View Full Version : I love what he's doing, but £2495 for a 7 disc boxed set?

26-05-2013, 19:10

26-05-2013, 19:19
I seriously admire the whole philosophy but would NEVER spend that kind of money on vinyl LP's.

Wakefield Turntables
26-05-2013, 19:31
Good luck to that!

26-05-2013, 19:35
Shane, thanks for posting the article.

What price ''perfection''? It will be interesting if anyone here on the AoS buys one (or more) of these pressings.

I was gratified by the reference to the Heidelberg letterpress printing machine used to re-create the printed artwork. As someone who worked in the 1960s with these machines, it is good to know that this obsession to detail with these pressings was carried through to the record sleeves.

As for the amount of money for the records, well, if anyone can afford it, then why not!


Audio Al
26-05-2013, 20:44
Marco will get one

He has the Doors set ;)

26-05-2013, 22:37
Lol... Even I would baulk at paying that sort of dosh! However, this (taken from the article) sounds more promising:

Hutchison has plans to move beyond classical music into rock, jazz, and other genres with a broader appeal, which would help lower the price somewhat. "They would sell more so we could press more and maybe do them around the £100 mark," he says.

If they were *REALLY* good, I'd pay a £100 for an album :)

Anyway, Shane, thanks for sharing the article - most interesting. Did you read some of the bullshit replies from the usual idiots? :rolleyes:


27-05-2013, 13:11
£ 2495 + £ 10 post
love vinyl myself but silly price for some vinyl

27-05-2013, 14:10
Did you read some of the bullshit replies from the usual idiots? :rolleyes:


Wel I started to, but gave up very soon. There's no telling some people who just know that they're right.

Incidentally, the guy has his own website:


27-05-2013, 14:47
Looking at the website pictures, the sheer quality of the product is *just* exquisite.... Maybe for my 50th birthday in 2015!! ;)


27-05-2013, 17:54
Fifty-quid would be tops for me.


27-05-2013, 18:31
the people who would buy it won't be on forums!

27-05-2013, 18:58
Yup, that's usually where those with more money than sense reside! ;)


27-05-2013, 19:23
I wish the guy every success, a real labour of love... :clap:

28-05-2013, 05:25
I wish the guy every success, a real labour of love... :clap:


Bravo to those who quit lamenting long enough to say, "Screw it, I'll just do it myself!" More power to him. He's got my vote, especially if he starts pressing jazz, fusion, prog and such.

28-05-2013, 09:23
Lovely to see all that ancient gear being lovingly restored and used again, but I do have to say that in my experience, which is very limited compared to Mr Lodgesound for example, a well set up Studer A80 solid state machine can still readily reproduce the venue atmosphere and feeling in the playing if it's there in the recording - in my opinion and limited experience..

28-05-2013, 11:16
The amount of care going into these releases is enormous - even down to finding the right card stock and printing process to replicate the original. I'd imagine a lot of the output is going to the Far East. But I haven't booked my delivery slot yet - waiting for the Guardian's prize draw first :lol: .