View Full Version : Arkless Phono stage

The Outcast
17-09-2013, 21:41
Well, I have just sent in relay fashion Jez Arkless's demonstration unit modified Cambridge Audio phono stage. It cost me thick end of ten quid to do so but it was only the price of three pints of Guinness i suppose. My findings, well, mostly positive. I used it firstly with my Lenco supporting an Ortofon 2M Blue mm cartridge. I had to make a few phone calls to Jez to make sure that i had the device properly set up for mm and once i did get it ironed out i played a few trcks from Dire Straits second album Comminique. My memory of the stock CA phono stage was it's lack of depth and punch. Not so with the Arkless mod. There seemed to be more drive and detail and mark Knopfler's guitar seemed to stand proud of the speakers and cymbals shimmered as they should giving an almost live feel to them. very impressive for a phono stage of it's price both modified and unmodified. However, it was only when i swiched to using the phono stage with my Kontrapunkt B mc that i realised just how good the modified version really does start to sing. I was gobsmacked at just how good it is.
Playing the Dire Straits tracks again it was as if another layer had been taken away from the recording revealing even more nuances of percussion and leading edge of guitars and drums. I then played the best of the Doors enjoying all four sides before changing genre and spun the new album by Magenta (the 27 club) in it's entirity.
Changing back to my EE Minimax brought about a lot more culture to the proceedings and widened the soundstage a tad. Not really a fair comparison i hear you say. But i do have to say that musically the Arkless CA was snapping uncomfortably close to the heels of the Minimax in terms of fun and the toe tapping factor. Does it have PRAT? indeedly doodly, in spades.
Anyone wanting a phono stage that plays music without taking out a mortgage would do well to get on the list of recipients for a trial run.

Fors............. Highly musical, detailed with a fair punch

Againsts....... Fiddly to set up. Not the most attractive piece of kit unless you get the silver finish.

I must admit i was sad to pass it on to the next punter. I was very sceptical to be honest, however my few days spent with this phono stage changed my opinion. A pretty safe buy methinks.:lol:

17-09-2013, 22:06
Mine is most definitely a keeper. It has added a new dimension to my listening pleasure.

17-09-2013, 22:07
Appreciate the review Hesketh!

I am just getting back into vinyl and wondering what my first/second phono stage choices should be...


The Grand Wazoo
17-09-2013, 22:35
Hesketh, I've moved this thread over to Strokes of Genius, as it's a review and SOG is where such things belong.

The Outcast
18-09-2013, 07:23
OK Chris. Nee bother. I will know for next time.
Hesketh, I've moved this thread over to Strokes of Genius, as it's a review and SOG is where such things belong.

The Grand Wazoo
18-09-2013, 07:29
SOG - Strokes of Genius

From the AoS main menu page:

Strokes of Genius (Strokes of Genius(2 Viewing)
Tell us of any fantastic tweaks, free or otherwise, which have transformed your system. Also post reviews of equipment and ancillaries.)
Tell us of any fantastic tweaks, free or otherwise, which have transformed your system. Also post reviews of equipment and ancillaries.

Arkless Electronics
18-09-2013, 10:52
Well, I have just sent in relay fashion Jez Arkless's demonstration unit modified Cambridge Audio phono stage. It cost me thick end of ten quid to do so but it was only the price of three pints of Guinness i suppose. My findings, well, mostly positive. I used it firstly with my Lenco supporting an Ortofon 2M Blue mm cartridge. I had to make a few phone calls to Jez to make sure that i had the device properly set up for mm and once i did get it ironed out i played a few trcks from Dire Straits second album Comminique. My memory of the stock CA phono stage was it's lack of depth and punch. Not so with the Arkless mod. There seemed to be more drive and detail and mark Knopfler's guitar seemed to stand proud of the speakers and cymbals shimmered as they should giving an almost live feel to them. very impressive for a phono stage of it's price both modified and unmodified. However, it was only when i swiched to using the phono stage with my Kontrapunkt B mc that i realised just how good the modified version really does start to sing. I was gobsmacked at just how good it is.
Playing the Dire Straits tracks again it was as if another layer had been taken away from the recording revealing even more nuances of percussion and leading edge of guitars and drums. I then played the best of the Doors enjoying all four sides before changing genre and spun the new album by Magenta (the 27 club) in it's entirity.
Changing back to my EE Minimax brought about a lot more culture to the proceedings and widened the soundstage a tad. Not really a fair comparison i hear you say. But i do have to say that musically the Arkless CA was snapping uncomfortably close to the heels of the Minimax in terms of fun and the toe tapping factor. Does it have PRAT? indeedly doodly, in spades.
Anyone wanting a phono stage that plays music without taking out a mortgage would do well to get on the list of recipients for a trial run.

Fors............. Highly musical, detailed with a fair punch

Againsts....... Fiddly to set up. Not the most attractive piece of kit unless you get the silver finish.

I must admit i was sad to pass it on to the next punter. I was very sceptical to be honest, however my few days spent with this phono stage changed my opinion. A pretty safe buy methinks.:lol:

Thanks for the great review there Outcast!

My only comments are that I can't see how it's fiddly to set up.... plug arm cable in, connect arm earth lead, plug interconnect to preamp in, plug PSU in.... just the same as any other phono stage!? The demo unit has a MM/MC switch... as do many other units, and loading plugs can be plugged in the back, which is probably less fiddly than setting the micro size switches used for loading in many other units....

I have found most of my customers prefer the appearance of the black unit but that's a matter of personal choice of course.... or indeed which colour becomes available on the bay!

It's always been the case with the demo unit that the last person to try it posts it on to the next at their own expense. That way you only ever pay one lot of postage. You're actually the first person to comment on that!

Cheers H, glad you enjoyed it!

The Outcast
18-09-2013, 19:10
I'm just a winging old git Jez. On the whole it was a great bit of kit and the majority of my comments are positive. I can see myself having one in the not too distant future. Silver, methinks.
Thanks for the great review there Outcast!

My only comments are that I can't see how it's fiddly to set up.... plug arm cable in, connect arm earth lead, plug interconnect to preamp in, plug PSU in.... just the same as any other phono stage!? The demo unit has a MM/MC switch... as do many other units, and loading plugs can be plugged in the back, which is probably less fiddly than setting the micro size switches used for loading in many other units....

I have found most of my customers prefer the appearance of the black unit but that's a matter of personal choice of course.... or indeed which colour becomes available on the bay!

It's always been the case with the demo unit that the last person to try it posts it on to the next at their own expense. That way you only ever pay one lot of postage. You're actually the first person to comment on that!

Cheers H, glad you enjoyed it!