View Full Version : This looks new: Speaker Purifier?

26-08-2013, 22:21

And what is "high frequency hash"?:confused:

Rare Bird
26-08-2013, 22:38

26-08-2013, 22:48
there's more! hmmm

maybe there is something to it, but it looks a bit like snake oil to me....

26-08-2013, 23:21

And what is "high frequency hash"?:confused:

These 'gizmos' will make an enormous difference if used as shown in the photograph! If you look, the bi-wireable speaker has had its links removed. A 'gizmo' is plugged into each set of terminals, yet only the upper pair have the speaker leads attached! Duh :doh:

27-08-2013, 00:31
I'm hugely disappointed to see they don't utilize technology based on quantum physics or string theory :(

As is stated on Russ' site its a zobel network in a box.... What it doesn't tell you is that a zobel network is simply a capacitor and resistor in series. I have taken the liberty of creating a diagram you can copy if you wish to make your own for £2 instead of buying one for £££.


The values in the diagram above are taken from the "OCOS" branded one's that used to sell for $99 :rolleyes:

27-08-2013, 05:45
There are also these :


27-08-2013, 08:58
There are also these :


if its ben duncan it must be good right?

Ali Tait
27-08-2013, 09:13
A lot of speakers and/or amps already have a Zobel fitted.

27-08-2013, 09:49
A lot of speakers and/or amps already have a Zobel fitted.

Thats what makes it so :lol:

27-08-2013, 10:45
At its most basic a Zobel network can be a cap and resistor in series, but they can be much more complicated than that and can be used as all/low/high/band pass filters as well as L-pad and other attenuator types. Typically though it's just a coil and a resistor or cap and resistor in series attached to the output of an amp.

If you have a SS Class A/B amp it likely has one in already, most Naim has, My Krell has, my Muse Model 200 has, my TAG's had. No point paying these pricks one cent.

Ammonite Audio
27-08-2013, 11:11
Martin Colloms tested the Russ Andrews speaker Zapperator some time ago and found it to have little effect with his normal reference system, but revisited it later when HiFi Critic did an extensive piece on speaker cables and the effects of RF interference. In that test, he was astounded to find that cheapo bell wire (awful sounding on its own) was elevated to something like "really quite good by any standard" when the Zapperator was added. So, as ever, YMMV and these things have to be highly system-dependent, but I would not be too hasty to dismiss them out of hand.