View Full Version : Wanted. SME headshell

Audio Al
19-05-2013, 13:23
Looking for a headshell for a SME 3012 :)

20-05-2013, 06:02
Al is this any use to you?, missing the finger lift and a couple more holes were drilled in the 2nd roll (not by me), i can only think the previous owner wanted to mount a cart further back, :scratch: older raised logo version,
price ......''there goes a tenner'' as kATE bUSH said. :eek:
.....only joakin', will pop it in the post if you want it, pay back for the Graceland album bud. :)

Audio Al
20-05-2013, 06:04
Great :D

I'll PM my details

Thanks very much :)

20-05-2013, 06:38
............fast forward 20 mins digging in my TT kitbag, this turns up,
a special fingerlift specially created for me by the fabulous J7 when i wanted an fingerlift for my Alphason HR100s,
ultra lightweight, put on a set of short bolts for quick photo, let me know how long bolts you want and i'll change it over prior to posting.

edit..hadn't known you PM'd, too busy digging and linking pics, :rolleyes: thought you were still thinking, o.k will pop it in the post 1st class.

Audio Al
20-05-2013, 06:41
let me know how long bolts you want

Not sure yet as I have not selected a cartridge to fit ,

will be another question soon to be asked ;)

20-05-2013, 06:48
Jeez..how can you guys type so fast, just back from answering your PM, :lol:
o.k. will throw in a long set as well buddy.

Audio Al
20-05-2013, 11:33
Thank you big time :D

20-05-2013, 11:53
Sent !! :D

Audio Al
20-05-2013, 15:09
Sent !! :D