View Full Version : Phonosophie fuses

wee tee cee
08-08-2013, 11:42
I have three for sale they retail for £67.50!!!!!

a couple of years old looking for about £30 each plus maybe £1.50 postage....

have loads of cables and bits and bobs that are sitting in drawers.......will post up when i get my list together.

wee tee cee
08-08-2013, 15:22
stick one in a cdp/active pre amp/head amp/ ss mono blocks power cord-for what ever reason they don't seem to do much to the sound of valve based amps.....cmon £30 i will pre snake oil them and dip them in unobtanium prior to postage.....

08-08-2013, 15:48
stick one in a cdp/active pre amp/head amp/ ss mono blocks power cord-for what ever reason they don't seem to do much to the sound of valve based amps.....cmon £30 i will pre snake oil them and dip them in unobtanium prior to postage.....

Thats 'cos they are JUST a piece of wire so how can they make a difference :steam: :brickwall:

08-08-2013, 15:55
Thats 'cos they are JUST a piece of wire so how can they make a difference :steam: :brickwall:

if thy made no difference no one would buy them and they would stop making them, they do and they don't

08-08-2013, 15:55
That was thoughtful of you.

08-08-2013, 16:02
I put 6 fuses in my Canor amp last week and whoa!

08-08-2013, 16:02
Thats 'cos they are JUST a piece of wire so how can they make a difference :steam: :brickwall:

I've just realised what iv'e been missing from facebook. a "Like" button :)

08-08-2013, 16:03
if thy made no difference no one would buy them and they would stop making them, they do and they don't

so you saying "dat dey do do dont dey"

I guess a fool and their money are easily parted

no more comment from me on this subject :door:

wee tee cee
08-08-2013, 16:12
sold pending payment

08-08-2013, 16:15
if thy made no difference no one would buy them and they would stop making them, they do and they don't

That is a bizarre piece of logic, implying that nobody ever buys into hype. People buy wishful thinking in many markets (look at diets). The phenomena is so well known it has been a legendary fairy tale for centuries - The Emporer's new clothes. The condition appears prevalent on this forum. Nobody wants to be the little boy who points out that in fact he isn't wearing a stitch, because then you are "outside" - one of the hoi-poloi, and not part of the inner sanctum.

A good answer is "they work and I can prove it. Let me organise a properly conducted blind trial and show you." Another good answer would be a scientific explanation as to how they might work. Otherwise - it's the old snake oil approach. Hail the Reverend Moon. :doh:

There are more than a few on this forum with engineering and scientific skills - I haven't noticed any of them springing to the defence of the "mystical" aspects like mains fuses. I hope to attempt a proper test of a mains cable when I get back to Blighty - providing I can identify a product which the faithful agree is expected to pass the test. Meantime, I am happy for somebody else to provide a proper credible proof.

08-08-2013, 16:16

The Grand Wazoo
08-08-2013, 16:27
This is a sales thread - we have a rule and an expectation that members don't crap on them.
If you have something to say that is not directly related to the sale, then please start another thread and say it there.

08-08-2013, 16:35
This is a sales thread - we have a rule and an expectation that members don't crap on them.
If you have something to say that is not directly related to the sale, then please start another thread and say it there.

Fair point - many appologies if I "crapped on the thread"

wee tee cee
08-08-2013, 16:46
sold......i believe some people pay money to be crapped on......not too sure if the thread enjoyed it though! takes all types i suppose!!!!!

08-08-2013, 17:56
sold......i believe some people pay money to be crapped on......

I trust nothing too deep should be concluded by that remark :rolleyes:......or should it?