View Full Version : ** Ban on all discussion of Richard Dunn (NVA) and The Hi-fi Subjectivist **

28-08-2013, 10:03
All members please read and familiarise yourselves with the new ruling:


Many thanks! :)


19-08-2017, 19:26
Just this once, simply to highlight Richard Dunn's hilarious hypocrisy and delusion, I decided to join HFS as "Bobby McSporran", to test the waters on just how much he would tolerate genuine criticism of him on the thread recently opened to discuss HIM as the subject, entitled: "Richard Dunn - what a nice handsome young man".

See here: https://hifisubjectivist.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=48634

Here is a copy of the few posts I managed to make before being (most surprisingly) banned, lol...

Hello Doc,

I have never once initiated conflict with anyone on the web, I have only replied to conflict initiated on me.

Interesting. You wrote yesterday, in reference to a certain Mr Pieraccini:

I think confrontation is a natural result of his ego. If he is challenged in any way it is all he can do to react, and not just about hi-fi. I really don't think he likes confrontation it is just his personality creates it all around him. This the reason for the control freak behaviour. He demands to control anyone he deals with.

Might the same also apply to you? As you also appear to enjoy controlling people

Although you may not intentionally initiate conflict or intend it, I think it's a by-product of your ego and your abrasive posting style. That's what annoys folk and causes the conflict you experience, which is why, as others have suggested, you should consider softening your posting style.

Let's face it, your personality rubs many people up the wrong way. IMO, you're also guilty of the same control freakery, as evidenced by how you moderate threads and remove anything that shows you up badly

You fling shit at me and I will fling a bigger lump back - that is the simple philosophy behind it.

Mr P seems to do the same, so why is it ok for you to adopt that philosophy but not him?


Why has my post been removed? More control freakery, Doc?


You've deleted my post again. Why are you trying to control me? Is it something to do with your low self-esteem??



...and finally:

A previously banned member has just been removed again.

I am afraid there are a few of them queuing, we are in for some daftness. But I suppose it is my fault for starting this thread. There will be some very short lived posts.

The snakeoilaudio crowd have been doing it at Audio Talk, Nick is now giving them short shift so they will try here.

No, you stupid old tit, it was me testing you to see how long I'd last hitting you where it hurts and highlighting your glaringly obvious hypocrisy and delusion. Must've been all of two minutes, before you lost it and banned me!! :lol::lol:

Not "daftness", but indisputable evidence proving how you control people (by deleting what you don't like and what shows you up badly), just the same as you claim I do, and most importantly, how your 'critique me' thread, on HFS, is a total sham.

You can't handle the truth and simply won't allow any criticism to stand that shows you up for what you are: a lying, insane, hypocritical old fool who accuses others of behaving *exactly* as he does, but when he does it, it's somehow entirely justified. Honestly, you couldn't make it up :D

Anyway, thanks for giving me the biggest laugh I've had in ages!

Now you know why it's *completely pointless* me joining your forum as me (as you've often suggested I should), because as is evidenced above, I'd last less than two minutes after telling you some home truths and showing you up as the total tool you are. It's not me who wouldn't be able to handle the experience, it's you! :eyebrows:


P.S The above response comes under the section of the rules entitled: 'In exceptional circumstances, however, I reserve the right to mention [RD and HFS]'. The 'exceptional circumstances' in question were I needed a laugh.

19-08-2017, 19:54
So Marco you were booted as Jammy, join again and give us some warning and you will be able to stay, as long as you stay within the rules.

You booted "Bobby McSporran" when he stayed within the rules, for criticising you, when YOU were the subject of the thread, so why would you not boot me for asking you the very same questions, and criticising you, just as 'Bobby' did?

Don't bother answering that, because there is no answer. I won't be wasting my time, so I'll pass, thanks. Point proven, job done! Cheerio :wave:
