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View Full Version : Sony PS 6750

04-05-2009, 09:08
Hi everyone. :)

So I have the chance to pick up a Sony PS 6750 for cheap, and was wondering if anyone has any experience with this deck? I'm currently using a stock SL1210MK5 that I intend to modify (either KAB or Timestep PSU mainly, then tonearm etc) but I'm thinking of getting the Sony as a "backup" if its decent enough (ie. comparable to the SL1200's) . Any thoughts?


Dave Cawley
04-05-2009, 09:30
A truly superb deck with a carbon fibre arm. Buy it, no; buy it now!

I ran one with a Dynavector Ruby Karat, lovely.... :kiss:




04-05-2009, 09:57
It's a very long time ago now, but Sony made some good decks during this period, even if they didn't sound like an LP12......

The one to really look out for is the PS8750, although again, I doubt that many were sold in the UK sadly due to the incursion of the Scottish terror.....

I'd echo Dave's recommendation above. Grab it, site it carefully (we were ignorant of specialist supports back then) and enjoy it with feeling :)

P.S. Some of these decks sounded good due to fortuitous good luck with the engineering. Sadly, the UK market went all "springy belt drive" for a decade or two (LP12 and it's cousins, Oracle etc) and the decent Japanese decks which replaced the Sony's like this never came further west than Germany. The same thing happened with the top end CD players too - all we got were the budget ones later on...

04-05-2009, 11:22
One of the best decks I ever owned. I gave it to my brother last year since I had three turntables and he had none to play his records on. It goes for peanuts on eBay, which is just as well. If its true worth was known to the wider community I reckon it would go for at least £300.

04-05-2009, 11:34
Looks like I'll be getting it then. Thanks for the help everyone! I'll post again (with pics) after I've received it and set it up. :)


04-05-2009, 20:20
Looks the biz!


04-05-2009, 22:14
Noice :)

What happens if something irreplacable goes 'pop', though... Nice ornament, maybe? ;)


05-05-2009, 05:50
Marco, even humans are not considered irreplaceable:).

05-05-2009, 10:27
How true, Stanley. I was being rather facetious ;)

It's just that personally I'd *really* hate loving the presentation of a particular T/T and then suddenly find myself in the position of not having that pleasure anymore due to the above. That's why as far as D/D goes I own a 1210 and not something 'great but obsolete'.

Most things can be fixed though, so I'm probably being slightly too pessimistic! Does anyone know if there are still parts available for the PS 6750?


Dave Cawley
05-05-2009, 12:03

This all time great DD turntable with a hi-tech carbon fibre arm is repairable and doesn't use any difficult to get parts. I whish I hadn't sold mine. :kiss:




05-05-2009, 12:16
That's good to know, Dave, and just the kind of info I was looking for! It effectively removes the risk factor - nice one :)
