View Full Version : Cable talk 3

wee tee cee
20-08-2013, 17:55
Can any members pass comment on cable talk 3......seems to have a been re-launched anybody tried it yet..

Also just added a Croft 7 power amp to the stable and seeking suggestions for cabling that works well with it.....any advice appreciated.

20-08-2013, 18:01
Brian's got it Tony.
In his system it bettered the TQ Black he had in before. He sold the TQ and kept the Cable Talk.

Brought it over to mine, didn't sound QUITE as good as the TQ in my setup, but have to say its the closest any other cable has came to it.
When he brought it over it needed some burn in too.

If I was buying from scratch the Talk 3 is the one I would go for.

wee tee cee
20-08-2013, 18:07
was it the new stuff Brian has? I know the original stuff was very highly regarded..........how are is home brew interconnects coming along?

wee tee cee
20-08-2013, 18:15
I see hi fi pig has a review on the cards in the near future......im all ears!!!!!

20-08-2013, 18:20
Do you mean the Talk 3 cable that RFC sells?


If so, it's been around for quite a while now. I've had mine nearly a year and can't see a reason to change it ...

20-08-2013, 18:22
Hi mate , yes it's the new Cable Talk 3 I've got . I preferred it to the TQ black in my system . The home brew interconnects were very good but I decided to scratch an itch and buy some RFC hybrid Reference Pluto interconnects fitted with silver Eichmann plugs . I'm currently burning it in but it bettered my home made effort by quite a margin right off. I'll hopefully be comparing it with the TQ interconnects in my system on Thursday when Gary comes over to mines.

20-08-2013, 18:25
Can any members pass comment on cable talk 3......seems to have a been re-launched anybody tried it yet..

Also just added a Croft 7 power amp to the stable and seeking suggestions for cabling that works well with it.....any advice appreciated.

Re-launched around 3 years ago. It's my go-to choice for a sensibly priced cable.

wee tee cee
20-08-2013, 18:31
solid thumbs up from members with trusted opinions will order some up and see how I get on......thanks gents!

20-08-2013, 18:53
The only thing I have against it is the colour !!!

Why didn't they make it white ?

20-08-2013, 21:09
Tony , you have a PM buddy.

20-08-2013, 21:53
The only thing I have against it is the colour !!!

Why didn't they make it white ?

blackheads show easily perhaps !!


wee tee cee
21-08-2013, 07:48
Tony , you have a PM buddy.Replied to.....

wee tee cee
26-08-2013, 07:16
plumbed mine in last night between a croft 7/tisbury pre and spendor sp1s.........need to get some hours on them but they are very similar sonically to TQ black.
terminated them with sewel deadbolt bananas......initial impressions are excellent.

26-08-2013, 10:27
It's a good quality no nonsense 2.5mm 42 strand copper, in a dialetric that shouldn't react with the copper over time. I use the earlier Cable Talk Excel 4 (4.1 in fig-8 form) which I believe is directly related and it has a sonic quality that doesn't 'splatter' like other cheap speaker wires do. The new Talk 3 has a dummy third 'cable' in between the conductors which should add the tiniest bit of inductance according to the website.

For £4 a metre, how can you possibly NOT like it?

wee tee cee
26-08-2013, 11:34
its good regardless of price.....look forward to getting some hours on them.

26-08-2013, 11:56
need to get some hours on them but they are very similar sonically to TQ black.

£4 or £47 per metre for cables that 'sound' very similar? Tough decision that one!!

wee tee cee
26-08-2013, 13:43
remember to factor in the plugs......nearly £20 for 12 pairs!!!!!
terminated my TQ black with them, they sound fine to me (jumper lengths for my four temple mono blocks......TQ charge about £45 just for termination...... Mark grant did it for a fiver an end on my long run of black )

might be synergy thing with cables as Brain that recommended them uses a Eichman silver bullet terminated IC-PLUTO I think (he previously ran TQ black) . I am using one of MGs terminated with the same plug......maybe the wires work well with each other.

26-08-2013, 13:57
You have PM mate.

wee tee cee
26-08-2013, 14:00

26-08-2013, 14:17
remember to factor in the plugs......nearly £20 for 12 pairs!!!!!

Blimey that's a good haul - did you find them at a charity shop?!

I bought my set from Paul Coupe, terminated with the Talk Z plugs which are robust enough and have snug fit and nice feel about them. Never considered changing them...

wee tee cee
26-08-2013, 14:59
naw....... amazon, sewel banana plugs they do quite a variety......depending on application and cable thickness. i went for the deadbolts with the gold plating....great design and really easy to put on....12 pairs arrived next day bang for buck and simplicity of use i think you would struggle to better them.

27-08-2013, 11:47
Remember when Frank (Effem) posted about using his TQ Blue without any plugs, saying they sounded better than with the Z plugs?

Anyone tried the Cable Talk stuff naked so to speak? :)

wee tee cee
27-08-2013, 12:21
Tried TQ blue and black bare wire.....preferred both with the deadbolts ( had the TQ black on Belkin mini banana plugs but they didn't sound as transparent as the dead bolts, noticeable improvement in frequency extremes was quite apparent)

Didn't cross my mind to try the talk 3 bare.....

14-09-2013, 07:44
If anybody wants an easy fit for bare wire speaker cables don't forget the Mitchell plugs are still available.

14-09-2013, 07:55
I have the talk 3 from REFFC. Been using them for a while now. Replaced silly money flat chord cables (for cosmetic reasons). They were terminated with banana (type) plugs one end, spades the other for me by Paul. They have been great. Excellent value, well made, and great sound. (no flowery language - but I haven't bothered trying the chords again to see whether there are tiny differences. There was a significant difference from QED79)

They need a burn in time of 3, maybe 4 nanoseconds - like any other cable :)

wee tee cee
15-09-2013, 09:19
Your probably right regards burn of cables, for me its more about readjusting my ears to the change......I do however hear equipment change as it warms up.......thermal equilibrium ( thats pretty fancy patter on my part) after a couple of hours all my amps and statics seem to settle down.

15-09-2013, 12:03
Warm up of electronics is quite measurable, so no foo there. Even a then new Quad 33/303 took fifteen minutes to fully settle.......

PLEASE take care if using naked wire. Try not to get grwase from fingers on the strands and ensure no short-circuits, especially with speakers with bi-wire links to anchor as well..

wee tee cee
15-09-2013, 17:07
what does the grease from your fingers do? does it cause oxidisation (quicker than normal).....

Does deoxit or contact cleaner get round this?

15-09-2013, 17:22
Warm up of electronics is quite measurable, so no foo there. Even a then new Quad 33/303 took fifteen minutes to fully settle.......

PLEASE take care if using naked wire. Try not to get grwase from fingers on the strands and ensure no short-circuits, especially with speakers with bi-wire links to anchor as well..

Oh Evans - I'm not getting drawn into that again. For sure, some things will change with time. If cables do, I suspect it will be possible to push water uphill.

On that subject, I thought the laws of physics had indeed been turned on their heads this year on holiday. Near Foix, on the Ariege river we saw a sign which said "Teleski aquatique". My best translation for Sue was "Waterski button lift". I had visions of these guys getting dragged up the slope of the lake on their waterskis, to do a downhill run back again.

Actually, it was a series of tows on a revolving wire, which dragged the waterskiers along a preset path in the way a boat would have done, but without the need for the boat. Cunning blighters these Frenchies! :)

wee tee cee
15-09-2013, 20:48
Archimedes screw managed that a while ago.....