View Full Version : Ruark templar

04-07-2013, 22:52
Just wondering are ruark templars mk1 any good? any feedback on them would be great.

05-07-2013, 07:21
Just wondering are ruark templars mk1 any good? any feedback on them would be great.

Yup, heard them back in the day a few times, great speakers in my opinion, if the price is right for you buy!

05-07-2013, 09:08
What are you planning on replacing with these ?

05-07-2013, 17:30
What are you planning on replacing with these ?
Tannoy autograph mini's

Magna Audio
05-07-2013, 18:24
Like all the Ruark speakers I've heard they are good in there field / against competition on price.
In the right sized room they are very good. Nice mid range and well balanced treble.

For larger rooms you need bigger. The Talismans and even bigger Crusaders are the ticket there but of course cost more.

05-07-2013, 18:38
Very favourable review from Stereophile here: http://www.stereophile.com/floorloudspeakers/1295ruark/

05-07-2013, 20:12
Okay im going for a pair of Ruark talisman lll's

The Outcast
07-07-2013, 15:05
I have has many Ruark speakers and loved them all. I do however hold the original Templar in very high regard. On the end of Exposure VI/ VII/ Super VIII they were amazing. Very electrostatic type transparency and for such a diminuative speaker packed a hell of a punch. I later used mine with Beard CA506 and P100 mk2 and the Templars were astounding. By comparison the mk2 verion wehere wanting. With regard to the Talisman III just be very careful with matching your existing gear with the ribbon tweeter. In addition, don't be fooled by there size, they like a lot of juice as do the Crusader's. Hope this helps. The only ones in the Ruark range i would recommend seeking out should you intend to use a valve amp is the Paladins which are a match made in heaven.



Rare Bird
07-07-2013, 15:27
Still on Ruark
If you ever get chance at a pair of early 80's Diesis 'Solitaire' speekerz they were great, i liked mine when i had em. If you own an old Fluted 'LP12' they are a perfect visual match i guess.

I was using a Logic 'DM101', Onix 'OA21', Diesis 'Solitaire' at the time..worlds apart from what i'd use these days..

07-07-2013, 18:21
They are the mk2 version not mk3 so thats a bonus and they do sound lovely,im using them with my Quad 66 CDP and Quad 33pre and 303 power amp :)

The Outcast
08-07-2013, 16:27

08-07-2013, 16:33
I got some Templars for a friend's system in a small (11'x12') room where they work perfectly with tight bass and no boom even against the wall. They are very good speakers, don't know what make the tweeters are but they are superb.

Jason P
10-07-2013, 10:24
I had a pair of Templars for a while - wonderful speakers. Huge soundstage and very transparent - and sounded excellent at low volumes too. Had to get rid of them cause the woman in the flat below complained of excessive noise, even though my system was down low - and sure enough for some reason they did transmit a lot of bass through the floorboards. So they reluctantly went to be replaced by Sabre IIs. Not quite as good but more neighbour friendly!