View Full Version : Rupert Holmes - Partners In Crime

12-08-2013, 17:43
I listen to a lot of classic reggae and soul, mainly from the 70's to early 80's. Outside of that I do have a few albums I really enjoy, one of those is this album from '79. I find I reach for this one fairly often and always enjoy it. I used to play the obvious Pina Colada song but havnt for years as it's side two I play from start to end - Him, Answer machine (which I think is a clever little number), Get Out of Yourself ( I find cool and mellow). Am I on my own here or are there others who enjoy this album too ? - I'm curious :)

12-08-2013, 17:48
I've not listened to the album although the Pina Collada song is a guilty pleasure of mine. I'll give it a listen shortly if it is on Spotify ;)

12-08-2013, 20:09
I have it on LP and listen to it every now and then. A well produced album that oozes class in places.