View Full Version : Which amps work well with Ditton 44's ?

06-06-2013, 11:35

Keen to hear from anybody that has experience of the Ditton 44's and in particular amps you have used that have particularly good synergy with them.

Could be integrated or power, modern or period (slight preference here I think).

Listening preferences are Rock / Electronica. Will be used in a pretty small listening room, so absolute power not an issue.

What have you used / do you recommend ?

Thanks for your inputs.

06-06-2013, 11:41
Pretty well anything you like as long as it's not too extreme, in all honesty... I'd suggest a good 50 - 100 WPC solid state or a valve twenty Watter (per channel) as long as it doesn't have a wooly bass.

Ditton 44's are big hearted and just 'might' get sluggish in the bass if you get positioning wrong or use an amp that is a bit 'soft' in its nether regions :lol:

06-06-2013, 14:05
Thanks Dave.

Do you reckon my Sony 670ES would make a decent fist of it ?

06-06-2013, 18:58
I'm sure it'll be fine :)

Rare Bird
06-06-2013, 20:14
I used an Armstrong '521' with mine, sounded niceipoo

06-06-2013, 20:26
Just about any solid state Quad.

06-06-2013, 20:48
I'm going to try a Dared i30 valve amp with mine in the near future. :)

06-06-2013, 21:50
Never tried Dittin 44s but always liked the Quad 405.

07-06-2013, 16:25
When I bought my 44s s/h in 1975 I was using a 1970's Rotel 611 (around 35W per channel I think) . Any 20W to 50 wattage SS or valve amp will suit them well.
happy listening

07-06-2013, 16:27
Solid state Quad 33 + 303 excellent..

07-06-2013, 16:43
Thanks guys.

Had and owned 2 or 3 Quad 33/303 set-ups; never really got on with them.

The 306 I much preferred.

I have a Crown DC300a and a Sony 670ES that I'll try first and worry about it if they don't work.

Rare Bird
07-06-2013, 18:32
Thats probably because of the same old chestnut with people, they buy a 40 year old amp & expect t to sound good :nono: It doesni wurk loike that..