View Full Version : Allnic Verito Z MC Cartridge

08-06-2013, 12:18
Excellent moving coil cartridge that's pretty uncommon here in the UK.

Very low hours, in fact it's a bit wasted on me as I've hardly used it all. (and I could do with the cash to put towards something else I badly need! :()

Some info here: http://dagogo.com/allnic-verito-z-cartridge-review



This might be the 'baby' of Allnic's cartridges but still costs a couple of grand new.... Asking £1100 ono to include RM special delivery


08-06-2013, 12:32
Hi Mikey,

How's it going? I hope you are well :)

Having heard the Allnic H-3000V phono stage recently in a friend's system, where I concluded that it was unquestionably THE finest phono stage I've ever heard, I can well imagine that your Verito Z is a corker!!

I'd suggest, therefore, that this is a high-end bargain for someone, and liable to produce a sound that few other cartidges can match. Good luck with the sale, dude! :cool:


08-06-2013, 12:37
Hi Marco,

I'm well thanks! :)

You're right, it's a hell of a cartridge but at the moment I need to raise funds towards an amp that can drive my Soundlabs properly, so watch out for a lovely pair of 211 monoblock amps coming up for sale soon! :eek:

08-06-2013, 13:10
Nice one, Mike. Glad to hear that you're doing ok. Yup, someone's in for a treat with your Verito. I reckon it'd actually work superbly in Martin T's system, on the end of his Dynavector, especially through those Hashimoto SUTs... Maybe he might treat himself? ;)

Look forward to seeing the 211s! :cool:


08-06-2013, 17:52
Maybe he might treat himself?

Well, if he fancies it, I'm sure we could 'negotiate'! ;)

12-06-2013, 18:08
Withdrawn from sale....

I've had enough of time wasting clowns! :rolleyes:

12-06-2013, 20:16
That is a shame Mike, these are great cartridges and this one is a bargain at the asking price, would love to have it myself but no funds at the moment.



14-06-2013, 15:58
Hi Nigel,

That is a shame Mike,

Well, yes and no... at least I get to keep it! :D

I might still consider parting with it if a serious buyer made a sensible offer! My phono stage doesn't do it justice, hence not using it much. I've heard it in a mate's system and know what it can do though, so I don't really mind hanging on to it until I can upgrade to something that can make the most of it. I'd be interested to hear from anyone wanting to swap a cheaper cartridge (to keep me going) plus cash? :)

Time wasters wanting to buy it for shitpunce, or an exchange for some dental floss and an old bog brush, need not apply! :nono:


Audio Al
14-06-2013, 16:06
Time wasters wanting to buy it for shitpunce, or an exchange for some dental floss and an old bog brush, need not apply!


14-06-2013, 16:55
Blimey Mike
An Alien! Does that mean I have to re-write my tone-arm thesis on the Lenco - Technics thread :doh:

14-06-2013, 16:57
I'd be interested to hear from anyone wanting to swap a cheaper cartridge (to keep me going) plus cash? :)

You have a PM


14-06-2013, 18:42

Glad you liked it, Al, I'm in a sarcastic but 'jovial' mood! :D

14-06-2013, 18:44
Had one interesting offer so far... anyone else? :)

Another thought occurred to me, anybody out there got a valve pre-amp they might like to p/x or swap? :eyebrows: Just an idea! ;)

14-06-2013, 18:51
You have another pm;)

14-06-2013, 21:23
This genuinely made me laugh out loud.....

Offering an old bog brush is bad form, but I have a NOS one, genuine boar-bristle. Doubles as a record brush. Interested?

Brilliant, I like that sort of stuff, definitely not in my definition of "time waster"! :D

19-06-2013, 17:59
OK, one last go, and it's really worth me going any lower than this, I'll be better off just keeping it....

How about £875 Inc. postage?

19-06-2013, 18:15
If no-one bites at that price, Mike, it's time to give it up! :doh:

The problem with these types of products is the 'unknown quantity' factor. If it'd been a boring Lyra, Ortofon, Dynavector, etc, someone would've snapped it up by now... However, those who know just how good Allnic products are, know that your Verito is, sonically, in an entirely different league from the aforementioned cartridges!

So come on folks, if you *really* want an utter BARGAIN, for a truly high-end cartridge, get yer wallets opened and buy this Verito before someone else luckier than you lands it!!!


19-06-2013, 19:01
Thanks for the endorsement, Marco! :)

This is probably a "one night offer" as I'm already getting cold feet...... I think it's going back into the PU7 tomorrow! :D

19-06-2013, 19:04
I don't blame you, dude. It's stupidly cheap at that price. No worries, just tellin' it as it is :)


Sand Dancin Donkey Walker
20-06-2013, 14:40
Hi Guys

I am the 'mate' Mike is referring to.
Have had this Allnic cartridge in my setup. Sounded bloody great too. It gave my current Mysonic Eminent cartridge a real run for it's money.
If I didn't already have too many cartridges I would be buying this myself.
A great price for this cartridge as well.

Andy - SDDW

20-06-2013, 20:10
Absolutely my last offer!

Anyone at £800 plus postage? :scratch:

Audio Al
20-06-2013, 20:23
I would love it , but alas already had a big spending session :eek:

Hope it finds a new home soon ;)

20-06-2013, 20:35

You have a pm.


20-06-2013, 21:31
Deal sorted!

Thanks chaps.....

20-06-2013, 21:34
:yay: :yay:

I doubt you'll regret it, Nigel!


20-06-2013, 21:38
Thanks Marco,

Just have to decide which turntable/arm to mount it on, will it work in my Zeta I ask?


20-06-2013, 21:41
What's the choice of T/Ts and which phono stage will you be using? The Zeta should be fine, but much will depend on the compliance of the Verito :)


The Grand Wazoo
20-06-2013, 21:42
Congratulations to all concerned!

20-06-2013, 22:03
Thanks Guys,

Will fit it to the Zeta or 12 inch Jelco on to slate plinth Garrard 401, Silk step up traffo into tweaked World Design phono 3S, also have the option of solid state custom built 3 box phono stage, I will just suck it and see, should be better than my Shelter 501mk2 by a country mile.
