View Full Version : Quo not that bad?

Gordon Steadman
06-08-2013, 14:20
I was reading the Guardian today (as some of us do) and saw that Black Sabbath are touring again but are going to leave their drummer out as he is too fat. No comment to make about that but as my only introduction to metal was my wife taking me to see Judas Priest before we got married (and I still married her:doh:) I felt the need to see what all the fuss was about, so into YouTube and sat and listened. And sat.... and sat........ not a part of my body moved except for the mouth curling at the edges in distaste.

I've decided that Quo aren't so bad after all:lol: at least they don't take themselves seriously and I tend to stamp a bit and grin.

I've decided that discussing taste in music, hi-fi and probably anything is a waste of time. Apart from the fact that mine is better than yours of course:eyebrows:

06-08-2013, 16:41
I heard recently that Quo are planning to use 57's for their stage monitors :lol:

Gordon Steadman
06-08-2013, 17:33
I heard recently that Quo are planning to use 57's for their stage monitors :lol:

They might as well, deaf old gits the pair of them.

06-08-2013, 17:44
Status Quo - 1973 - Manchester Free Trade Hall.

One of the best concerts of my life, they were shit hot at this point, and the hall was shaking. Proper heads down no nonsense boogie.

Saw them a year later at the much bigger Belle Vue venue and the rot had started to set in by then.


06-08-2013, 18:17
Status Quo - 1973 - Manchester Free Trade Hall.

One of the best concerts of my life, they were shit hot at this point, and the hall was shaking. Proper heads down no nonsense boogie.

Saw them a year later at the much bigger Belle Vue venue and the rot had started to set in by then..

Quo? Same old tired old dirge like rhythms over and over. I expect the granny groupies still love 'em. I never did!

Gordon Steadman
06-08-2013, 18:32
Quo? Same old tired old dirge like rhythms over and over. I expect the granny groupies still love 'em. I never did!

What 12 bar blues isn't when it really comes to it?

I came to the Quo late, too late fortunately:) but why knock a bit of fun?

06-08-2013, 18:48
but why knock a bit of fun?

A bit of fun for some maybe. But everything is up for knocking depending on your point of view.

Me, I'd sooner spend some time nailing my fingers to a bench than listen to the Quo! :eyebrows:

06-08-2013, 18:49
Never really been a Quo fan although In The Army Now is a pretty decent track. Not seen them live...

06-08-2013, 19:09
The Quo live 40 years ago were bloody ace, a million miles away from the pantomine act they became.

I don't own a single Quo recording.

I thought they were good on Coronation Street mind :)


Gordon Steadman
06-08-2013, 19:45
There was me thinking that Sabbath were pretty boring compared with Quo!!!!

I have a friend who 'collects' music. Not sure if he listens but I have been helping him transfer all his tapes and CDs to his Mac. He lives in the UK so I tend to keep all the music on a hard disk here and then just give him all the files when he is over here.

So, naturally enough, I also tend to pop a copy into my collection too.

I have just tried to listen to Beethoven again after all these years. The piano concertos, violin concertos etc. I suspect I will shortly nod off. My wife says it sounds like the notes are just chucked in the air and written down as they fall (bit like Bowie then!!)


Ah.... back to Bach and a bit of sanity:)

06-08-2013, 19:58
I've decided that discussing taste in music, hi-fi and probably anything is a waste of time.
Hmmm, maybe, maybe not - depends on your audience I guess :scratch:

I'm not interested in gear anymore now that I have a sound I'm content with, never really been into gear TBH and my taste in music seems at odds with the majority here, but I often find a little gem every now and then, which makes sticking around worth it - discussing it though . . . . hahaha, well that should be avoided at times, especially cables or file based audio . . I mean computers sound shite, how can they make good music :lol:

06-08-2013, 22:53
Hmmm, maybe, maybe not - depends on your audience I guess :scratch:

I'm not interested in gear anymore now that I have a sound I'm content with, never really been into gear TBH and my taste in music seems at odds with the majority here, but I often find a little gem every now and then, which makes sticking around worth it - discussing it though . . . . hahaha, well that should be avoided at times, especially cables or file based audio . . I mean computers sound shite, how can they make good music :lol:

I agree with much of this. :)

07-08-2013, 19:29
I'm afraid Def Leppard all the way guys... Although the Quo never hurt nobody :)

11-08-2013, 23:04
A bit of fun for some maybe. But everything is up for knocking depending on your point of view.

Me, I'd sooner spend some time nailing my fingers to a bench than listen to the Quo! :eyebrows:


I'm afraid Def Leppard all the way guys... Although the Quo never hurt nobody :)

Yes, I'm partial to a little 'Pyromania' myself...

12-08-2013, 04:29
Sabbath any time over Quo for me. Never was a Judas Priest fan either

12-08-2013, 17:59
I'm afraid I like Black Sabbath (I have a ticket for December), Judas Priest, and although I'm not keen on the novelty act they've turned into, 'Status Quo - Quo' is a monster of an album! :rock: