View Full Version : Rothwell MC1

02-06-2013, 17:39
I've been using a Mayware T-24 step-up transformer (very kindly loaned to me by a fellow PFM'er) for the past few days and been really enjoying what it brings to my system. I've had SUT's before, but despite liking what they do, I could never get rid of the blasted hum - different cables/earthing configs/positioning - you name it, I could never get rid.

Anyway, imagine my joy when I plugged the Mayware in and hurrah! Almost utter silence (in a good way) with no more noise than using the MM stage in my Sony amp, and that's seriously quiet (quiter than the already quiet Dino). :)

I've gone on bended knee (metaphorically, natch) to the owner of the Mayware to sell it to me but he's not selling. I don't blame him - I wouldn't either. :)

So, what I'm asking is - does anyone have any experience of the Rothwell MC1? It seems to get good press, is nothing fancy, but would appear to be a good honest product at a highly competitive price (£280). From the specs it would appear a good match for the Benz cartridge too. I'm very aware that with SUT's you tend to get what you pay for but as I found with the Noteworthy StepNote there are some really good ones, slightly under the radar, that can sound excellent.

Thanks for any input. :)

02-06-2013, 18:11
I've been using a Mayware T-24 step-up transformer (very kindly loaned to me by a fellow PFM'er) for the past few days and been really enjoying what it brings to my system. I've had SUT's before, but despite liking what they do, I could never get rid of the blasted hum - different cables/earthing configs/positioning - you name it, I could never get rid.

Anyway, imagine my joy when I plugged the Mayware in and hurrah! Almost utter silence (in a good way) with no more noise than using the MM stage in my Sony amp, and that's seriously quiet (quiter than the already quiet Dino). :)

I've gone on bended knee (metaphorically, natch) to the owner of the Mayware to sell it to me but he's not selling. I don't blame him - I wouldn't either. :)

So, what I'm asking is - does anyone have any experience of the Rothwell MC1? It seems to get good press, is nothing fancy, but would appear to be a good honest product at a highly competitive price (£280). From the specs it would appear a good match for the Benz cartridge too. I'm very aware that with SUT's you tend to get what you pay for but as I found with the Noteworthy StepNote there are some really good ones, slightly under the radar, that can sound excellent.

Thanks for any input. :)

l heard it at Whittlebury last year in the Inspire room, on the end of a Inspire Monarch/SME V 12"/ Ortofon Per Winfield, Icon Audio phono stage and some serious Icon Audio pre/monoblocks and some big speeks an d Richard that system sounded amazing, Led Zeppelin's Rock n Roll sounded as good as l as ever heard, (as it should do) but l felt the system was good value, it really left an impression!

Recently l trialled the RFC MC1 and that was amazing too,my Cambridge Audio 640P and Denon DL103 sounded superb better than it had any right too! l mean Superb! ( Hi Jerry!:ner:).

02-06-2013, 18:24
Thanks Andy - that does sound promising. :)

I'm surprised Inspire were using the MC1 but if it's being hooked up to what was quite a seriously-spec'd (and priced) system then they must think very highly of it. I see Rothwell do a more souped-up SUT known as the MCL (at £485) but that's probably a bit more than I want to spend.

I'm such a skinflint. :D

02-06-2013, 20:30
Hi Richard,

I've bought the tarted up Rothwell and it's very good. I've got a Noteworthy which it replaced. It's not as good. The sound stage is slightly smaller and bass a touch less. This is with a Benz Wood SL or a Goldring Eroica.

The Stepnote is quieter regarding earthing but I don't notice the hum with the Rothwell unless the volume is really wicked up and no music playing.

I'm sure the MC1 will be good but if you want cheap bang for your buck the Stepnote is the one.



02-06-2013, 20:46
Thanks for the info Steve. :)

You're basically saying the Rothwell isn't as good as the Stepnote? I did have a Stepnote some years ago, used with a Lyra Dorian and it sounded very good indeed, I just couldn't get the hum down to a level I was 100% happy with (ie get it to disappear).

Only downside is that Deco Audio don't sell the Stepnote any more - or it's certainly not on their website now, nor has it been for a while. Deco also have a reasonably wide selection of SUT's including the Puresound T10 - now in Mk2 form. I did have a play with a Mk1 T10 but it wasn't really that special - I preferred the S'note. I do hear that the Mk2 is a decent improvement though, and it has adjustable loading.

02-06-2013, 21:48
Strange how many people get hum with their SUTs. I've never had that problem with any of mine, even if I use unscreened Nordost cables.

Rare Bird
02-06-2013, 23:49
Those Mayware 'T24' are excellent, i bought one brand new in the early 80's.. The 'Formula '4/'MC7V'/'T24' was one of the finest combos i ever had..

03-06-2013, 06:49
Thanks Andy - that does sound promising. :)

I'm surprised Inspire were using the MC1 but if it's being hooked up to what was quite a seriously-spec'd (and priced) system then they must think very highly of it. I see Rothwell do a more souped-up SUT known as the MCL (at £485) but that's probably a bit more than I want to spend.

I'm such a skinflint. :D

How about getting a pair of bare SUTs from Sowter, Lundahl, Cinemag, Jensen etc. and building your own?

03-06-2013, 07:16

Building SUTs is one easy DIY job. No Power rails to worry about, just clean joints and good earthing are required, that's all.

The most important thing though is the loading you will present to your cartridge. It has tremendous effect on the sound quality.

The loading resistance calculations are simple, and plenty of learned material is available here and on other forums...

I built mine around a pair of Stevens and Billington TX1003 for less than £200 all parts included.


04-06-2013, 11:40
Well I've been very fortunate in that the owner of the T24 decided to sell it to me, so I'm one happy chappy. Should I ever want to get a bit more serious with SUT's in the future (highly likely) I'll certainly look into building one myself, once I've also found someone to either give me soldering lessons or do the job for me. :)

Ammonite Audio
04-06-2013, 12:16

Building SUTs is one easy DIY job. No Power rails to worry about, just clean joints and good earthing are required, that's all.

The most important thing though is the loading you will present to your cartridge. It has tremendous effect on the sound quality.

The loading resistance calculations are simple, and plenty of learned material is available here and on other forums...

I built mine around a pair of Stevens and Billington TX1003 for less than £200 all parts included.


Interesting - have you compared those TX1003s to anything else? I quite fancy having a go at a DIY SUT myself, and would be interested to hear from anyone who has tried the transformers from Sowter or HiFi Collective, both of which are well-priced.

04-06-2013, 12:22
I dont think you'll go wrong with any of them TBH given a wide flat bandwidth. The Sowters are very well made from a company with a very good track record ('scuse the pun!). The loading is key as I found out during recent experiments, probably more so than the actual SUT, load the primary for the cartridge and then load the secondary to dampen the SUT...

04-06-2013, 13:14
Not heard Sowter or the ones from HIFI collective, just compared them with Lundhal at much higher price. And IMHO, the S&B were way better.

04-06-2013, 20:05
Thanks for the info Steve. :)

You're basically saying the Rothwell isn't as good as the Stepnote? I did have a Stepnote some years ago, used with a Lyra Dorian and it sounded very good indeed, I just couldn't get the hum down to a level I was 100% happy with (ie get it to disappear).

Only downside is that Deco Audio don't sell the Stepnote any more - or it's certainly not on their website now, nor has it been for a while. Deco also have a reasonably wide selection of SUT's including the Puresound T10 - now in Mk2 form. I did have a play with a Mk1 T10 but it wasn't really that special - I preferred the S'note. I do hear that the Mk2 is a decent improvement though, and it has adjustable loading.


The Rothwell , I have is better than the Stepnote. There's more detail, bass and hyper reality but then it should be. It's over twice the price!

04-06-2013, 20:09

The Rothwell , I have is better than the Stepnote. There's more detail, bass and hyper reality but then it should be. It's over twice the price!

Thanks Steve - think I mis-read your previous post. :)

I see the Rothwell MCL uses the Lundahl transformers which do appear to be very highly regarded. Saying that, I'm delighted with what this Mayware is doing - it's crisp, fast, brimming with detail, sheer listenability & colour. It's also proved what a fantastic MM stage the Sony amp has. :)