View Full Version : Phono stages - Yaqin?

06-06-2013, 20:39
Ok here's the issue - I am currently using an Angle Audio phono stage. It is the audiophile version with a battery. I am very happy with the sound BUT it is a pain to use. If it is not charged then naturally enough no output, but I also cannot leave it always connected charging as eventually (a few days) it will cease to operate until disconnected for a while. Any suggestions for a replacement? Anyone tried a Yaqin tube phono stage?

06-06-2013, 20:48
I have the MS-12B tube pre-amp. Its a damned good MM stage, and although mine is the 'import' I have had no issues with it at all.

Andrew B
06-06-2013, 20:50
I bought a Michell Iso recently. It's mint and I only paid £100 for it. I think it's excellent and really cannot fault it. I understand it's the same as Tom Evans Microgroove, but don't know much else. They were really well rated back in the day. Anyway, a doddle to use and on another planet, in another galaxy in another universe to the likes of Cambridge Audio 640p IMHO. Probably not quite the wallop of the best phonos in Linn/ Naim amps, but definitely clearer.

06-06-2013, 20:56
Dunno about a Yaqin, but this Ming Da is interesting:


Their stuff always seems to sound very good and is nicely put together.

06-06-2013, 21:05
Wow! That is a striking design!

06-06-2013, 21:08
Heard a couple of mingdas and they have sounded very good.
Shame that ebay one is so ugly.

06-06-2013, 23:55
Heard a couple of mingdas and they have sounded very good.
Shame that ebay one is so ugly.

Well it's different. I quite like it!

Anti Meep
07-06-2013, 06:24
Well it's different. I quite like it!

Beauty as always is in the eye of the beholder...hehehe
Nick, what cartridge/arm/TT are you spinning?

07-06-2013, 06:29
Dunno about a Yaqin, but this Ming Da is interesting:


Their stuff always seems to sound very good and is nicely put together.

Anyone take in the spec?

rectifier with bile, gallbladder regulation.
good low frequency control and cohesion,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

These technical terms get me every time

And then there was the bit about scaffolding and manual welding...........

07-06-2013, 09:18
Yes, the Chinglish is rather funny.

07-06-2013, 10:01
Do the line products suffer with over mains driving the same way some of the power amps do?

trio leo
07-06-2013, 10:26
I do get confused between what the various units do,step up transformers, head amps, phono pre amps, phono stages, etc,

the pre-amp I use has a built in MM stage and I use the Albarry Moving Coil Amplifier to boost MC cartridge signals, it is battery powered and last upto 150 hours depending on what type of battery you use. for what it has brought to my system, at £500 I think it is cheap, it is fantastic, but I'm not sure if this is the type of unit you require.

enjoy your music

regards Al

07-06-2013, 11:53
Beauty as always is in the eye of the beholder...hehehe
Nick, what cartridge/arm/TT are you spinning?
Hi Craig, Roksan 5 TT with the Nima Unipoint Arm and Benz Micro Silver Cart.
Suggestions very much welcomed...

Anti Meep
09-06-2013, 03:42
Nick, that Angle Audio seems to have quite a following and this doesn't usually happen for no reason. I've not heard it myself though. The best thing to do IMO is create your own short list and try to get some to demo at home. I have the Dynavector P75mk2 which I really am enjoying. I first got it to replace the Rega Fono MM I had. I loved the Rega too however it turned out to be mismatched with the 2.5mv output of my HO Benz Ace. (The Rega Fono required a minimum 3mv input.)
The P75mk2 has "grown" with my system/ tastes. It was great as a MM stage and handles the Benz really well. I also then replaced the Benz with a SAE1000lt and the improvement was substantial which indicated the P75 could do justice to better cartridges. At the moment I'm listening to a Dynavector DV20xl via the P75 MC stage. I sounds great in the normal MC mode but sounds fantastic in Phono Enhancer mode. Again it seems to have given me room for the old upgrade bug.
So I would recommend the Dynavector for sure. The Dynavector cartridges do seem to match the Nima from what I've read so there is also another upgrade path to investigate if that appeals.
The Trichord Dino is apparently a cracker too. A friend has one and loves it.
If the Yaqin interests you then you must have a listen if possible.
Valves and vinyl can sound pretty good.
From what I've read the Angle Audio does punch above its weight so it may take a while to find a solution without spending moonbeams.
I did replace the stock switch mode PSU of the P75 with a linear regulated wall wart as the supplied one did induce ground loop issues however in most cases this isn't an issue.
As always it's up to your own tastes. The Cambridge and Project stages may be worth a listen just to cover those bases. The iFi stage (from AMR I think) seems to be plenty of bang for your buck too.
Another acquaintance demo'ed the Heed and really liked it.
So many phono stages so little time.
If I were in your shoes my not so short list would be
Graham Slee

09-06-2013, 11:38
Many thanks Craig for the long short list! Heed and Creek are on my radar but I had not come across the iFi stuff, looks interesting with a great deal of flexibility to match cartridges, it also seems to be getting very good reviews - one to watch perhaps...
For my own dilemma, I am, at least in the short term, going to persevere with the Angle Audio phono stage. I am very pleased with the sound and having looked at their website I think I just need to disconnect the power supply more often, presumably not doing so affects the virtual battery. If it continues to be a pain to operate I will see if I can audition the iFi. Many thanks for the 'heads up' on this.

The Grand Wazoo
09-06-2013, 11:47
I have an Angle Audio unit among other phono stages, which I recently lent to a friend. He loved it between his Lenco and Cyrus amp and was going to buy one, but went for the iFi instead and hasn't regretted the purchase. For him it was a better choice than the Angle Audio as he expects to be changing cartridges a few times.

11-06-2013, 14:34
I've given up worrying about phono stages etc.

I was using an EAR 834P valve phono stage, which I thought was pretty good and definitely a cut above the (moderate) Pro-Ject Tubebox SE and (rather nice) Bellari VP 129 I'd had been using previously. But then I bought a Graham Slee ERA V Gold and it was so superior to the EAR 834P that I decided there and then that my search was over. Paired with a good SUT the ERA V Gold does everything I want. It's smooth and weighty, with fantastic detail, dymamics and transparency, not a hint of 'solid state' character at all, in a different league to the others altogether. The only way I may consider upgrading is if a Graham Slee Reflex comes along at a sensible price.

12-06-2013, 01:39
I have the Yaqin MS22B and am very happy with it. Pulled out the stock tubes and replaced with Mullard Reissues, which is a relatively cheap as chips upgrade, and it easily saw off a much hyped model from another manufacturer.
Can well recommend this model but the Shuguang tubes fitted as stock, though ok, can be easily improved upon.


13-06-2013, 11:25
Many thanks to all who posted, and to Craig in particular. The Angle Audio has now started not to work properly, I am only getting sound occasionally, which is frustrating I suspect some issue with the battery. This has prompted me to just get another phono stage and I have plumped for the iFi, because of the flexibility offered by the settings and the favourable reviews. I have not listened to it so it is a bit of a gamble and will post an update/review when it has arrived and has had time to settle in.

13-06-2013, 12:04
Will look forward to your comments - it's reasonably priced and has had some good feedback.


Arkless Electronics
18-06-2013, 14:22
You could always check out the one I make..... Here's an official review review on the wam : http://www.hifiwigwam.com/arkless-electronics-phono-stage/

19-06-2013, 19:25
You could always check out the one I make..... Here's an official review review on the wam : http://www.hifiwigwam.com/arkless-electronics-phono-stage/

How do you order one and what's the turnaround time?


Arkless Electronics
20-06-2013, 12:23
How do you order one and what's the turnaround time?


Send unit to me (contact details on my website. No phono stage on website so don't waste time looking for it!). Pay on completion of work. £160 + £11 postage.
All details are here: http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/showthread.php?t=126877
There is a waiting list for them at the moment and so I am unable to answer questions as to turnaround time..... If "it will be ready when it's ready" isn't good enough then please look elsewhere!

20-06-2013, 19:33
Just noticed this thread and will say that i have an Angle phono stage allbeit an older version with battery.
It also started to play up and would'nt hold its charge so changed the battery and now works fine.
Cannot say if this would cure yours but worth a go for a few pounds.

20-06-2013, 19:56
Thanks Jim, will give it a go. Have gone for an iFI micro phono stage anyway, but will get the AA sorted - will make for an interesting comparison...

20-06-2013, 20:44
Send unit to me (contact details on my website. No phono stage on website so don't waste time looking for it!). Pay on completion of work. £160 + £11 postage.
All details are here: http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/showthread.php?t=126877
There is a waiting list for them at the moment and so I am unable to answer questions as to turnaround time..... If "it will be ready when it's ready" isn't good enough then please look elsewhere!

Well that's one way to chase potential punters away.

Thanks for the reply anyway, I'll take your advice.

Arkless Electronics
21-06-2013, 10:10
Well that's one way to chase potential punters away.

Thanks for the reply anyway, I'll take your advice.

Fine. It's well worth the wait and will blow most things under a grand out of the water!

22-06-2013, 17:32
Jim, new battery seems to have sorted it! Many thanks, a cure for a few quid! I must admit I was expecting a mobile phone type battery but I guess as it is its an easy replace! Cheers.

Magna Audio
22-06-2013, 18:05
The best phono stage I have heard to date is the Vida. It will be imported by Puresound but costs £2500 I think. At that price it is a steal as it operates in very best company.
It is quite configurable and matchable, has MM and MC. MM with a very good SUT sound best of course.
It has easily beaten others I have heard.

I have an Icon audio which is very similar to the Ming Da offerings.

25-06-2013, 03:19
If I were in your shoes my not so short list would be
Graham Slee

Very interested in the 'Craig' as I have not heard that brand before.

28-06-2013, 18:32
I've just got a brand new Graham Slee Gram Amp 2 SE phono amp on trial from Scott Nangle (Daytona600) and so far it sounds pretty damn good but according to the manual it takes about a week to run in so need to do just that before commiting.

I've read tons of reviews on this amp and most are pretty positive but I wasn't sure if my own amp's phono board was just as good.

Pretty good of Scott to let me have this for a week or so and the price for the amp is the best I've seen anywhere at £150 new and boxed.

Believe he has some more for sale if anyone is interested.

Scott is one the trade guys on the forum and has some really amazing new vinyl for sale at great prices, he also has an amazing hi-fi set up too:cool:

The Grand Wazoo
28-06-2013, 18:44
....and a new promotions executive, by the looks of it!

28-06-2013, 19:08
....and a new promotions executive, by the looks of it!

I've no connection with Scott other than buying a record cleaner and some vinyl off him today but I like to promote good people to deal with and someone who lets a complete stranger walk out of his door with a £150 item not paid for is a good guy in my book.

The Outcast
30-06-2013, 19:48
I bought a Michell Iso recently. It's mint and I only paid £100 for it. I think it's excellent and really cannot fault it. I understand it's the same as Tom Evans Microgroove, but don't know much else. They were really well rated back in the day. Anyway, a doddle to use and on another planet, in another galaxy in another universe to the likes of Cambridge Audio 640p IMHO. Probably not quite the wallop of the best phonos in Linn/ Naim amps, but definitely clearer.
I had an iso then upgraded it to Microgroove +. Terrific little phono stage.