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View Full Version : Album Club - Week 112: 24.09.2013: Tom Petty - Wildflowers. (1994)

Album Club
23-09-2013, 23:01
Paul (Audioman) has provided the album of the week this time around. Many thanks to him for the suggestion and the words.

Tom Petty - Wildflowers (1994)


Wildflowers is a Tom Petty Solo Album from 1994. Though not a Heartbreakers album several members were involved including Mike Campbell, Benmont Tench and Steve Ferrone who was soon to replace Stan Lynch on drums. Ringo Starr guests on 'To Find A Friend'. The Album was produced by Rick Rubin with Tom Petty and Mike Campbell.

The album has excellent sound quality and is full of strong material. This is easily one of the best albums by Petty or the Heartbreakers as a group. In fact soundwise it's difficult to distinguish the solo from the group material. It was released on vinyl and CD but the former is now very expensive. Worth seeking the rare double vinyl out though.


Vinyl - There were US and EU pressings.




24-09-2013, 06:40
I used to quite like Tom Petty but this is not for me best I can give it is a 3 sorry Paul

24-09-2013, 11:06
Not been into Tom Petty, however after a couple of listens there is some good light and shade and good for an 8.

24-09-2013, 15:35
I quite like Tom Petty and have a Greatest hits Southern Accents and Full Moon Fever, never heard this and I'm quite looking forward to it.

24-09-2013, 16:24
I like 'Wild Flowers' (and Tom Petty). It's not what you might call a hard hitting album, but it's a set of well considered performances and musically excellent, as is usual with Tom.

25-09-2013, 08:54
Very Tom Petty and a bit too long as one song rolled into the next, this is probably because my brain hasn't picked up the different tunes yet.
If I had it on double vinyl I wouldn't play them back to back which would give each disc a bit more individuality.
I think its good throughout but lacks a killer track or two. I'm not voting yet as I going to give it more time, this could lead me to buying it, maybe.

Audio Al
25-09-2013, 15:52
Had a listen to the album

My view is " Middle of the road " competent vocals and instruments ,

Nothing to grab my attention and want to play it again


27-09-2013, 21:16
Hi, I liked this, I do have a liking of Tom Petty but don't own this album and have only heard it a few times previously . I think I will be hunting out a copy of this. I have to agree with Bazil though on the continual issue I can not get used to the lack of sides on these spotify listening sessions thank heavens for the adds :lol: 7 from me

29-09-2013, 12:08
There is some joker giving 0/10 for every Album Club selection.

This album sounds great on double vinyl and frankly should be reissued in this format. It has variety and plenty of strong tracks if not anything much that would have made a chart hit. 'Middle Of The Road' it's not if a bit softer than most Heartbreakers albums.

Audio Al
29-09-2013, 12:22
There is some joker giving 0/10 for every Album Club selection.

Yes I have noticed this as well and I know who it is

He does not enter the Album Club or put up any Albums for review

29-09-2013, 12:35
It's a public poll so doesn't everybody know who it is? I thought we were just being polite;)

01-10-2013, 21:06
Sorry Paul, whilst I like Tom Petty on some occasions, this album does nothing for me, so I have awarded this a 4/10.

05-10-2013, 17:44
I enjoyed the album, but I feel that Southern Accents is better, with more memorable tracks. I voted 6.


22-05-2014, 12:03
Not his best so only 8/10

Still essential though

The Grand Wazoo
06-06-2014, 23:39
Lots of catching up to do on Album Club - I gave this one a 6.