View Full Version : F/S Red Wine Audio Isabella PRE with integrated Isabellina DAC - LFP-V Edition!

12-09-2013, 11:40
Once in a while a piece of audio kit comes along which knocks your socks off! 2 years ago I bought such a piece of kit.
I bought it when it was about 6 months old and paid £2000 for it, which was a huge chunk of cash for me at the time, but I had every faith in it and was not disappointed. Both the DAC and the pre sections were glorious, my Squeezebox runs through the USB and my CD through the coax and both sound magnificent. The pre section is equally as impressive and of course you have the added bonus of being able to run it off battery or mains. It currently has a couple of Amperex 6922s in it and I have a spare pair of Gold Lions for it.
I was that impressed with Red Wine Audio that I eventually bought the 70.2 monoblocks and again was not disappointed with the end result. For the moment I am keeping the amps, but if any prospective buyer is interested in the full package I can offer a deal.
I have had 2years total enjoyment from this unit and I am offering it at £1600 delivered, which I believe to be a fair price for a world class DAC and pre amp, originally £4000 new.
Widely reviewed with overwhelmingly good comments, you could trawl the web for hours but here are a few :






28-09-2013, 12:37
Bump and price drop to £1500