View Full Version : Les "Memorables"

Andrew B
26-09-2013, 15:28
If there's one thing guaranteed to bring a smile to my face, it's recalling some of the most memorable bits of kit I've experienced in my time.

I've been interested in revisiting some of my more memorable hifi experiences lately and I figured it would be nice to hear of the bits you remember fondly from your hifi Journey. Apologies in advance for my list, which is lengthy but I didn't want to miss anything I've loved. OK enough babbling. Here are my "memorables", what are yours?

Mission 775
Roksan Xerxes
Analogue Works Turntable 1
Oracle Alexandria IV

Linn Ekos
Helius Orion
Alphason HR 100S - MCS

Linn Asaka/Asaka/Karma/Troika
Denon DL 103R
A&R P77

Naim CDI
Rega Planet
Arcam Alpha Plus

Various NVA
Big Exposure (Esp the Dual IV)
Audio Innovations 500
Krell KSA 50
Myst TMA3
Onix OA21
Puresound A30
Pye Mozart
Chrome bumper Naim
MC Intosh MA 6300
Bedini 100/100

Epos ES14
Linn Kan
Royd Eden
Snell J and K
Townshend Glastonbury
Klipsch La Scala
Linn Isobarik
Naim SBL
Naim IBL
Dynaco A25
Spica Angelus
Spica TC 50
Rega Ela
Apogee Centaur
Neat Petite
Alexander SE2

I'm sure I've missed some, but no matter. I've covered most of em :)

26-09-2013, 15:58
Bit of an odd one this, as some of my "memorables" were only so in one partcular room or set-up. I've lost count of the number of times I've moved and started almost from scratch building a system for the new room, starting with speakers. front ends have been gradually upgraded over time, but here goes:


Mission 710s (1970's vintage) when they were proper Missions. Great in my medium sized room for my first proper system, easy to drive and a full warm sound but could be a little loose in the bass;

Castle Howards: My 4th or 5th speaker set and ideally suited to the room I had at the time. Beguiling stereo imaging, big robust sound with deep bass but could be a little loose. Loved them though;

Proac Tablet Ref Signature 8's ...the most revealing, fabulous imaging little speakers I ever owned with a huge sound stage which belied their petite dimensions. Power hungry though

Current Fidelios: Stunning everywhere..huge scale, dynamics and real textured bass.

All the others in between (and there have been many) don't figure as particularly memorable although many were competent.


My first new amp, a Rotel RA930ax. Fabulous little performer with 25 watts on tap. Lovely midrange quality although limited in the bass and in extension as it ran out of puff too soon. Nice little phono stage on it too...

Rega Cursa/Maia pre/power: great amps...neutral, good dynamics (headroom) for a 70wpc output, great preamp although not the most revealing but with a good phonostage.

Lumley ST40 and PP40 pre valve amp. Unique one-of-a-kind design penned by Ben Carter for John Jeffries with no circuit relationship to the (inferior) ST70. Beautiful build quality, mid-range and surprising bass wallop. Only sold these on a few years ago to raise funds for the fledgeling business and instantly missed them in the system. Few valve amps have come close since.

Croft Micro25 pre. I'm on my second one now, lightly modified by myself and I love the things. Great circuit, simple to tweak and fab value. Great performer for not much wonga.


Had loads, most didn't stay for long. best ones include:

Rega Planet Mk1: Warm, cuddly musical player with a tank-like build. had it for years, bought new

Marantz CD63 k1 Signature: A bit bright but never harsh. Hugely entertaining.

Consonance Droplet 3.1. Still have it. Heard nothing to date that I''d remotely want to swap it for. Big, analogue sound. It helped me to re-discover my CD collection. Lovely looking thing too.

LP spinners:

Had loads. Only one ticks all the boxes for me and that's one of my current ones...Gryo SE/309/Shelter. As good as I'll ever want/need, lovely engineering in the arm/deck and cart and fabulous sounding. Have the 401 too but not as taken with it even though it's a fully serviced and fully fettled example in a decent plinth with a decent arm. The 401 is memorable only because it belonged to my late father in Law who I was very close to. It'll never be sold.

Andrew B
26-09-2013, 16:05
Too right about moving. Literally no system has ever sounded as good after moving.

I've heard loads of good things from my old mate about the Croft Micro 25. I'm sure he will have another and I'll be waiting this time when he moves it on.

The Consonance Droplet sounds dead interesting. I still get the feeling that there are better players out there and a big analogue sound is literally music to my ears :)

26-09-2013, 19:05
Here is my list.

Garrard SP25
Connisour BD1
Philips (don't remember the no)
Pioneer PL12
Thorens 160
Dual 704
Pro-Ject 2
Linn LP12
Technics SL1210M5G

SME 3009MK2
Linn Ittok LVII
Linn Ittok LVIII
Origin Live Silver 3

Audio Technica AT66
Shure M75
ADC -------
Shure V15III
Ortofon VMS20
Ortofon FL20
Ortofon MC10
Linn Klyde
Denon 103r x2
Ortofon Konrapunkt B
Ortofon Cadenza Bronze

Marantz (can't remember no)
Marants (can't remember no)
Marants KI Signature
Tag Maclaren CD
Musical Fidelity A5 CD
Arcam CD37
Cyrus 8CD
Cyrus CDxtSE2

Leak Delta 30
Armstrong 600 Receiver
Cyrus 1
Audiolab 8000A
Myriad MX.........
Musical Fidelity A5
Musical Fidelity A5 Power
Arcam A38
Arcam A38 Power
Cyrus Pre vs2
Cyrus Pre XdQx
Cyrus Mono X. x2

Wharfdale Denton
Celestion Ditton15
Celef Monitor
Rogers 7
Spendor S6
Spendor S8e

I think I've missed a few and I'm sorry I've forgotten a few model nos.

Andrew B
26-09-2013, 19:12
I love the a Origin Live arms. To me they are worth far more than they sell for. AT 66 was a lovely cartridge and not something you hear much about. It deserves to be remembered.

26-09-2013, 22:53
Exposure X
Quad 405 + 44
Quad 405-2 with top NET Audio upgrades
Leak Stereo 20
Papworth TVA-10 (Belonged to my father)
Opera Consonance M800se (Belonged to my father)

Linn Keilidh
Linn Kan
Royd Minstrel
Mission 751 (Original)
Mission 752 (Freedom)
Mission 753 (Original) (Belonged to my father)
Martin Logan Quest Z (Belonged to my father)
Monitor Audio GR20 (Belonged to my father)
TDL Refernce Monitor M (Belonged to my father)
TDL Studio 0.75 M
Tannoy Sandringham (Belonged to my father)
Rogers LS3/5a
Snell Type J II (Belonged to my father)
Audio Note AN-J (Belonged to my father)
Audio Note AZ-2 (Belonged to my father)

CD players:
Rotel RCD-1070
Meridian 206
Krell KPS-20i (Belonged to my father)
Spark Cayin CDT-17a (Belonged to my father)
Shanling CDT-100

Michell Gyro SE (Belonged to my father)
Michell Syncro
Roksan Xerxes MK1
Townshend Elite Rock II
Thorens TD-160 ''B'' II (Belonged to my father)

Rega R200
Audio Origami PU7 (Belonged to my father)
Syrinx LE1
SME Series 3009 III (Belonged to my father)

Denon DL-160 (Belonged to my father)
Audio Technica AT-440mla
Grado Prestige Gold (Belonged to my father)
Ortofon 2M Black
A&R P77

Grado SR-125
Sony MDR-V6

Still some more but can't be arsed to list them :)

Andrew B
26-09-2013, 22:58
That's quite some kit list, Shane. Never knew you'd had a Xerxes too

I really like a lot of the kit you've had. You are indeed a man of taste and distinction :)