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View Full Version : Album Club Week 103 - 23.07.2013: The Graceless Age - John Murry - 2013

Album Club
23-07-2013, 07:30
The Graceless Age - John Murry - 2013

Many thanks to Baz (Bazil) for supplying this week's album.


I can't give much background to this album choice as it and the artist were totally new to me.
John Murry an American singer song writer, there are lots of them and I have ignored 99% of them. This was recommended to me and I liked it instantly, its very addictive.
As can be seen on the advert this is a highly rated album. I hope you enjoy it :)


John Murry's Wiki-page is here. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Murry_(musician))
His own website is here (http://www.johnmurry.com/home.cfm)


23-07-2013, 09:28
Superb choice Baz - I could vote now as I have this, but I will play it again before I vote. I saw John at my local venue in January and he's playing there again in Sept, can't wait :)
This is a superb début album with a lot of Chuck Prophet influence/similarities.

If anyone likes this the Limited Edition double CD is sold out most places, but still available via Bandcamp (http://johnmurry.bandcamp.com/album/the-graceless-age)

There are some great videos on YouTube too, for those that don't have Spotify and you can also play the entire album on Bandcamp via the link above.


I really like this one too;


and more . . . (http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=john+murry+the+graceless+age+&oq=john+murray+&gs_l=youtube.1.2.0l2j0i10j0l7.1860.1860.0.3680.1.1 . N6jbZmI)

23-07-2013, 12:40
I am quite liking this. I like his sense of storytelling and slightly quirky slant. I generally find it hard to handle pop, but this has its own kind of edge to it that keeps me engaged.
I vote latter when I have time to listen to the whole album.
Reminds me a bit of people like Tom Watts and Nick Cave which for me is a good thing

23-07-2013, 13:08
John Murry an American singer song writer, there are lots of them and I have ignored 99% of them.
Quite possibly one of my favourite AoS quotes of all time . . . love it.

I have played it twice today and am torn between an 8 or 9. I'll spin it again before finally deciding, but I think it deserves a good score as its a début.

23-07-2013, 17:03
Thanks for the link Tim I've ordered the special edition, you also get a download in the format of your choice.

Track 7 Southern Sky really got under my skin I couldn't stop playing it, then the rest kicked, most of the tracks have an addictive hook.

24-07-2013, 09:30
I'm giving it a solid 8/10 Baz, if there was an option it would be 8.5/10, but it just misses a 9.

Could be a hard sell on AoS though, despite it being an excellent album with some superb song-writing - Americana doesn't seem to suit the old codgers :lol:

If you like this, give Chuck Prophet a go (his latest, Temple Beautiful is good), also try Richmond Fontaine, The High Country was in my top ten albums of 2011 but all his work is good.

Thanks for the nudge too, I had not played this for awhile. My favs are California, Southern Sky and Little Colored Balloons, but TBH I don't think there is a duff track on the album. The bonus disc is great too ;)

25-07-2013, 12:21
Could be a hard sell on AoS though, despite it being an excellent album with some superb song-writing - Americana doesn't seem to suit the old codgers :lol:

Well it doesn't suit me either hence my comment on ignoring 99% of American singer songwriters but I'm so glad I gave this one a listen because it will become one of those "old friend" albums.

25-07-2013, 18:07
I am going to give it a 7

25-07-2013, 19:34
Thanks John for giving it a go.

29-07-2013, 19:30
Thanks for the nudge too, I had not played this for awhile. My favs are California, Southern Sky and Little Colored Balloons, but TBH I don't think there is a duff track on the album. The bonus disc is great too ;)

Yes it is, the songs haven't got a hook like the others but its like an album on its own, JM has one of those vocals that can carry a song.

29-07-2013, 22:26
JM has one of those vocals that can carry a song.
. . . . he sure has ;)

Some of the very finest music at the moment is coming out of places like Nashville and it amazes me that firstly people dismiss it without giving it a try, or that they call it Country & Western :lol:
Then again it seems some people view 'music' as a test signal!

Hey ho, each to theirs . . .

09-09-2013, 22:39
Good album Baz, is almost certainly gonna go on my 'to-buy' list :)

11-09-2013, 14:59
Glad you like it Paul, I've just got myself a vinyl copy as well as the limited CD, Its sooo addictive.

14-09-2013, 14:53
Its sooo addictive.

This is sooooo true :)

17-09-2013, 06:05
A new voice, someone I haven't heard of and not bad at all. I need another listen but this gets a solid 7/10 for me.

17-09-2013, 08:52
Crikey that was a bit of an ordeal, I feel a trip to Beachy Head coming on, truly not my cup of tea this one. To me it was one, long monotonous croak with hardly any variety at all, not helped by the fact that every song on this album appears to be in the same key. I found it to be formulaic and just a teensy bit boring I'm afraid, sorry Baz 3/10