View Full Version : YAQIN MS34D and 2.1 speakers set up

30-08-2013, 19:54
I would like to order several products but I need

first some information regarding the set up,

PSB Image B5,
Subwoofer Monitor Audio RX-W12 Silver.

I own YAQIN MS 34D tube amplifier (see its

back panel picture)., with 4 AUX inputs and

double impedance (4 and 8ohms) speakers


Now, how do I connect sub with speakers

together, since the amp does not have dedicated

sub out? I think I would to have a little Y


How do I set-up the sub, crossover, phase, low pass filter , EQ?

Thank you in advance

31-08-2013, 08:45
For connection you will need two Y connectors, one for each channel, or connect up via speaker cable - amp to sub then sub to speakers in a daisy chain. A lot of sub manufacturers recommend the latter method.

Once you have done that I 'm afraid everything else is trial and error. The sub needs to roll in where the speakers roll off so if you know roughly at what point the speakers start to droop in the bass that is the frequency to set the sub to as a starting point. Set volume about two thirds max on the sub.

I've never heard a difference mucking about with the phase but there are only two settings so easy to try both.

The big problem with 2.1 is that what sounds like the right setting with some music will sound too bassy with other material so there is a temptation to fiddle with the sub for every recording played. Ideally you should not be able to hear the sub at all until you switch it off, only then will you notice the contribution it was making.

Trying different locations in the room will also make a big difference. If you can start with placing the sub in a corner and then move it gradually out.

Hope that helps.

EDIT: I see PBs quote the speakers as flat down to 48 Hz so try starting with a cut off at 50 Hz and work your way down.