View Full Version : DENON DV2900 fault

18-07-2013, 21:28
anyone had any experience of on of these dvd/cd/sacd players not playing cd's///plays scad's and dvd's ok......does it have 2 different lasers??

19-07-2013, 06:37
Grant. Occasionally my 2900 will not read some CDs. Never had a problem with SACD or DVD-A. I assume it is faulty CDs, but it is more than likely the CD laser.

Found this link, may be useful.



19-07-2013, 06:39
It is a common fault on earlier Denon DVD/sacd players and some Marantz SACD players which share the same mechanism and laser with the Denon.

The laser is a single unit containing both laser systems within one single case. I own a Marantz SACD and have had to replace the laser a number of times, my player was getting moderate use, their life expectancy was roughly a year to two years.

From recollection they use a Hitachi Hop1200 laser which is a available in three different variants, Hop1200r, s and w or W/b (you would need to determine which one your player has by looking and comparing with the one which is currently fitted, they are electrically extremely similar but vary slightly in their case sizes and heights). If you are going to attempt to replace the laser they are readily available on ebay and are factory set in terms of focus and other parameters, they do not require any additional setup when installing. The only caveat, they do have soldered link or links which have to be removed once installed to make the laser function (these protect the laser diode in transit and from static in handling)

the link that Prestonchipfryer has posted is first class and gives clear pictures and text of what to expect

19-07-2013, 13:08
thanks to both, it does show all 0,s.....I guess I might manage that when I get a bit more mobility.....

although it might be as cheap just getting another one.

09-09-2013, 18:46
an update on this......I was, and may still fix this later but managed to buy a brand new nos 2900 for 99£.......thought that was a snip....in gold as well...:):eek:

17-09-2013, 18:09
an update on this......I was, and may still fix this later but managed to buy a brand new nos 2900 for 99£.......thought that was a snip....in gold as well...:):eek:

I had one of those that had the exact same fault, after two replacement lasers I gave up on it. Bloody good when it worked though (which it did for many years) and £99 is an utter bargain!

If you really want to hear what it can do, fit an Audiocom super clock and replace the 78xx regulators with some super-reg's. Stunning!

17-09-2013, 18:24
I gave up on my old one too...fitted a new Laser but the fault persistedon cds.....also the tray had started to stick if a disc was not in the tray....took t to the dump today.
the new one is working very nicely and I think I will resist the temptation to monkey with it in case I knacker it. going to keep it in the main system for now and retain my pioneer cd player for the 2nd system.
TBH I am using the laptops with th async dacs more and more playing flac with wasapi out which I personally find very good, and clean...in some recordings I am hearing stuff I never did before.