View Full Version : Anyone used XTZ amps?

11-10-2013, 11:03
Someone recently pointed me towards some XTZ kit - their Class-A 100D3 integrated, or equivalent power amp the AP-100.


Anyone familiar with this, or have experience with them in their audio set-up?

They seem to have some good reviews....

The Grand Wazoo
11-10-2013, 11:11
Try using the AoS search facility - there are plenty of discussions about them and a few owners past and present.
Here's a taster (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?23130-XTZ-Class-A100D3-Amplifier-partial-report&highlight=xtz+amplifier)for you

11-10-2013, 13:09
I'm looking for a used XTZ integrated, they seem to offer tremendous value.

11-10-2013, 14:28
Thanks GW - for some reason when I searched AoS for XTZ I got no search results.

Maybe I typed in XTC by mistake? ... possibly a freudian slip of the keyboard...

The Grand Wazoo
11-10-2013, 14:30
There are certainly at least two more entire threads about them - try using the full model number or "XTZ amp"

12-10-2013, 05:53
Yep - I've had the integrated and commented on it very positively elsewhere on AOS - it's astonishingly good vfm even at full rrp. :thumbsup:

It's not small, though!

12-10-2013, 09:03
I'm looking for a used XTZ integrated, they seem to offer tremendous value.

They do. But my advice would be to get the power amp and match with a quality pre-amp - either active or passive.

12-10-2013, 09:22
Cheers Macca - I have been following your XTZ thread from earlier this year with interest, thanks to the link posted by GW.

Can I ask, did you hold on to the XTZ amp? Are you still happy with it?

And did you end up using a passive pre with it?

Someone (on my 'Pro' power amp thread) recommended me to try an NVA passive pre... I had been thinking about the XTZ power amp with a tube pre, like a Croft, but sounds like you weren't too happy with that combo...?

12-10-2013, 09:38
Yes still have it and am using as a power amp with NVA P90 passive. Got in from work last night at about 1750, switched on, finally switched off at 2230 in defference to the neighbours. That is with me just sat there listening, not reading or on the computer. That's how good this combo is, the only drawback being a little too much gain so there is very little room for maneuverer on the pots with CD source. With the Croft there was also the gain issue but also a bit of mid range bloom that, whilst euphonic is not quite truthful to the recording. With the NVA in circuit the sound is more truthful to the recording. Hard to describe in words, I'm afraid. That aside I am really struggling to think of a digitaly sourced system I have heard that surpasses what I have now. Possibly a couple of the systems I heard at Scalford in 2012, certainly nothing I have ever heard in a dealer's (even at mega-money levels) comes close to it.