View Full Version : NVA SSP Interconnect

29-04-2013, 19:55
Up for sale is my SSP, Super Sound Pipe

It measures 64cm, tip to tip

It has been re-soldered as original solder was not too strong

New price for 60cm is £140

Looking for £100 inc postage

p.s. These are VERY delicate interconnects and GREAT care is needed when using them or the solder will break VERY easily. All NVA cables are the same

29-04-2013, 20:46
would these be the same interconnects you wrote about in glowing terms only a short while ago :mental:

"by Ninanina » Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:04 am

I can only say that even with my fairly humble setup the SSP's seem to have stripped away yet another 'veil' from the music. I'm not very good at explaining what I hear but that's the best way I can think of it

I'm quite sure if you tried them you would like them - I should be on commission"

sounds like someone is going to get a bargain - see, I'm even helping with your sale :lol:

29-04-2013, 21:16
would these be the same interconnects you wrote about in glowing terms only a short while ago :mental:

"by Ninanina » Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:04 am

I can only say that even with my fairly humble setup the SSP's seem to have stripped away yet another 'veil' from the music. I'm not very good at explaining what I hear but that's the best way I can think of it

I'm quite sure if you tried them you would like them - I should be on commission"

sounds like someone is going to get a bargain - see, I'm even helping with your sale :lol:

Yes Guy the very ones....

29-04-2013, 21:34
are you the only owner, and who repaired them?


29-04-2013, 21:37
A friend repaired them VERY well

I can't remember if these were 2nd user or not but that matters little as they are mint

Thanks Guy for your question

30-04-2013, 08:53
Thanks for clearing that up Nina. It was just that your original post claimed that they were only a few months old, which seemed to suggest that you had bought them from NVA new.


30-04-2013, 08:59
A friend repaired them VERY well

I can't remember if these were 2nd user or not but that matters little as they are mint

Thanks Guy for your question

Sorry as someone pointed out elsewhere repaired is not mint condition. Are you having a laugh?

30-04-2013, 13:19
Richard Dunn's viewpoint on the repairs.

Well my advice is don't touch them, they are very difficult to repair unless you understand the cable, so they will have to come back to me as they will not be performing to spec and you will be charged for repair. So for that price they are not worth it.

Whatever the personality issues I would tend to agree. These should be returned to NVA for checking or sold at a reduced price. Certainly cannot be described as mint.

30-04-2013, 13:43
C'mon guys, bit unfair on a sales thread...
PM might have been better?

30-04-2013, 13:45
C'mon guys, bit unfair on a sales thread...
PM might have been better?

And in the meantime some unsuspecting newbie might buy them.

30-04-2013, 14:02
Fair do's, never a good thing and I agree.
But if the OP puts anything else up for sale (genuinely), that same unsuspecting newbie might think twice if there's negative comments made about what they sell publicly?
That's why I wondered about a PM, maybe even to help out and suggest rewording the ad?

Just a thought, not being funny.

30-04-2013, 14:08
Fair do's, never a good thing and I agree.
But if the OP puts anything else up for sale (genuinely), that same unsuspecting newbie might think twice if there's negative comments made about what they sell publicly?
That's why I wondered about a PM, maybe even to help out and suggest rewording the ad?

Just a thought Paul, not being funny.

Fair comment but considering Dunn's posting on a public forum elsewhere and the fact that Bev has inadvertently over egged the description by a wide margin I felt a public warning was not totally out of order in this case.

The Black Adder
30-04-2013, 14:13

30-04-2013, 14:35
I'm just amazed

All I've done is be honest. I could have just said nothing about the repair but that would have even dishonest, but none of you considered that before commenting did you? :doh:

Of course RD is going to say they are difficult to repair etc etc because he wants to make things bad for me. It is just a cable for christ sake, it's not magic !

They are definitely NOT difficult to repair. If anyone else has a pair and they unscrew the plug they will see how easy it is, just like any other cable

They have been soldered with best quality lead free silver solder

I am open to offers but they are already quite a saving on buying new

30-04-2013, 14:40
OK everyone, please no more comments on Bev's for sale thread... I can see both sides of this, clearly given the relationship Mr Dunn is going to make some hay out of it, but equally perhaps a description of "mint" isn't appropriate if the cable has been repaired.

May I suggest that Bev starts a new thread - with a description that includes the fact that the cable has been repaired - and we bin this one?

30-04-2013, 14:44
I should also like to remind people that I have already sold quite a few things through AoS and all buyers have been more than happy with their purchases

I also have sold through the Bay, obviously not just hifi related, and I have 100% feedback with some great comments too

Thanks :)

30-04-2013, 14:50
Fine if you want to bin this thread

I will then do a new thread with the following title:

"FS: NVA SSP Interconnect REPAIRED"

I trust all will be happy with that

Even though I was totally honest and CLEARLY did state repaired in my original post

30-04-2013, 15:17
My comments were bought about as I am tired of Bev saying that she has put the past behind her and has better things to do with her life, which is good and adult. Only to find that after 6 months or so she is still regularly trying to cast aspersions about NVA product.

One of the wonderful things about the internet (and my memory for some things), is that the original statements can still be found in most cases. Perhaps this "the other forum" gives a clue as to why she continues with this vendetta:

"by Ninanina » Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:46 am
You are loosing many people's support. Hitting you in your pocket is the best way"
(my italics)

The give away, for me, is that Bev would write that the quality of NVA cable connections is poor when trying to sell one :mental:

My interest in this is one of fairness, I am not a member of an inner group of Mr Dunn's supporters (have a look on "the other forum", I have been known to disagree; ask Marco - I found him to be an honest, if forthright person in our 'phone conversation)

FFS Bev give it a rest. By the way I seem to remember that you bought the cable second hand about 6 months ago.

Lets all hope for an end to this silliness. Guy

30-04-2013, 15:56
Yeah, as I hate deleting threads unless it is absolutely necessary, I'll simply lock this one and Bev can start another thread, along the lines discussed. Bev, please keep your for sale ads as factually accurate as possible and devoid of any reference to your friend and mine.

Everyone else, please do not crap on anyone's for sale thread, although I appreciate the motivation for the interventions here was constructive.

Onwards and upwards! :)
