View Full Version : My mate

14-10-2013, 12:05
Just got back from my friends this morning,he bought himself a Puresound A30 (he bought it blind with out listening) during the week it arrived with him friday he beens playing it all weekend,he rings me up and says come over and have a lsiten he says to me he thinks he has made a big boo boo and asks me to bring my quad 33 and 303 along so off i go too his house he has his A30 running and asks me what i think on the sound all i said was i think it sounds thin the only word i could think of and he said he thinks the A30 sounds aggresive and to in his face, anyway we rigged up the little quads and yes i know they play safe but so much smoother big difference,so we both come to the conclusion that the A30 is quite agressive sounding,his speakers are Living Voice Auditorium's and source is Accuphase dp55 cdp,just wondering what your thought's are on the A30 and is it worth him changing the valves (something i said may help) it has the standard valves that come with it.

Arkless Electronics
14-10-2013, 13:07
Not that familiar with this amp but just had a look at a review in hifi choice... it is described as forward and bordering on aggressive .... I doubt changing valves will help to a great extent.

14-10-2013, 13:09
Valves? Agressive? Surely not... :D

Kinda puts to bed the ill informed argument that all valve amps suffer from 'pipe & slippers' syndrome ;)

14-10-2013, 13:20
Valves? Agressive? Surely not... :D

Kinda puts to bed the ill informed argument that all valve amps suffer from 'pipe & slippers' syndrome ;)

My old AVC EL34 sounded more 'Naimee' than the NAC32/NAP160 it replaced !

14-10-2013, 13:23
My Valhalla, when it's working properly, sounds dynamic and yet retains that effortless midrange performance that most valve amps are renowned for. I must get it fixed some time... :eyebrows:

14-10-2013, 13:26
He has decided to sell it on, hifi eh :/

14-10-2013, 13:32
He has decided to sell it on, hifi eh :/

Aye, t'is a fickle thing ;)

14-10-2013, 13:36
He has decided to sell it on, hifi eh :/

Hi Dan,

You still have the quads then?? I playing mine ATM & what a joy it is i know some on here hate them they do a lot of stuff right put it that way. I think its the 33 that gets stick but fuck it it plays music and to be honest pretty well too.

14-10-2013, 14:15
Hi Dan,

You still have the quads then?? I playing mine ATM & what a joy it is i know some on here hate them they do a lot of stuff right put it that way. I think its the 33 that gets stick but fuck it it plays music and to be honest pretty well too.

Yeah still got my Quads wont ever sell them might buy another amp at some point but the Quads will be going nowhere.

14-10-2013, 15:10

Mine is booked in for its regular service if funds will stretch. Get a decent fully serviced one there an amplifier for life.

Enjoy dude.

14-10-2013, 15:32
OK Dan (Ledzep)

Can I ask a favour? Sometime when we both have a moment, let me lend you a Pip to listen to for an hour or so. You're nearer than old Nodrog in France. I just want to clarify this Quad preamp thing. It's an unfair comparison - Pip should have been selling for around £2000 when the Quads were under £500, but I just want a bit of Quad fan back-up that noting that there are better amps than the Quad is not the same as Quad bashing! :)

14-10-2013, 16:29
OK Dan (Ledzep)

Can I ask a favour? Sometime when we both have a moment, let me lend you a Pip to listen to for an hour or so. You're nearer than old Nodrog in France. I just want to clarify this Quad preamp thing. It's an unfair comparison - Pip should have been selling for around £2000 when the Quads were under £500, but I just want a bit of Quad fan back-up that noting that there are better amps than the Quad is not the same as Quad bashing! :)

Yes Richard that be good sometime

Gordon Steadman
14-10-2013, 16:48
Maybe its just the 'modern' voicing!! I'm sure one of the reasons for the 'pipe and slippers' comments about Quad is because hi-fi sound has become totally in yer face trying to sound like electric instruments which has nothing to do with reality.

I have always found Quad gear very musical and satisfying but then I'm an old git and ready for the pipe..........

14-10-2013, 16:50
Maybe its just the 'modern' voicing!! I'm sure one of the reasons for the 'pipe and slippers' comments about Quad is because hi-fi sound has become totally in yer face trying to sound like electric instruments which has nothing to do with reality.

I have always found Quad gear very musical and satisfying but then I'm an old git and ready for the pipe..........
Yes im finding that with modern hifi its too in ya face even speakers nowadays are getting hard sounding i prefer the old gear call us old gits but i find the old stuff nice and easy

14-10-2013, 16:52
...hi-fi sound has become totally in yer face trying to sound like electric instruments which has nothing to do with reality

Electric instruments have been around for a very long time http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theremin


14-10-2013, 17:00
Maybe its just the 'modern' voicing!! I'm sure one of the reasons for the 'pipe and slippers' comments about Quad is because hi-fi sound has become totally in yer face trying to sound like electric instruments which has nothing to do with reality.

Does Quad stuff not run on electricity?

14-10-2013, 17:01
Hi Dan,

I've heard the A30 and I certainly don't remember it sounding as bad as you describe (really, it shouldn't). Therefore, I suspect that something is either not right with the amplifier and/or there is a gross speaker mismatch.

Tube-rolling could help matters (especially changing the 6SN7 driver valves). I believe the stock ones are from Electro Harmonix? If so, try some Tung-Sols in there, but like Jez says, it's unlikely to totally transform the sound with what seems like a more fundamental problem.


14-10-2013, 17:12
Hi Dan,

I've heard the A30 and I certainly don't remember it sounding as bad as you describe (really, it shouldn't). Therefore, I suspect that something is either not right with the amplifier and/or there is a gross speaker mismatch.

Tube-rolling could help matters (especially changing the 6SN7 driver valves). I believe the stock ones are from Electro Harmonix? If so, try some Tung-Sols in there, but like Jez says, it's unlikely to totally transform the sound with what seems like a more fundamental problem.

Tbh Marco i thought something may be wrong with it must admit its the second time ive heard one of those amps still hasnt impressed me,but thats me, spoke to someone in the know and its a very modern sounding valve amp so not what he wanted,he sold it already to one of his mates,think he is gonna a get a valve amp from yester year.

14-10-2013, 18:05
Hi Dan,

I've heard the A30 and I certainly don't remember it sounding as bad as you describe (really, it shouldn't). Therefore, I suspect that something is either not right with the amplifier and/or there is a gross speaker mismatch.

Tube-rolling could help matters (especially changing the 6SN7 driver valves). I believe the stock ones are from Electro Harmonix? If so, try some Tung-Sols in there, but like Jez says, it's unlikely to totally transform the sound with what seems like a more fundamental problem.


The A30 is a 'modern' sounding valve amp which sounds a bit cleaner and brighter than some of the old designs but it's never the way Dan describes it. I suspect a fault, maybe it's been mod'd or, more likely, it's a mismatch with the speakers.

14-10-2013, 18:43
The A30 is a 'modern' sounding valve amp which sounds a bit cleaner and brighter than some of the old designs but it's never the way Dan describes it. I suspect a fault, maybe it's been mod'd or, more likely, it's a mismatch with the speakers.

Yeah i said a mismatch or something not right with the amp but hey he's its gone now so he's happy

14-10-2013, 18:53
Yeah i said a mismatch or something not right with the amp but hey he's its gone now so he's happy



14-10-2013, 19:15
Maybe its just the 'modern' voicing!! I'm sure one of the reasons for the 'pipe and slippers' comments about Quad is because hi-fi sound has become totally in yer face trying to sound like electric instruments which has nothing to do with reality.

I have always found Quad gear very musical and satisfying but then I'm an old git and ready for the pipe..........

I too have been fond of Quad gear. Apart from the ELS 57's I listened to when collecting the amp, I am real real pleased to have my 405-2 back. My point about the Quad is not that it is "pipe and slippers" and I prefer "in your face". It is as good, and neutral and musical as most similar amps of its day and price. Much much better , much much more expensive amplifiers can sound a little better, as I am hoping Dan will confirm. Not "in your face" - very subtly more vibrant, clearer, fresher and yet warmer. Buggered if I know how to describe it - that's now Dan's job. We'll sort something before too long. Meantime, :cool:

15-10-2013, 14:08
The Puresound with Living Voice sounds like a mismatch rather surprisingly. I'm puzzled as forward and aggressive is not something I associate with Guy Sergeant's designs in spite of Hi-Fi Choices views ? Personally I wouldn't rely on their reviews that heavily.

15-10-2013, 14:17

I've heard a Pure Sound A30 with Stirling LS3/5a V2 monitors. The sound was definitely a far cry from harsh/forward etc!!!!!!!

16-10-2013, 05:43
The Puresound with Living Voice sounds like a mismatch rather surprisingly. I'm puzzled as forward and aggressive is not something I associate with Guy Sergeant's designs in spite of Hi-Fi Choices views ? Personally I wouldn't rely on their reviews that heavily.

+1 (with bells on) in reference to both matters. Although the amp has now been moved on, it's important that others don't get the wrong impression.


16-10-2013, 07:28
Yes Marco,we all have our own tastes,likes,dislikes about things some love certain HiFi some hate it so its all ways good to get a home demo in your own environment if you can that way people will know if they can live with a new component if home demo not possible then ask people and see what feedback you get,don't take magazines and such for granted (we all know how they work) I had a couple of friends in the business.Have a home demo if poss and make your own mind up don't let people or media influence you.

The Black Adder
16-10-2013, 08:10
The valves in that amp do make a big difference. It's not aggressive sounding, a little forward maybe but then some/a lot of people like that more invigorating sound.

In all honesty I believe he should have lived with it for more than just a couple of days. Out of interest, was the amp new?

In comparison to the quads it's like chalk and cheese, either way it's what pushes your buttons at the end of the day.

I don't take any notice of what the mags say about kit. If I'm fortunate enough to hear something they have reviewed I'll make my own mind up and not get drawn in to fluff.

16-10-2013, 08:38
Yeah im buying something that a lot of mags and some people have slated big time, but for me it ticks all the boxes so goes to show have a listen for your self and see if you like it (i will be posting pictures soon of it) now that will be interesting to see and hear people's reactions :D

16-10-2013, 09:12
This to me highlights the basic problem with subjective reviews; they really only 'work' for one person at a time. If someone says 'amplifier X sounds harsh', its admirers will probably pop up and say that he must be deaf, or that the one he listened to was clearly 'broken', or that he used the wrong cables, or that it needed burning-in. Trying to second-guess another's actual experiences is futile; he heard what he heard. Unless of course you want to go all objectivist and say that his experiences cannot be valid unless he listened under double-blind conditions.

16-10-2013, 20:24
Yeah still got my Quads wont ever sell them might buy another amp at some point but the Quads will be going nowhere.

Said this loads of times - the 303 is delightful within its limits, but the 33 is a bit of a bottleneck and very much of its time - limited output before the line stage clips and severe band limiting, especially in the bass (it's weakest point as the bass sounds a bit 'mechanical' for want of a better word). Mine had the dada mods plus the worst of the bass filter removed (on the line stage anyway) and it was very much better, but summat like a Croft Micro Basic sees it off with ease I reckon :)

The mk1 405 doesn't seem to like loudspeakers very much (cough :lol:) but the 405-2 is a different animal when pushed. Love this one as well, although a stock Quad one needs several hours power to remove a slight tinsel effect (heard on two samples used at length at home and with different speakers). I suspect the tune-ups with modern parts here and there would remove this, since the 606 onwards doesn't suffer from this at all :)