View Full Version : Pioneer F-204 RDS tuner - FREE!

12-04-2009, 21:57
Nice tuner with manual, free to first person who can collect from the Wirral.


Chris Frost
13-04-2009, 02:26
Hi, what a piece of luck. I'm just about to have a new TV aerial fitted, so why not an FM aerial as well. If this tuner is still available then I'd love to take it off your hands. Can be with you to collect on Easter Monday.

You have pm with my contact details :)


13-04-2009, 19:59
The tuner has gone to a good home, thanks Chris!

Just the nice Yamaha cassette deck to go now.

Chris Frost
15-04-2009, 01:34
Thanks Steve, nice to meet you. I'm looking forward to my ladder monkey putting up the aerial :)

Just got to persuade her indoors that now that it's always been in the rack, she just hasn't noticed before :lol:

15-04-2009, 07:25
All part of the fun of hi-fi, Chris!

Ees just another black box, innit, dahling? :eyebrows:


15-04-2009, 20:43
No problem Chris, you are welcome. Tell the missus if she takes less of an interest in your rack, you may take more of an interest in hers....
