the last couple of years have been based on comparisons with another members system which also contains a pair of B&W DM2's. I found that system to be a little 'toppy' for my liking even though it consists of some excellent components. I am curious to hear what a pair of Ditton 44's are going to bring to the party when they arrive on Thursday. My curiosity regarding Celestions was piqued when I installed a pair of County's into the system earlier this year. There was a noticeable lack of bass heft compared to the DM2's however the County's had a beautifully natural timbre to the upper midrange which was seductive. It's a shame the cabinets were in such a state as I might have kept them in my system rather than break them up for parts. As it stands I reckon my current system is very well balanced.

30-10-2013, 09:30
Jerry, that's an interesting comment and reminds me of an article I saw on Daily audiophile a few days ago, something like "Who gets to decide what sounds good?".

The only thing I compare the changes I make with is my own system and while it's hard not to be enthusiastic about the way it sounds I try to be as realistic as possible. I must be biased though. I don't change or try other components because I'm not happy, it's just that if something can be made better, then why not?

Dave, good luck with the change. There's nothing better than getting new speakers that trounce the old ones :D

30-10-2013, 09:34
I find it useful to try and remember that ....
- there is always something better
- different can be just as much fun as better
- everyone has different tastes and priorities, and different reasons for those tastes and priorities

30-10-2013, 10:14
I’ve got used to the sound of my system over the years. Despite the change to full on digital some years ago the overall presentation which is largely governed by the speakers hasn’t changed that much. It’s definitely a Pro audio sound. It’s very dynamic and compared to some domestic systems I’ve heard, bass heavy. It isn’t actually, it’s just that it will go down to 20Hz and not many do.

I would love to go active, particularly given the Pre amp in the Benchmark. To do the job properly (and for me this means self build) is rather expensive and time consuming.
I would need to upgrade my Hi Frequency units and build six amps. I already have a 48db slope electronic crossover.
I have neither the time nor the money at present.

Rock and Pop. If I found I wanted to listen to a lot of recorded classical I would probably be better off with large dual concentric speakers or perhaps a ribbon design if I could learn to live with a more subtle bass.

30-10-2013, 10:23
... If I found I wanted to listen to a lot of recorded classical I would probably be better off with large dual concentric speakers

:eek: :nono: :lol:

30-10-2013, 10:36
I think Jerry hits the nail on the head.

For me, it's essential that you 'open up your world' to other audio enthusiasts and allow a critical light to be shined on the sonic (and musical) performance of your system, by allowing others to visit and, and along with enjoying the social experience, allow them to appraise your system frankly and honestly.

Another thing to do is take parts of your system to bake-offs and test how they perform outside of their own environment... That one can often be a bit of an eye-opener! :eek:

However, I firmly believe that, speakers aside (as the room used plays such an important part in results obtained), an intrinsically capable piece of equipment (or cable) should perform well in any system. It may not perform as well as it does at home, but it certainly shouldn't disgrace itself, unless there is a gross electrical mismatch with the kit in question.

The above is the only way that you'll ever know how your 'performance benchmark' in hi-fi compares with that of others, and just how good your gear genuinely is. Trouble is, some folk are insecure and lack the confidence to expose the failings of their system (and there are some in EVERY system) or gear in that way to a critical audience, and potentially face a painful reality check - and so prefer instead to shy away from such scrutiny.

Me? I lap it up like a puppy dog, as I always use the experience as valuable learning curve, and any information gained to my future (sonic) advantage :cool:


30-10-2013, 10:45
Although I admit to being curious about the performance of systems and components owned by others it is not the be all and end all for me to be frank. No insecurities here and also no overriding need to transport all or bits of my system half way around the country just to show it off either. I assembled it for me and the missus after all, not for Joe Bloggs in Swindon ;)

30-10-2013, 10:55
No insecurities here and also no overriding need to transport all or bits of my system half way around the country just to show it off either.

It's not about showing it off, Dave; it's about testing it in a different environment (where you may learn something useful), and perhaps most importantly, allowing others who wants to hear it the opportunity to do so, as well as enjoying a giggle and a few beers! :)


30-10-2013, 10:56
Sounds like a good place to be Geoff! I really do need to see what this Tannoy things all about.

Well the place is a pigsty at the moment, but you'd be welcome to drop by and have a listen if you're in the area.

30-10-2013, 11:00
All the comments I've posted over the last couple of years have been based on comparisons with another members system which also contains a pair of B&W DM2's. I found that system to be a little 'toppy' for my liking even though it consists of some excellent components. I am curious to hear what a pair of Ditton 44's are going to bring to the party when they arrive on Thursday. My curiosity regarding Celestions was piqued when I installed a pair of County's into the system earlier this year. There was a noticeable lack of bass heft compared to the DM2's however the County's had a beautifully natural timbre to the upper midrange which was seductive. It's a shame the cabinets were in such a state as I might have kept them in my system rather than break them up for parts. As it stands I reckon my current system is very well balanced.

I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm and anticipation Dave, but I don't think you'll be in a hurry to get rid of the DM2s. I reckon they're better than the 44s myself.

30-10-2013, 11:10
I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm and anticipation Dave, but I don't think you'll be in a hurry to get rid of the DM2s. I reckon they're better than the 44s myself.

Time will tell Geoff, I'd be genuinely interested to know why you think this might be the case though? I can't offer an informed opinion myself as I have never listened to a pair of 44's although I have kept my ear to the ground and taken note of how others have described them. Of course, if I do prefer the DM2's they will be staying and some lucky bugger will have a chance to purchase the Dittons ;)

30-10-2013, 11:12
Yeah, I have to say I feel rather similar. I've actually been to a large number of Audio shows and heard many systems in their owners homes.

There is a definite issue with soliciting a lot of 'enthusiasts' opinions in that you are, in my direct experience, unlikely to find much in the way if universal agreement (even putting aside the variation in their acuity).

I've got three friends who regularly visit and are 'in to' their hi-fi. I know their points of reference and value their opinions, but they will all give you a different opinion of how my system sounds.

I've also heard friends systems, and combinations of equipment, that have been demonstrated at shows and I can't say I have heard much benefit in doing so. It's fun to hear an eclectic bunch of gear and some enjoy demonstrating it to others. But the only thing it has really proved to me is that some rooms have very strange bass modes and some audiophiles are either entirely dead to major sonic anomalies or have very curious ideas as to what constitutes 'good' sound (IMO).

Here are a couple of examples;

A couple of years ago I was at a bake-off where a certain pre-amp was demonstrated. At the same 'do' was a regular poster and 'authority' on all things audio (he doesn't post on this forum). After the demo this chap regained us all with a very erudite and thorough critique of said amplifiers strengths. Whilst superficially convincing, the problem with his synopsis was that I, and others, disagreed with every word.

I was at the Scalford show one year and was listening to one of the systems. A nice chap sitting next to me asked me what I thought because he could hear a high frequency distortion. After some questioning it became clear that the distortion he was referring to was the very obvious sound of a plectrum being dragged against the nylon strings of the acoustic guitar being played!

30-10-2013, 11:18
I always thought that my system sounded ok for my ears, a natural balance with good strong bass and little boom.

Until a couple of work colleagues came over (on seperate occasions ). Both said that the system sounds far better than it had any right too, what the hell had I done. This puzzled me, I hadn't done anything special, just good housekeeping. I clean the the plugs now and then but nothing I could think off special.

A few years ago we had a big house fire which meant that we had to,live in rented accommodation for nearly a year. The system was set up in the lounge and quite frankly sounded pants.

The answer my friends was simple. The room.

30-10-2013, 11:20
I'd be genuinely interested to know why you think this might be the case though?

I know both speakers Dave.

30-10-2013, 11:30
It's not about showing it off, Dave; it's about testing it in a different environment (where you may learn something useful), and perhaps most importantly, allowing others who wants to hear it the opportunity to do so, as well as enjoying a giggle and a few beers! :)


With the greatest respect Marco, how can testing in a different environment be of any benefit? I understand that somewhere out there a room will exist where my system will perform to the best of its ability but barring moving into said room as a lodger, that's not going to help in the slightest back here at home. Also, I'd counter your comment by saying that one should be confident in your own ability to assess whether the system is performing well or not. Having studied music at school and having been around live performances most of my life, in some cases as a performer myself, then I have a pretty good idea of what I am listening for and what my likes and dislikes are. I might not always be able to express that well in writing, but trust me, if something sounds like shit the situation will be remedied asap ;)

30-10-2013, 11:46
I don't doubt that's the case, Dave.

I just find it often educational a) listening to a variety of different kit in different systems (as after all that is how one gains experience and can thus pass it onto others on forums) and b) testing my kit in different systems and environments, as it can often highlight an aspect of its performance I hadn't previously considered, due to it being less obvious in my own system.

How else do you think I've formed my opinions, for example, on a judiciously modified SL-1210, and thus consider it as a genuine world-class turntable? Certainly not simply by judging it in my own system... That would hardly be thorough or tell me very much, would it?

No, instead I also take it around to other places and test it against established and well-respected high-end turntables (modern and vintage), at various price points, belonging to other people, who generally own suitably revealing systems that allow an accurate analysis heard of what is happening.

Trust me, when you've done this as many times as I have with my T/T, you get a pretty good idea of where it sits within the 'league table' of high-end turntables (based of course on those I have tested it against), or whether instead you are kidding yourself on! ;)

Reality checks are good.


30-10-2013, 11:59
Some very intersting points made here.

One theme seems to be emergent, whilst it's good to have some experienced ears to assess and critique, no-ones saying you have to agree with them. This is the brilliant/frustrating thing about opinions, if someone told me that my set up sound shite, I would believe them that that's what they're hearing, but I wouldn't agree; I'm currently very happy with my sound.

Having said that, if I were in a place to be educated (IE someone at someone elses place, listening to their system to back up their point) I'm open minded enough to change my stance, after all, you don't know what you don't know.

30-10-2013, 12:02
Having said that, if I were in a place to be educated (IE someone at someone elses place, listening to their system to back up their point) I'm open minded enough to change my stance, after all, you don't know what you don't know.

Spot on, Martin - and that's the way we should ALL be... Trouble is, some folk have huge egos and are way too entrenched in their beliefs to even consider losing face and admitting that another approach to theirs in some ways is better! :rolleyes:


30-10-2013, 12:03
Don't get me wrong, I can see the appeal in doing this but have never felt it necessary to do so myself. Leaving aside that it would be impossible for me anyway, I can't help feeling it smacks of 'willy waving'. Now, if someone wanted to listen to a particular component I have in their own system with the intention that they might want to source a similar unit for themselves, then I would oblige if possible. In fact I have done this very thing several times :)

30-10-2013, 12:07
Yup, and that's also one of the purposes of going to bake-offs, as I mentioned earlier :)

As for your other point, the bottom line for me is that in audio there is no substitute for experience - and the only way to gain some is to get out there and listen to a multitude of different kit and systems (whilst using a familiar benchmark as a reference).


30-10-2013, 12:26
I must admit that I learn a lot from hearing other systems and components.

As a reviewer for Hifi Pig I get quite a lot of kit coming through my system that I wouldn't otherwise have thought of trying or had an opportunity to have a go with - and that is often very enlightening. Quite frequently I like an aspect of the review component's performance (say imaging focus) better than my own system, so off I go and try to tweak an improvement! Happily, I quite often succeed. :)

The same sort of thing applies to hearing other folks' systems.

30-10-2013, 12:51
Perhaps some background of my own particular circumstances would be helpful here. I am housebound due to my disability and cannot afford to run a car just now, which is why it would be impossible for me to partake in any bake offs. Also, we have a son who has ADHD as well as being autistic, as a result he is extremely sensitive to changes in his environment, whether temporary or permanent. This can and has caused issues in the past and continues to do so. He is also not good at dealing with people he is unfamiliar with which doesn't help, so that rules me out of holding bake offs here. Besides, I don't think I'd fit you all into our bedroom, which is where the system is located for my convenience and for its own security (when our son kicks off, as he does from time to time, things tend to get broken). Consequently I need to work within this framework. This is why I tend to pay close attention to the observations of other members regarding equipment I am interested in as it is about the only path left open to me. Despite this I stand by my previous post. Perhaps 'willy waving' was a bit strong but from experience I have witnessed this type of behaviour in the past and find it to be very unpleasant for all concerned.

30-10-2013, 12:53
How your system sounds?

Absolutely amazing

What does it do well?


What would you like to improve?


What genres does it excel at?

All of them.

There. That was easy.... :D

30-10-2013, 12:54
Perhaps some background of my own particular circumstances would be helpful here. I am housebound due to my disability and cannot afford to run a car just now, which is why it would be impossible for me to partake in any bake offs. Also, we have a son who has ADHD as well as being autistic, as a result he is extremely sensitive to changes in his environment, whether temporary or permanent. This can and has caused issues in the past and continues to do so. He is also not good at dealing with people he is unfamiliar with which doesn't help, so that rules me out of holding bake offs here. Besides, I don't think I'd fit you all into our bedroom, which is where the system is located for my convenience and for its own security (when our son kicks off, as he does from time to time, things tend to get broken). Consequently I need to work within this framework. This is why I tend to pay close attention to the observations of other members regarding equipment I am interested in as it is about the only path left open to me. Despite this I stand by my previous post. Perhaps 'willy waving' was a bit strong but from experience I have witnessed this type of behaviour in the past and find it to be very unpleasant for all concerned.

No worries, dude. We hear ya - hope things are going ok at the moment :)


30-10-2013, 12:55
Absolutely amazing

Aye, when it's switched off! :lol:



30-10-2013, 12:56
No worries, dude. We hear ya - hope things are going ok at the moment :)


Listening to Nightflight To Venus by Boney M which only gets played when I'm feeling chipper :D

30-10-2013, 16:28
Listening to Nightflight To Venus by Boney M which only gets played when I'm feeling chipper :D

Whoa. Re: previous post ... :respect:

I must remember if it ever comes to slack cutting time to cut you a few extra yards miles, Dave :)

30-10-2013, 16:35
How your system sounds?

Sounds good to my ears thats all that matters

What does it do well?

produces moo-sounds the way i like it nothing more nothing less

What would you like to improve?


What genres does it excel at?

All but especially Cack & Jizz

30-10-2013, 18:08
How your system sounds?

Sounds good to my bears thats all that matters

How many do you have; three?

Thing Fish
30-10-2013, 19:10
How your system sound?

Pretty good to my noise damaged ears.

What does it do well?

Pretty much everything I listen to.

What would you like to improve?

Eventually go from MM to MC.

What genres does it excel at?

Nice quite delicate music like folk or light rock.

30-10-2013, 23:07
How many do you have; three?

Hi There

4 actually :lol:

30-10-2013, 23:08
How many do you have; three?

Urm Opps see what you mean.............

30-10-2013, 23:12
Whoa dude, what's the magic ingredient?

Absolutely amazing



All of them.

There. That was easy.... :D

31-10-2013, 09:54
Apologies if this is the nerdy answer at the end of the chatty ones, but I have been meaning to get round to having a go,

How your system sounds?

Gordon - musical. There. That's that out the way. Great detail, good imaging "clear and open". Always a bit wary of "dynamic" or "rythmic" but gets folk bopping and toe tapping. Rich bass, detailed musical, tune playing bass, but not extended bass

What does it do well?

Play tunes and image. My stepson brings his mates round to see this vinyl stuff, plonks them on the sofa - plays Adele, and asks them where the sound is coming from (answer - apparantly - the surround sound centre for her voice). It reveals detail and subtle nuances - it is delicate and refined "airy" and "transparent"

What would you like to improve?

Bass extension - especially on vinyl, but while the ventricals are better than the ESL's they try to copy in this regard, they wouldn't light Marco's fire. I am interested in a sub-woofer as an option here, and early experiments are encouraging (although not good enough yet)

Even more detail, "airines" "naturalness" on vinyl. FX3 for the F5. The Bach Double violin concerto makes this point most. Its good now. The instruments sound real. But with the FX you can really hear the wood. And the sound stage floats back a bit. As my old man put it at that barbeque "when you open your eyes its a real shock not to be able to see the real instruments you've been listening to". F5 has better bass - but misses that sublime naturalness.

Soundstage depth - its a bit "close" now. But partly thats the room and the very tight set up we have. And to get real depth is going to need a bigger room and them there ESL 63's!

What genres does it excel at?
Jazz, classical and acoustic . We listen to quite a lot of female vocals (Eva Cassidy, Katie Melua, Adele, Janis Ian and many more). Best single track - biggest shock for visitors as to just how real this can go, is "Forth of Fifth" from Genesis Seconds Out.

But bass weakness shows on Organ works and Metal. Oh - and my mate Bernie, (West Indian) doesn't rate it on reggae compared with the bins in the parcel shelf of his pimped black window Mercedes! :lol:

But we's lovin it, and will get it as right as the room will allow soon :cool:

31-10-2013, 10:11
Hi There

4 actually :lol:

I'm intrigued that you missed the other 'typos'!! :eyebrows:



02-11-2013, 18:14
My system sounds warm whilst still sounding tight and has exceptional vocals and I mean exceptional... Timing is just right... Easy on the ear... Detailed... Reasonably deep and tight bass, that is when it works...


02-11-2013, 18:32
To hard to describe but i like it.
People who have heard it seem to like it to.
Some probably don't.

02-11-2013, 18:35
To hard to describe but i like it.
People who have heard it seem to like it to.
Some probably don't.

:lol: I like this summary Stu... :lol:

02-11-2013, 18:52