View Full Version : Speaker cables

Richard Kimber
16-05-2013, 15:48
I'm re-configuring my system (inc. Quad Elite monos and Quad ESL 2805) and need longer speaker cables (4m), but I'm not quite sure where to start. I currently have a pair of pure silver cables that are pretty good, and I have a choice of more of the same, or going more upmarket, or indeed down market. I'm quite interested in Tellurium Q cables from what has been written about them, and I assume they're pretty good from the fact that they don't seem to feature that much in the second-hand market (i.e. people appear to buy them and keep them). Alternatively, I could just go for a decent lower cost cable like Talk 3 or Van Damme, or another.

My main question is: is there anyone who has actually compared a TQ cable in a system similar to mine with a decent lower cost cable and found the latter sounded just as good (or better)?

What cables do other people with Quad systems use?

I'm not so preoccupied with 'value for money', as most of the mag reviews seem to be, but rather with finding what actually sounds best in practice.

- Richard.

16-05-2013, 16:00
With a name like yours there is only one answer:


Wakefield Turntables
16-05-2013, 16:36
Nordost cabling works really really well with Quad gear. Some people on here dont like it but I had a complete Quad77 setup and tried lots of different things before settling on Nordost SPM cabling and Valhalla interconnects.

16-05-2013, 16:44
Actually, some people sold their top of the range kimber gear for tq for the improvement in sq they got, at about a fifth of price. Go figure.

Richard, I've not heard your gear but I've compared tq Ultra Black's to other cable (such as QED silver lol) and some black rhodium emperor stuff, there's a fair difference in price, but I bought the ultra Black's for a reason...

Richard Kimber
16-05-2013, 21:01
Actually, some people sold their top of the range kimber gear for tq for the improvement in sq they got, at about a fifth of price. Go figure.

I guess if I was related, I'd be using Kimber ;)

Richard, I've not heard your gear but I've compared tq Ultra Black's to other cable (such as QED silver lol) and some black rhodium emperor stuff, there's a fair difference in price, but I bought the ultra Black's for a reason...

Thanks. I wondered, though, whether the ultra black was a bit 'bright' (??). I only wondered that because TQ brought out the green and explicitly said it was intended to be warmer and not bright. I'm anxious to avoid 'bright'

- Richard.

16-05-2013, 21:04
I guess if I was related, I'd be using Kimber ;)

Thanks. I wondered, though, whether the ultra black was a bit 'bright' (??). I only wondered that because TQ brought out the green and explicitly said it was intended to be warmer and not bright. I'm anxious to avoid 'bright'

- Richard.

Bright is not a word to describe the UB's Richard for certain.

16-05-2013, 21:29
Demo some Richard; there's only line way to tell in your system.

My brother heard mine and got some of the blues. On hearing we agreed they blew away what he had before, again at a fraction of the price I paid!

Richard Kimber
16-05-2013, 22:32
Bright is not a word to describe the UB's Richard for certain.

So what is the raison d'etre of green? Is it just a cable in the TQ range at a lower price point, or is there a specific reason to choose it rather than UB?

- Richard.

17-05-2013, 08:49
I'm re-configuring my system (inc. Quad Elite monos and Quad ESL 2805) and need longer speaker cables (4m), but I'm not quite sure where to start. I currently have a pair of pure silver cables that are pretty good, and I have a choice of more of the same, or going more upmarket, or indeed down market. I'm quite interested in Tellurium Q cables from what has been written about them, and I assume they're pretty good from the fact that they don't seem to feature that much in the second-hand market (i.e. people appear to buy them and keep them). Alternatively, I could just go for a decent lower cost cable like Talk 3 or Van Damme, or another.

My main question is: is there anyone who has actually compared a TQ cable in a system similar to mine with a decent lower cost cable and found the latter sounded just as good (or better)?

What cables do other people with Quad systems use?

I'm not so preoccupied with 'value for money', as most of the mag reviews seem to be, but rather with finding what actually sounds best in practice.

- Richard.

Like all the other posters I don't have a very similar system, certainly not quad and Electrostatics. I suspect from hearing a friends similar system it will be hyper sensitive to something lesser systems just don't get affected by.

I did change from Cable Talk 3 to TQ Black and at first was slighty impressed. TQ is an "impressive sound" tending to digital accuracy rather than tonal richness. I'm not good at reviewing as some seem to be but I would not buy it again and wouldn't go for product higher in the range unless you've got money burning a hole. I wouldn't recommend it either unless you like edgy thin sound which some younger digital age folk do. It's still in place because I cannot bother messing with the routing of the 4m length. My back objects. BTW I note with interest the amount of TQ speaker cable that gets sold second hand - not a good sign.

Sounding best will be a solo journey if you really must have the best and the enthusiasm of others for their products may distract you. It's a forum not a impartial consultancy so you have one TQ fanatic and one TQ Vendor giving advice on TQ.

Best of luck. Why not by a low cost well regarded product like Mogami or VanDamme and see how terrible it is to keep you going as you search for the best?

Best of luck


You queried the Green product's place in the order of things. TQ don't seem to pretend to produce HiFi soo much as sound contouring cables so the Green as it says on their web site is good at taming bright systems. None of their products are neutral just expensive tone controls and an expensive spell to be caught up in.

17-05-2013, 10:06
You post on here too huh.

I'm not a fanatic; the tq ultra blacks were the best of the bunch, so I bought them.

wee tee cee
17-05-2013, 13:13
I run TQ black having moved up from TQ blue which I have in my sons system. They both work very well with quad 63s with a variety of different amps ranging from a battery powered bantum/temple mono blocks and a couple of valve mono blocks. I have tried van damme/black rhodium/atlas/belkin/odesay 2 the TQ has always sounded the the least noticeable in the context of my set up.
When I have taken it along to get together s it has impressed enough that a few guys have shelled out for it. I have noted that a few guys have not got on with it in their set up so it may well be system/ears dependent.

Dare say one of the dealers on here would let you demo a set at home letting you make your own mind up. Let us know how you get on.

Ali Tait
17-05-2013, 15:42
Second the TQ stuff, it's very good IMHO. Bought all mine secondhand, it does come up occasionally if you are patient.

Colin Wonfor
17-05-2013, 19:26

I did change from Cable Talk 3 to TQ Black and at first was slighty impressed. TQ is an "impressive sound" tending to digital accuracy rather than tonal richness.
Not what it says in all the reviews.

I wouldn't recommend it either unless you like edgy thin sound which some younger digital age folk do. It's still in place because I cannot bother messing with the routing of the 4m length. My back objects. BTW I note with interest the amount of TQ speaker cable that gets sold second hand - not a good sign.
It could be that more people are upgrading, maybe?

You queried the Green product's place in the order of things. TQ don't seem to pretend to produce HiFi soo much as sound contouring cables so the Green as it says on their web site is good at taming bright systems. None of their products are neutral just expensive tone controls and an expensive spell to be caught up in.
Not a accurate quote from the TQ site


17-05-2013, 20:47

Yup I read the reviews which was why I bought. What I heard was different to the reviews.

Anything is possible but I wager some werent upgrading. Some even said it didnt suit.

Green is probably more suitable for slightly bright systems as they have a very slight “mellowing” effect. That as you will know is a quote.

17-05-2013, 20:58
I had a similar experience with TQ Blue cable. I found it to be thin sounding and it sapped the dynamics in my system compared to the Belkin cables I was using at the time, however others assure me it works wonders in their systems. Horses for courses I suppose.

17-05-2013, 23:05
. Horses for courses I suppose.

It does seem that way which is depressing. I did have a theory that speaker cable only made a difference if there was a mismatch between speakers and amp. Since I could put all previous differences I had heard down to that. When the match was good I heard no difference.

But - Recently swapped in some belkin for my usual Chord odyssey 2 (with no speaker/amp issues) and found the sound to be both different and inferior, with detached bass and muddy upper mids. These effects being subtle but more noticeable with time. When I swapped back to the Chord the difference was far more noticeable than the Chord to Belkin change. Another of my theories shot down. :(

Try it in your own system, it's the only way, unfortunately, to be sure.

18-05-2013, 08:15
I had a similar experience with TQ Blue cable. I found it to be thin sounding and it sapped the dynamics in my system compared to the Belkin cables I was using at the time, .

I found Exactly the opposite of the above!

18-05-2013, 08:51
As Martin said I have the to blues and they are far better than all of the other cables I tried, as I have said before and many before me, just give them a go in your system. If they sound good keep them if they don't send them back what have you got to loose. You don't have to spend loads of money on it to get a good sound however if you do have the money I would recommend the to blacks as I think they sound stunning! :eek:

18-05-2013, 09:05
Am I right in saying the signal to Quad ESL's goes via a large transformer in the speaker? If so, what is this thing wired with? Silver, gold or snake-oil drenched body-hair? I believe it's Chinese copper wire, so if you want a suitabe cable, why not make your own with lacquered solid-core copper wire of a heavier gauge to the stuff in the speakers, and carefully terminate it with some nice plugs.

Sorry to lower the tone, but I doubt that expensive foo speaker wires ever crossed Quads radar, even under current ownership, and most of their ESL designs over the decades have been far better in so many respects than the vast majority of box speakers out there :)

Just be sensible, please?

18-05-2013, 09:21
Am I right in saying the signal to Quad ESL's goes via a large transformer in the speaker? If so, what is this thing wired with? Silver, gold or snake-oil drenched body-hair? I believe it's Chinese copper wire, so if you want a suitabe cable, why not make your own with lacquered solid-core copper wire of a heavier gauge to the stuff in the speakers, and carefully terminate it with some nice plugs.

Sorry to lower the tone, but I doubt that expensive foo speaker wires ever crossed Quads radar, even under current ownership, and most of their ESL designs over the decades have been far better in so many respects than the vast majority of box speakers out there :)

Just be sensible, please?

The sanity clause.

18-05-2013, 09:24
As Martin said I have the to blues and they are far better than all of the other cables I tried, as I have said before and many before me, just give them a go in your system. If they sound good keep them if they don't send them back what have you got to loose. You don't have to spend loads of money on it to get a good sound however if you do have the money I would recommend the to blacks as I think they sound stunning! :eek:

In my none Quad system nothing like the OPs.

18-05-2013, 10:09
Sorry to lower the tone, but I doubt that expensive foo speaker wires ever crossed Quads radar, even under current ownership, and most of their ESL designs over the decades have been far better in so many respects than the vast majority of box speakers out there :)

Just be sensible, please?

It was a nice thought Dave ...


18-05-2013, 11:11
Oh dear... :(

Peter Walker would be turning in his grave at the futility of it all...

wee tee cee
18-05-2013, 12:34
All the different cables I have tried with my statics have had their own sonic signatures, Im aware that quad used black and decker power cable in some demos but have found through my own experience advantages are to be had with different cables.....if a budget cable out performed my TQ I would be delighted but alas my experience has proved otherwise. The futility of such experimentation may well extrapolate to the entire hobby of hi fi......please try some of the TQ products and post your informed observations rather than deride those who have,its just pissing on peoples parade to get a reaction.

18-05-2013, 12:57
please try some of the TQ products and post your informed observations rather than deride those who have,its just pissing on peoples parade to get a reaction.

I think you have to rain on a parade - pissing is for cornflakes or chips - something to do with the logistical side.

wee tee cee
18-05-2013, 13:09
really depends on how lofty a position you take up and how full of pish you are.....

18-05-2013, 13:14
And the length of the parade - although I suppose it wouldn't be necessary to piss on it in its entirety. Food for thought.

Richard Kimber
18-05-2013, 13:21
It was a nice thought Dave ...


That's an interesting thought. I hadn't realised there was a Quad cable.

- Richard.

18-05-2013, 14:39
All the different cables I have tried with my statics have had their own sonic signatures, Im aware that quad used black and decker power cable in some demos but have found through my own experience advantages are to be had with different cables.....if a budget cable out performed my TQ I would be delighted but alas my experience has proved otherwise. The futility of such experimentation may well extrapolate to the entire hobby of hi fi......please try some of the TQ products and post your informed observations rather than deride those who have,its just pissing on peoples parade to get a reaction.

You are unfairly maligning the OP he has not derided anything or anyone just tried to be enquiring and open to possibilities. He's looked at Tellurium posted information and understandably confused by what TQ say about some of it's range (the Green).

Yes of course he must try them (otherwise the mob will sort him out) on sales or return AND try something else too. Caveat one prominent vendor only offers 3m lengths and no means to order different lengths. Most other vendors let you choose in 0.5 m increments

How do you have access to who is being pissed off members parade wise and know the motivation of those you see as pissing? Do you have special powers denied to us mere mortals sorry if it is your professional speciality apologies.

I am listening through TQ Black speaker cables as I post. As others have said horses for courses with the understanding horses and courses differ.

Just because a person is amazed by TQ in their system in their home does not mean others will be or should be.

18-05-2013, 15:28
Alan, I think that Tony's comment was aimed at DSJR (his post #23), not the OP! ;)


18-05-2013, 17:39
Quad themselves, used 10A 'lawnmower' cable (with the orange outer cladding) when they demonstrated their ESL 63 speakers.

Peter Walker always took a sarcastic view when it came to cables. When asked "what makes the best cable?", he replied "the best cables are those that conduct electricity". And when asked "what are the most important requirements of a speaker cable?", he replied "the most important requirement is that the cables are long enough, so as to be able join the speakers to the amplifier. After that, the only important requirement is that the colour of the insulation should match that of the carpet over which they run."

I have no experience of Tellurium cables or of any high-end (read expensive) cables.

In general, any cable should have as large a conductor cross-section as is practically possible. This is because minimising the resistance (and to some extent the inductance) is the most important aspect to consider when choosing a speaker cable.

A good rule of thumb is that the loop resistance of a speaker cable is no greater than 5% of the speaker impedance, or 400 mOhm. The further the speakers are from the power amplifier, the longer the cable run, so the thicker the cable conductors must be. For typical runs, a 20A rated cable ought to be sufficient.

As far as the speaker is concerned, the resistance of the speaker cables appears in series with the amplifier's output impedance. This means the amplifier's damping factor is reduced (sometimes quite significantly). A low source impedance, and hence high damping factor, is important to damp out the back-emf created by the speaker acting as a generator, due to the mass inertia of the speaker cone. This is largely unimportant when using electrostatic speaker (as the OP does), since the moving mass of these speakers is very low, much less than that of moving coil speakers.

I have used Quad '57 speakers for the last forty years and use QED 79-strand speaker cable. These have a measured loop resistance of 12.5 mOhm/metre and a current capacity of 20A.

Recently I have changed my set up so that monoblock power amps are located directly behind each speaker and are connected with 60cm lengths of doubled-up QED 79-strand cable. The loop resistance is thus 3.8 mOhm, with a current rating of 40A. Probably way over the top, but it will do harm.

wee tee cee
18-05-2013, 17:47
Alan, I think that Tony's comment was aimed at DSJR (his post #23), not the OP! ;)

Marco.Thanks Marco.... I don't usually bite...Alan, I don't have a scooby what your on about......You could cause a fight in an empty house.....

18-05-2013, 17:51
What a great post Barry.

I use Van Damme Pro Blue Series 4mm which I paid under £4 a metre for and Van Damme blue is what Harbeth use inside the SHL5, so who am I to argue with Alan Shaw?


Some people have more money than sense IMHO :mental: buy music instead of lining a dealers pocket whilst he laughs all the way to the bank ;)

18-05-2013, 18:33
What a great post Barry.

I use Van Damme Pro Blue Series 4mm which I paid under £4 a metre for and Van Damme blue is what Harbeth use inside the SHL5, so who am I to argue with Alan Shaw?


Some people have more money than sense IMHO :mental: buy music instead of lining a dealers pocket whilst he laughs all the way to the bank ;)

Another luddite who thinks we all drive round in maseratis and live in mansions!

A hi-fi dealer in most cases is a hard working family man with mouths to feed and bills to pay, just like the majority of working class people. The profits on the things we sell are offset by the amount of stock we need to keep to satisfy the "next day" mentality that play.com and amazon have instilled in most human beings, they want it "now" so we have to keep 1000's of pounds worth of stock at all times to satisfy demand, and stock is dead money until it is sold.

Personally I work over 80 hours a week and have little to show for it apart from a mortgage and all the bills associated with being alive. :)

18-05-2013, 18:44
Quad themselves, used 10A 'lawnmower' cable (with the orange outer cladding) when they demonstrated their ESL 63 speakers.

Peter Walker always took a sarcastic view when it came to cables. When asked "what makes the best cable?", he replied "the best cables are those that conduct electricity". And when asked "what are the most important requirements of a speaker cable?", he replied "the most important requirement is that the cables are long enough, so as to be able join the speakers to the amplifier. After that, the only important requirement is that the colour of the insulation should match that of the carpet over which they run."

I have no experience of Tellurium cables or of any high-end (read expensive) cables.

In general, any cable should have as large a conductor cross-section as is practically possible. This is because minimising the resistance (and to some extent the inductance) is the most important aspect to consider when choosing a speaker cable.

A good rule of thumb is that the loop resistance of a speaker cable is no greater than 5% of the speaker impedance, or 40 mOhm. The further the speakers are from the power amplifier, the longer the cable run, so the thicker the cable conductors must be. For typical runs, a 20A rated cable ought to be sufficient.

As far as the speaker is concerned, the resistance of the speaker cables appears in series with the amplifier's output impedance. This means the amplifier's damping factor is reduced (sometimes quite significantly). A low source impedance, and hence high damping factor, is important to damp out the back-emf created by the speaker acting as a generator, due to the mass inertia of the speaker cone. This is largely unimportant when using electrostatic speaker (as the OP does), since the moving mass of these speaker is very low, much less than that of moving coil speakers.

I have used Quad '57 speakers for the last forty years and use QED 79-strand speaker cable. These have a measured loop resistance of 12.5 mOhm/metre and a current capacity of 20A.

Recently I have changed my set up so that monoblock power amps are located directly behind each speaker and are connected with 60cm lengths of doubled-up QED 79-strand cable. The loop resistance is thus 3.8 mOhm, with a current rating of 40A. Probably way over the top, but it will do harm.

Good post Barry. Would this (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SPEAKER-CABLE-Transparent-OFC-25A-326-Strand-Unterminated-Metre-NEW-/300609273923?pt=UK_Computing_Sound_Vision_Audio_Ca bles_Adapters&hash=item45fdb58043#ht_2208wt_721) cable be any good?

18-05-2013, 18:47
Don't see why not Paul. :)

Thing Fish
18-05-2013, 18:48
These speaker cable threads always make me laugh. There are those that think paying anything over £1 a meter is crazy and those that pay more think that skimping on speaker cable is also crazy.

Both camps cite their well trodden arguments spouting various mathematical formulae, what colour/direction the cable should be facing and whether it should be sheathed in sloath foreskin or blu-tac.

Eventually people get upset and snide coments start appearing. Tempers fray and everything just ends up going round and round in circles.

It's normally a noob who posts a question about which cable to use and I usually sit back and watch the same old arguments unfold with the usual suspects appering to cut and paste their views from previous threads.

The truth is I doubt either is going to change their minds and are only trying to bolster their well versed point of view.

Still where would we be without controversy...:eyebrows:

I'm just waiting for another sorbothane thread to rear it's ugly head..:lol:

18-05-2013, 18:51
Another luddite who thinks we all drive round in maseratis and live in mansions!
My apologies David, what I meant was "buy music instead of lining some cable dealers pocket whilst he laughs all the way to the bank"

450 quid for a USB cable and I am more than happy to be branded one who fears technology - I ain't buying it I'm afraid, but good luck to those that do ;)

18-05-2013, 18:53
These speaker cable threads always make me laugh.
Me too Dave ;)

18-05-2013, 18:58
Good post Barry. Would this (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SPEAKER-CABLE-Transparent-OFC-25A-326-Strand-Unterminated-Metre-NEW-/300609273923?pt=UK_Computing_Sound_Vision_Audio_Ca bles_Adapters&hash=item45fdb58043#ht_2208wt_721) cable be any good?

I bought this cable and it was absolutely fine. Can't quite remember what I did with it though! :scratch:

18-05-2013, 18:59
450 quid for a USB cable and I am more than happy to be branded one who fears technology - I ain't buying it I'm afraid, but good luck to those that do ;)

Well if the dealer isn't making much of a margin out of these, there's only one person left who is ...

18-05-2013, 19:05
These speaker cable threads always make me laugh. There are those that think paying anything over £1 a meter is crazy and those that pay more think that skimping on speaker cable is also crazy.

Both camps cite their well trodden arguments spouting various mathematical formulae, what colour/direction the cable should be facing and whether it should be sheathed in sloath foreskin or blu-tac.

Eventually people get upset and snide coments start appearing. Tempers fray and everything just ends up going round and round in circles.

It's normally a noob who posts a question about which cable to use and I usually sit back and watch the same old arguments unfold with the usual suspects appering to cut and paste their views from previous threads.

The truth is I doubt either is going to change their minds and are only trying to bolster their well versed point of view.

Still where would we be without controversy...:eyebrows:

I'm just waiting for another sorbothane thread to rear it's ugly head..:lol:

I will unashamedly admit I am a cable sceptic, but I noticed an immediate, repeatable and explicable change in sound when I changed the speaker leads from 5A mains flex to 20A rated QED 79 cable. I found for a given volume level, I did not have to turn up the volume control so far. This was due to the new cable having half the loop-resistance of the old.

18-05-2013, 19:10
Apart from the fact bare wire terminations need cleaning, is adding banana plugs beneficial?

18-05-2013, 19:32
Apart from the fact bare wire terminations need cleaning, is adding banana plugs beneficial?

Depends on the style of speaker terminals you have Paul. If they allow the compression of bare wires and can be done up tightly, then this is probably the best method; assuming you won't be connecting and dis-connecting the cables frequently.

If you choose to use plugs, make sure they are a reasonably tight fit in the sockets. The ones available from Maplin are gold plated and consist of a slotted tube where the centre section of the pin has a slightly larger diameter than the ends. They are a very snug fit (if not tight) into 4mm sockets. They are what I use, and when first used were so tight a fit, I didn't think they would actually go in!

Plugs which use 'bunch pins', or those using an 'O-Z' spring system, are also fine, as are those using a solid tube with a compressable spring wire 'key', or those using a slotted cylinder 'stent' style for the pin.

18-05-2013, 19:43
Thanks Marco.... I don't usually bite...Alan, I don't have a scooby what your on about......You could cause a fight in an empty house.....

Yes it took Marcos comment to clarify who your post was addressed to.
Why didnt you say?
Poor communication like that causes fights, even wars.

18-05-2013, 19:44
Thanks Barry. I've been using the Belkin pre-terminated speaker cable and it's too heavy for my amptastic mini-t. I'm going give that cheapo wire a go ;)

18-05-2013, 19:58
Another luddite who thinks we all drive round in maseratis and live in mansions!

A hi-fi dealer in most cases is a hard working family man with mouths to feed and bills to pay, just like the majority of working class people. The profits on the things we sell are offset by the amount of stock we need to keep to satisfy the "next day" mentality that play.com and amazon have instilled in most human beings, they want it "now" so we have to keep 1000's of pounds worth of stock at all times to satisfy demand, and stock is dead money until it is sold.

Personally I work over 80 hours a week and have little to show for it apart from a mortgage and all the bills associated with being alive. :)

As nobody has commented - how on earth can you afford Audio Fest's cost and time wise?
Consider another livelihood?
When I ordered a cable you made it after the order was placed. Another vendor sent from stock.

Another luddite - an inspired post.

18-05-2013, 20:09
My position is simply that speaker cables, sonically, are as important as any other cables in a hi-fi system; in some ways more so, depending on the electrical demands of the partnering amplifier(s). Considerations in that area are probably the most important of all.

However, I don't obsess over speaker cables, just as I don't obsess over the other cables in my system. I simply find something that works, within my budget, and stick with it, and I certainly don't use them as glorified tone controls. You're on a hiding to nothing if you do that. It makes me cringe when I read reviews of cables having 'great bass', 'wide-open midrange', etc - bullshit! :doh:

My rule with choosing cables is that they should superimpose as little of their sonic signature on the music as possible, so I'll always discount those which, to my ears, have too much of a 'sound' of their own. After all, there is no such thing as 'great' speaker cables, just one's which are 'less bad'.

Speaker cable manufacturers will go to great lengths to sell you their various versions of 'the best'. The reality, of course is that the only 'best' is what suits your ears and system. I'd say that one of the most important design factors is the thickness of the conductor core and the purity of the metal used, as well as judicious attention to shielding.

Beware of 'fat' cables, which flatter to deceive... Most are 'all fur coat and no knickers'! ;)


18-05-2013, 20:11
I found Exactly the opposite of the above!

That's great Craig, I am glad the TQ cables worked out for you but they didn't for me. I have since discovered that a cheapo cable made by Sharkwire that I used to stock in my shop for in-car installs, a reel of which has been knocking around the house unused for years, trounces both the Belkin and the TQ Blue cables, quite a result considering I sold it for £1.29 a metre.

18-05-2013, 20:47
Well if the dealer isn't making much of a margin out of these, there's only one person left who is ...

There is no way a Chinese factory is taking the lion's share of the profit, so its the company that imports it then?

18-05-2013, 21:29
There is no way a Chinese factory is taking the lion's share of the profit, so its the company that imports it then?

Well, assuming that the cable is imported from somewhere in the Far East, and isn't some uber-rare precious metal refined with thousands of hours in R&D, then I would think that's a pretty good assumption.

18-05-2013, 21:33
Well, assuming that the cable is imported from somewhere in the Far East, and isn't some uber-rare precious metal refined with thousands of hours in R&D, then I would think that's a pretty good assumption.

Well, some have names of precious metals to increase the mystique. I quite like Copper myself, not a moneyspinner though.

Thing Fish
18-05-2013, 22:30
I marinate all my cables for at least 3 months in buffalo piss. The difference in the bandwidth gained over standard cable is simply staggering.

It is expensive but i'm worth it...:)

Rare Bird
18-05-2013, 22:34
With a name like yours there is only one answer:

All i used for years was Kimber '8TC' when it was Blue/Black colour .. I just use cheap Chord 'Carnival Silver Screen' nar..

18-05-2013, 22:34
I marinate all my cables for at least 3 months in buffalo piss. The difference in the bandwidth gained over standard cable is simply staggering.

It is expensive but i'm worth it...:)

And of course the cables turn out the same glorious shade of yellow as the Rega RS5's which are on sale in Private Exhibitions... :D

Thing Fish
18-05-2013, 22:42
And of course the cables turn out the same glorious shade of yellow as the Rega RS5's which are on sale in Private Exhibitions... :D

An added bonus...:D

The Grand Wazoo
18-05-2013, 22:45
I'd be interested to know what breed of buffalo you've had the best results with.

Thing Fish
18-05-2013, 22:52
I'd be interested to know what breed of buffalo you've had the best results with.

I have always favoured Surti buffalo piss as this tends to give the most tonaly nuetral balance.

In the past I have had to make do with the lesser used Izakhli buffalo from Pakistan which is a bit trebble light but better overall than more common types like the Egyptian or Malaysian buffalo.

You pays yer money and makes yer choice...:)

18-05-2013, 23:03
I found that painting my speaker cables a light sky-blue colour really opens up the sound-stage and gives a sense of space and air, plus instruments occupy their own space, leading edge transients are sharpened, complex harmonic content is more clearly revealed adding a more natural decay and greater sense of aliveness.


The Grand Wazoo
18-05-2013, 23:36
So do you think that it might be worth experimenting with marinating my cables in a bucket of cat piss from Buffalo, New York? I know someone who works there and he's offering this service for a very reasonable price.


I need to be sure it'll work because the postage is going to cost quite a lot for my cables....


Last time I did something like this, they told me soaking my wires in a saline solution would be the key to audio nirvana......


.....but it just made them smell like fish.

19-05-2013, 09:52
See all those green cables in the bin Chris, well you should try this Iridium Blue Audio Paint on those;


I can get a 'special deal' for you, only $599.99 a can direct from the US and they won't smell of fish ;)
(I'll throw the paint brush in free, it's pixie hair bristle)

19-05-2013, 10:44
Indeed... Should you wish them to retain an aroma of kippers, there are other more interesting ways of achieving that :eyebrows: :bum:


19-05-2013, 15:30
The inky blackness I have achieved with blackboard paint is amazing. Sorry, not blackboard paint, Strontium Oxide Correction Additive. I have some left if anyone wants a go. its £1000/10mls but worth every penny I promise you.

If you dont like the 'haunting audophile silences', just add a few lines of chalk on top of the SOCA. Not chalk sorry, I mean Tantalum Permanganate Perspective Adjuster. Just £50 a stick.


19-05-2013, 19:26

19-05-2013, 20:06
The inky blackness I have achieved with blackboard paint is amazing. Sorry, not blackboard paint, Strontium Oxide Correction Additive. I have some left if anyone wants a go. its £1000/10mls but worth every penny I promise you.

Oh dear, you aren't meant to tell people what's in it! They are just punters after all, and are meant to hand over their hard-earned and just 'trust their ears' ... :doh:

19-05-2013, 20:58

Colin Wonfor
22-05-2013, 05:04
There is no way a Chinese factory is taking the lion's share of the profit, so its the company that imports it then?

Just to fix this yet another assumption by those who fear all, TQ cables is, and will be always made in the UK by Tellurium Q Ltd.
Now can we have a tread about May Pole Dancing please, :lol:

22-05-2013, 08:32
Just to fix this yet another assumption by those who fear all, TQ cables is, and will be always made in the UK by Tellurium Q Ltd.
Now can we have a tread about May Pole Dancing please, :lol:

I trust you recognise that not being willing to make the construction/materials information known for whatever justified reason will disconcert some of us and create mistrust. TQ don't trust us we don't trust them. Thankfully for TQ there will be a ready market of Ear Trusters Are Us, those what are not quite full members will be cautious.

For my own part I paid more than ever before for TQ Black to find out if the reviews worked for me. Time has passed and whatever the TQ Black are doing they aren't making the whole sound of my system richer and more pleasing. So i've learned

All forums cycle discussions on cables. They are sometimes an affordable way of tweaking ones system.

TQ are too rich a taste for me. Im sticking with quality copper and openness of the supplier.

22-05-2013, 08:37
"TQ don't trust us we don't trust them"


What a ridiculous/inflammatory statement.

22-05-2013, 08:40
"TQ don't trust us we don't trust them"


What a ridiculous/inflammatory statement.

But true. Perhaps I should have made you happy by saying TQ Don't trust me, I don't trust them, everyone else is happy?

22-05-2013, 09:02
But true. Perhaps I should have made you happy by saying TQ Don't trust me, I don't trust them, everyone else is happy?

Say what you like, that statement is still ridiculous.

Alan, putting words into other peoples mouths (in this case tq's) and making assumptions on their behalf always carries a risk.

22-05-2013, 09:41
Say what you like, that statement is still ridiculous.

Alan, putting words into other peoples mouths (in this case tq's) and making assumptions on their behalf always carries a risk.

Thank you for your unrequested thoughts and advice. Weren't YOU getting upset because "people were telling you what to do"?

It's an informal discussion.

Give me simple quality copper.

22-05-2013, 09:45
Give me some quality copper

You just want Norah Jones 'on top' of you! :eyebrows:


22-05-2013, 09:46
Its an open forum, wouldn't be much of a conversation if we had to wait for permission to speak, would there?

I wasn't upset, I said I was puzzled by people doing that; I appreciate your caring though.

22-05-2013, 09:48
You just want Norah Jones 'on top' of you! :eyebrows:


:lol: Careful Marco, or you'll be on a weeks ban! :ner:

22-05-2013, 11:11
Trust seems a red herring here; in what way do we need to trust a company before we buy hifi from them? Many companies cannot be 'trusted' to reveal their specs, marketing strategies, or costs. People still buy musical fidelity gear, often knowing full well they can't be 'trusted' not to replace their current equipment within 6 months. Can Naim be 'trusted' not to make gear without it requiring an uprated power supply to sound it's best? I just don't see 'trust' as an appropriate term of reference in this conversation.

If someone doesn't like a company that won't reveal stuff, fine - there are plenty of others which will. The guy who made my previous amplifier publicly gave a breakdown of the costs involved to build his amp. It wouldn't automatically follow that he was trustworthy though, would it?

Some companies need to protect the concepts they are working with, especially if they are slightly different to their competitors. Should rivals establish the nature of such a difference, the source of any supposed (technical or commercial) advantage, it would be only a matter of time before a product with a similar concept would appear under another brand. It's the idea that needs to be protected first.

As a consumer, I may favour more competitors making similar gear - it drives the price down. That is in my interest. But, I do understand a designer/manufacturer, such as Colin (who is a company director at TQ), protecting both his own interests, intellectual property, and the interests of fellow shareholders.

22-05-2013, 11:52
Trust seems a red herring here; in what way do we need to trust a company before we buy hifi from them? Many companies cannot be 'trusted' to reveal their specs, marketing strategies, or costs. People still buy musical fidelity gear, often knowing full well they can't be 'trusted' not to replace their current equipment within 6 months. Can Naim be 'trusted' not to make gear without it requiring an uprated power supply to sound it's best? I just don't see 'trust' as an appropriate term of reference in this conversation.

If someone doesn't like a company that won't reveal stuff, fine - there are plenty of others which will. The guy who made my previous amplifier publicly gave a breakdown of the costs involved to build his amp. It wouldn't automatically follow that he was trustworthy though, would it?

Some companies need to protect the concepts they are working with, especially if they are slightly different to their competitors. Should rivals establish the nature of such a difference, the source of any supposed (technical or commercial) advantage, it would be only a matter of time before a product with a similar concept would appear under another brand. It's the idea that needs to be protected first.

As a consumer, I may favour more competitors making similar gear - it drives the price down. That is in my interest. But, I do understand a designer/manufacturer, such as Colin (who is a company director at TQ), protecting both his own interests, intellectual property, and the interests of fellow shareholders.

Your involvement with CW/TQ is noted