View Full Version : Direct Drive Options

24-06-2013, 21:11
Looking for a turntable and want to know what models I should look for?

I see many use SL1210 but think they need modding to sound good, would prefer something that's good to go. Budget is sub £500 so please recommend suitable TTs.

24-06-2013, 21:14
Hi James,

You could do a lot worse than a Pioneer PL-71. Superb T/Ts that need next to nothing done to them, in order to produce a superb sound :)

Btw, where in the UK are you?


rubber duck
24-06-2013, 21:27
I see many use SL1210 but think they need modding to sound good, would prefer something that's good to go.

The standard SL1200 is actually quite a good deck!

24-06-2013, 21:46
The PL-71 is what I'd like but the don't come up much and are really a little pricey for me at the moment.

I'd really like to find something for £250 if possible.

24-06-2013, 22:04
Have one of these that needs some tlc.


24-06-2013, 22:20
Chelsea drop me a PM as I'm interested.

Any other ideas?

24-06-2013, 22:53
I use one of these with a Mission 774 arm and ZYX R100 H2 and it sounds superb!

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TOSHIBA-SR370-DIRECT-DRIVE-TURNTABLE-C-W-REGA-RB250-nad-/181163738546?pt=UK_AudioTVElectronics_HomeAudioHiF i_Turntables&hash=item2a2e3345b2

25-06-2013, 08:39
Anyone give tips on how to fix speed issues on a Sony PS-X7?

Seems the PL-71 is the one to get though!

25-06-2013, 09:03
It's maybe worth thinking about where you want to go? If this is a first dabble (and it sounds like it) and, heaven forbid - like some of the rest of us, you get the bug and want to upgrade, there are a lot of straightforward options for the Technics models. OK - they can turn a £250 deck into a £2000+ deck, but that money buys some big improvements. I guess if you get the bug and have a Sony you can always sell it and buy something more readily upgradeable, but , in the context of £250 s/h turntables, rather than £5000+ super decks, the SL1200 is a nice little machine. No real vices - just a bit dull sounding. But it doesn't cost £5,000...

Of course, it also begs the question - why direct drive? For a couple of hundred quid or so there is a lot to be said for a 2nd hand RP2 (preferably RP3) with an easy first upgrade option of a better mat (unless you like the sound you get from the felt one)

Just a thought :)

25-06-2013, 09:08
The PL-71 is what I'd like but the don't come up much and are really a little pricey for me at the moment.

I'd really like to find something for £250 if possible.

Hi James,

No worries, mate. Where in the UK are you? We like a bit more info on profiles here than simply "United Kindgom". So what area are you in or what's your nearest big town? :)


25-06-2013, 10:42
Hmmm...direct drive...£250.....

Sounds like a Sony PS-6750 is called for. I keep looking at the gap where mine used to reside and wondering why I sold it. :rolleyes:

Magna Audio
25-06-2013, 14:56
I have a PL-71 I've been thinking of selling.

Nice nick, good lid, arm rewired with Litz tonarm wire and I've done all the caps on the power PCB and motor board, as well as the switches that played up on mine and a friends too.

Other than this maintenance, no other mods are needed. Arm is good for Denon 103 or SPU's too.

How much do they go for / would you be interested?

25-06-2013, 16:53
Profile updated.

Think I'm going to wait for a PL-71 or maybe a nice SL1210 what would the first and not too expensive mods be to a SL1210?

25-06-2013, 17:03
The simplest and cheapest? Replace that horrible rubber mat.

The Grand Wazoo
25-06-2013, 17:14
Think I'm going to wait for a PL-71

James, did you see what Steve wrote directly above your last post?

25-06-2013, 17:17
Yeah I've sent the man a PM as I'm interested.

25-06-2013, 17:18
I have a PL-71 I've been thinking of selling.

Nice nick, good lid, arm rewired with Litz tonarm wire and I've done all the caps on the power PCB and motor board, as well as the switches that played up on mine and a friends too.

Other than this maintenance, no other mods are needed. Arm is good for Denon 103 or SPU's too.

How much do they go for / would you be interested?


One sold a couple of weeks ago on ebay with all packaging/box for about £425! Even I was surprised! They are starting to go up in price now and don't come up for sale that often.

I've replaced the caps in the PSU regulator circuit on mine but still have to do those on the motor board. Can you remember what values the motor board caps were Steve?

I really do love mine! It's so '70s in its appearance and I love the walnut finish on the plinth. Don't think I'll be letting it go anytime soon!

25-06-2013, 17:20
Profile updated.

Thanks James :)


26-06-2013, 06:14
As has been said there's not a lot wrong with a standard Techie 1210 if you stick a nice mat on it and, say, a Sumiko headshell (depending on the cartridge(s) you use).
Just because people spend £100s or £1000s modding them doesn't mean they are bad as standard. They are very good value for the price paid. It just takes them into higher price brackets, where hopefully you get what you paid for!

I'd recommend trying a Reso-mat and something like a Herbie mat on a stock Techie - very different approaches to supporting a record and quite a different sonic presentation.
Play around with supports, too - hard cones, squishy things etc - lots of gains to be had there for not a lot of ££. See what approach you prefer.

For me, the first thing I'd spend more money on (other than the above quite cheap extras) is a better phonostage! ;) I think very worthwhile and cost effective gains are often to be had there. ... oops, just noticed the pun -> gain ... phonostage ... :o

It's not just about the Techie 1200/1210 and the ol' Pioneer PL-71, though. I've owned or heard quite a few Jap direct drives and enjoyed them all. Denon, Mitsubishi, JVC, other Pioneers (PL600, PL505 ...) .... :thumbsup: .... and Sony as reccied by Adam, a Luxman (hmm, OK, I didn't like the Luxman). My current Techie 150ii sounds good, too. :)

26-06-2013, 06:29
& if you want to 'cheap out' my old Mitsubishi auto direct drive is for sale elsewhere as its new owner decided to change direction with his whole system - I reckon he'd probably take £100 for it! ;) Superb value.

Magna Audio
26-06-2013, 11:27

One sold a couple of weeks ago on ebay with all packaging/box for about £425! Even I was surprised! They are starting to go up in price now and don't come up for sale that often.

I've replaced the caps in the PSU regulator circuit on mine but still have to do those on the motor board. Can you remember what values the motor board caps were Steve?

I really do love mine! It's so '70s in its appearance and I love the walnut finish on the plinth. Don't think I'll be letting it go anytime soon!

The 4 smallest are 4.7uf. The other can be read off easily enough.
Here they are all replaced...
http://i727.photobucket.com/albums/ww272/speedysteve7/hifi/PL-71/PL-71motorboard.jpg (http://s727.photobucket.com/user/speedysteve7/media/hifi/PL-71/PL-71motorboard.jpg.html)