View Full Version : WTD:- Any nice Quad ESL57s or possibly 63s kicking around?

Karma Train
06-05-2013, 15:53
I just want to try a pair of these before I pop me clogs (which with the way I feel could be any day now!)

I know my room is way too small and I'll only be able to get them a foot or two in front of the rear wall but I would be listening near-field and I have no wish to crank them up so I think I might just about get away with it.

I'm guessing that under those circumstances 57s would be better than 63s with their slightly padded rears and shy bass response but because I'd be running them with my Quad 34/306 pair, perhaps the 63s would be a better bet? Ultimately it'll come down to what's available of course so that's what brought me here.

In an ideal world they'd come with boxes, have recently been serviced and be a couple of miles down the road but we don't live in an idea world do we?

All I really don't want to do is end up with a massive servicing bill a week after buying them, so are there any nice healthy examples kicking about out there? I live in Somerset so the nearer to me the better obviously.

Well I can dream can't I? :)

wee tee cee
06-05-2013, 16:05
Best of luck with the search...I managed to get 63s last year they have given me a great deal of enjoyment,need a bit of breathing space though. The NHS should do them on prescription.

Karma Train
06-05-2013, 16:11
Best of luck with the search...I managed to get 63s last year they have given me a great deal of enjoyment,need a bit of breathing space though. The NHS should do them on prescription.

We still have an NHS? You surprise me I thought Camoron sold that off ages ago! :doh:

06-05-2013, 16:25
Have you looked at Classique Sounds in Leicester (http://www.classiquesounds.co.uk/main.htm)? They seem to have some refurbished examples. Sorry, not a couple of miles from Taunton.


Karma Train
06-05-2013, 16:35
Have you looked at Classique Sounds in Leicester (http://www.classiquesounds.co.uk/main.htm)? They seem to have some refurbished examples. Sorry, not a couple of miles from Taunton.


Thanks for the link Chris which I've now bookmarked. I couldn't see any speakers for sale on the site but maybe that's down to my stupidity more than anything else, however there is a phone number so I'll give them a shout tomorrow and see if they have anything available. Thanks again.

06-05-2013, 16:41
You'll find it using the 'Price List' link which will take you here http://www.classiquesounds.co.uk/Files/myads.doc

Happy hunting.

Karma Train
06-05-2013, 16:48
You'll find it using the 'Price List' link which will take you here http://www.classiquesounds.co.uk/Files/myads.doc

Happy hunting.

Well I found and downloaded the price list thanks for the tip, bit of a rude awakening though, think I might have to sell a kidney or two in order to afford a refurbished pair....ouchy!

06-05-2013, 16:59
No problem Charlie.

Maybe you could start with a pair of the non-reconditioned models and if you like them sell the other kidney. :lol:
