View Full Version : A bit of wisdom from a box swapper to all box swappers...

26-10-2013, 18:02
Just a little bit of wisdom

When a component in your system is good, then it makes you want to buy more and more new music.

When a component in your system isn't that good, it makes you want buy more and more new components...

Having just bought a (modest) Goldring 2200, replacing a very old and tired Sumiko BPS iii...

Now, the only thing I can think off is to go and buy a lot more new vinyls!!!

I am sure some of us here have experienced the same feeling that there (is) might be a light at the end of the tunnel (so to speak).

[It's all about the journey, but more importantly it's all about what music you play on that the journey...]

Andrew B
26-10-2013, 18:07
As another box-swapper I can only agree. Long listening sessions are another sign of a good system.

26-10-2013, 18:11
Yes, and by the sound of it tonight will be a long session...

only the lack of continental lager will ultimately put a stop to it...:cool:

26-10-2013, 19:46
Very true Francoise. Very true. Maybe there should be a re-hab for box swappers? I mean I am very happy with my current pre-amp but just today I dropped of a pre-amp kit with a semi-tame double E to knock up for me...I think I am chronic.

26-10-2013, 22:09
Very true Francoise. Very true. Maybe there should be a re-hab for box swappers? I mean I am very happy with my current pre-amp but just today I dropped of a pre-amp kit with a semi-tame double E to knock up for me...I think I am chronic.
Francoise? Maybe he didn't want the sex change into the bargain! :-)

26-10-2013, 22:11
holy smoke I didn't even notice...

Yes, thanks Clive, without the 'e' in the end...

otherwise I feel like http://images.rdujour.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/422982632_31a423736a.jpg

26-10-2013, 22:13
Sorry about that Francois.

The Grand Wazoo
26-10-2013, 23:08
So, is it Clive or Cliv?

26-10-2013, 23:23
So, is it Clive or Cliv?
Clive is not a name used in France but maybe you're Chrise? Or anglisized to.....Chrissie? It can happen to the best of us!

The Grand Wazoo
26-10-2013, 23:29
Yeah, someone called me Chrissie.....just the once though!

27-10-2013, 06:44
Sorry about that Francois.

aha! no worries... it actually happens all the time at work...:lol:

30-10-2013, 12:51
When I worked in Magaluf, my manager thought I was called Wayne for three days.

Stranger yet, he said I'd been answering to it :bulb: