View Full Version : WTD turntable and phono stage..

13-04-2013, 17:31
As title looking for a turntable and phono stage in the region of £350 like the look of the pro-ject.. but would consider most...What have you got? seen a few go on here in that region...!

putting my feelers out so to speak see what comes back..

13-04-2013, 18:46
I can recommend a turntable that would be a better sounding bet than a £200 or so Pro-ject - in my opinion (Rega RP1/Carbon cartridge) and unless I'm mistaken, there's a suitable dealer near you where you could go and listen for yourself.

There's a number of not too expensive phono stages too around £100 too and the choice is yours :)

Good luck with your final choice...

13-04-2013, 19:22
I can recommend a turntable that would be a better sounding bet than a £200 or so Pro-ject - in my opinion (Rega RP1/Carbon cartridge) and unless I'm mistaken, there's a suitable dealer near you where you could go and listen for yourself.

There's a number of not too expensive phono stages too around £100 too and the choice is yours :)

Good luck with your final choice...

Whos the dealer? by me then? im open to suggestions so thanks for that will have a nosey around

13-04-2013, 20:58
Linn axis, LInn lvx plus arm. K9 cartridge. Ex cond. Possible sale of Cambridge 640 phono stage. Mail me if interested. Rgds mike

15-04-2013, 21:26