View Full Version : Cyrus aCA7 Pre-amp for Sale - £125 collected / £140 delivered

Ripley's Cat
29-08-2013, 10:11

Dear all,

I may well be barking up the wrong tree here, as I haven't stumbled across much mention of Cyrus amplification in my capacity as AoS lurker, but seeing as this forum 'did me good' for my last sale (thanks, Soulman), I feel it worthwhile to give it a bash before the inevitable sloping off to the 'Bay in a few days time (with tail between my legs . . .)

So, pretty much as title states - a fully working Cyrus aCA7 pre-amp for £125 collected from Lincolnshire, or £140 delivered to more densely populated areas of the U.K.

In excellent condition, although a tiny patch on one of the fins has been re-coated with Skoda Fabia black . . . (a pretty good match, to be fair!)

Includes fully working, clean and tidy remote control and 2 Cyrus link cables. Original box - a bit tatty, but serviceable and functional enough for Parcelforce. I can include the original two-pin IEC cable (double insulated appliance), but it is very, very short - or a longer 3-pin IEC cable, where the Earth pin does the square-root of naff all . . . A print-off of the user manual for the aCA7.5 (the replacement pre-amp) can be included, but most of the functions are of the common-sense variety.

A very clever bit of kit - and with an incredibly transparent approach to reproducing the audio signal - it has served me well for a decent period of time, coupled with my Net Audio Mk3-specced Quad 405, but an itch about the same size as a Quad 99 pre and a scratch about as big as my balance in my PayPal account means that I now have one too many pre-amps in the household . . .

Please give me a shout if any clarification is needed,



Ripley's Cat
30-08-2013, 06:26
Ye Gods,

Have created one of those Frankenstein's monster-inspired threads loved by no-one but it's creator . . . . ;)

So, off to the 'Bay she goes.

More than happy to end listing early and agree on sale through this fine site, if you were umming and arring . . .

Peace & Love,


Ripley's Cat
30-08-2013, 09:05

Phew . . . that was quick.

Love it when a plan comes together.
