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View Full Version : Tannoy DC2000 'darkness'

07-06-2013, 16:58
Ok, I got hold of a set of DC2000s with a knackered tweeter unit. Well, tweeter is now repaired. However, I did notice the previous owner only had the links on the LF taps when I bought them. I am now listening and they sound a little dark and closed in, could the lack of the HF taps being linked cause components in the crossover to 'go off'?
If so, any tips to get them singing again?



Ali Tait
07-06-2013, 18:32
Not sure what you mean. Are these speakers bi wireable?

07-06-2013, 19:29
The two black input terminals need to be linked as do the two red terminals as per thumbnail photo.

07-06-2013, 19:57
Yeah, I did that. Sorry, I was penning the original post hurriedly! They are biwireable, and I have linked the blacks and reds. i did notice, however that the last owner had the two LF taps bired but not the HF taps. I'm wondering if he was listening to them only in the LF. If so, could the components in the crossover need breaking back in and if so, how ( I think the answer is obvious!)?

07-06-2013, 23:34
Let us know how it goes.

09-06-2013, 19:05
Sorted! I just played a few hours of music through them a little louder than I usually do. They opened up nicely, although I think the Tannoy sound is not for me. I'll stick with the Elas.

09-06-2013, 19:07
Sorted! I just played a few hours of music through them a little louder than I usually do. They opened up nicely, although I think the Tannoy sound is not for me. I'll stick with the Elas.

If you want to pass them on..give me a price maybe we could do a deal

09-06-2013, 19:18
Dan, I was about to put them on the 'bay. If you fancy them I'll pm you some details.

09-06-2013, 19:22
Dan, I was about to put them on the 'bay. If you fancy them I'll pm you some details.

Sure PM me some details etc..

09-06-2013, 19:26
DC2000's couldn't be more opposite to ELA's if they tried. The ELA's in my little room (at the time) sounded thin and shrill, but very pleasant in the shop. The Tannoys in a room that likes ELA's will be heavy-toned I suspect...

A prospective client insisted that we let him borrow some Sonus faber Cremona Auditors (the little stand mounted ones). Extremely reluctant to do so as he used ELA's, but the client was insistant he was ready to buy. Inevitably, they came back after a good long weekend (probably got his mates round for a bakeoff) because they had "Too much bass.." Actually, it was a slightly soft mid-bass that was the trouble, but there you go..

Seriously, to get something 'better' than ELA's in a room they like is going to be tricky. I think they're more than good enough to take severe upgrades backstream of them as they'll gain in authority and 'power,' and no doubt there's a lot you could do to take you there :)

09-06-2013, 19:43
That's interesting Dave, they are as you say, chalk and cheese! Thanks.

Martyn Miles
25-03-2016, 19:24
My brother has asked me to sell a pair of DC2000s for him.
After a repair to the terminals on one speaker I gave them a listen.
No Harbeth, but there was 'something', if you get my drift.

I took them to a friend, who's a sound engineer, and we ended up running them using a passive
preamp. and a Quad 405.
A bit 'shouty' at high levels, but a lower levels and listening at about 2 metres they sounded excellent.
Very detailed, a great stereo image but little depth to them.
We tried an Amcrom DC300, but preferred the Quad 405.

After an extended listen with a variety of music, the low level, close up setting worked well.
Interesting loudspeakers...

I wonder what they're worth ?

25-03-2016, 19:51
About £150 to £170.

Martyn Miles
26-03-2016, 09:17
About £150 to £170.

Thank you.
