View Full Version : Epiphany Acoustics Launches on Amazon

Epiphany Acoustics
23-10-2013, 15:55
You may have noticed that we have just launched our entire product range on Amazon. But, we need your help! If you have bought any of our products from our website, we'd really appreciate it if you could spare the time to add a short review of the product on its new Amazon product page. As a small business, we don't have the funds for large advertising campaigns so have to rely on our customers sharing their experiences with others. We think that Amazon will be a great platform for us to show off our products and some of the positive feedback we have received from our previous customers.

Getting some positive reviews posted onto our Amazon listings will be invaluable for boosting our products up the ranking so that we can share the secret of affordable, high quality hi-fi to as many people as possible. As a little incentive, we are offering a 10% off voucher to any customer who takes the time to write a review on Amazon - just get in touch with the details of the review you wrote and we will give you a voucher which can be redeemed against any product in our inventory on our website.

To post a review on an Amazon product page, just follow one of the links in this email, click on the relevant product and scroll down to the review section where you will see a yellow 'Write a customer review' button.

Remember, you don't need to have ordered from Amazon to post a review - as long as you have previously bought something from our website.

You can view the Amazon listings by clicking on this link. (http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Epiphany%20Acoustics)

We really would appreciate any help!

Happy listening,
Oliver Freeborn
Proprietor, Epiphany Acoustics

23-10-2013, 17:23
Done, good luck...

23-10-2013, 19:44
Also done , hope it goes well.

Epiphany Acoustics
24-10-2013, 18:15
Many thanks, chaps! If you could just drop an email to me I can give you the 10% off voucher if you would like it.