View Full Version : AVID Launch at Fanthorpes Hi-Fi

fanthorpes HiFi
20-08-2013, 15:43

After a successful start to our venture selling AVID Hi-Fi (http://www.fanthorpes.co.uk/p0/avid-turntables/418228.htm), we have arranged to officially kick things off with an event. We will be hosting this September 20th & 21st, with Mr Conrad Mas (the owner of AVID) taking the lead role, demonstrating his range of turntables, from Ingenium upto the Acutus, as well as the phono stages & accessories.

The demo's are scheduled for Friday 20th 6pm, Saturday 11am, 1pm & 3pm, we suggest that you contact us to book a place at the relevant time. This will take place in our newly refurbished demo facility, through the PMC Fact 12 & MF M8 amps.

Fetch your vinyl, or better still fetch your turntable to really hear what they are all about.

If you have any questions, please let me know.



fanthorpes HiFi
04-09-2013, 16:17
For those considering attending the show heres an insight as to how it will go...

The idea is demo just what difference the AVID Turntable makes - so we will be using SME 309 tonearms with Ortofon 2M Blue cartridges on three AVID decks - DIVA II SP £2600, Sequel £5500 & Acutus £10,000. All connected through MF M8700, M8 Pre & PMC FACT 12 - so the only variable will be the deck on each demo. We will have all AVID phono stages to listen to as a separate demo & a range of accessories.

We have plenty of space available Saturday but we are filling up on the Friday night - so if you are interested RSVP.

To join our mailing list for exclusive updates & offer please contact me.



04-09-2013, 16:46
Not the best dates as this coincides with the Whittlebury National Hi-Fi show.