View Full Version : Vinyl sales in the last 19 years...

11-04-2013, 09:35

Interesting piece of infographic on a growing trend!

Roy S
11-04-2013, 10:06
Is that worldwide/UK/USA?

11-04-2013, 10:25
It's good to see , but a drop in the ocean though .

11-04-2013, 10:35
We are talking worldwide here I believe...


11-04-2013, 11:09
Has anyone charted how CD sales are progressing (falling I think?) If the market is there again, new finance in pressing machinery will inevitably follow.

I heard last year that a small northern UK studio facility, which ditched all its old analogue gear years ago and was suffering the way modern studios are (see how many that have closed in the last fifteen years or so) has changed direction into mastering digital files carefully for vinyl cutting. This is a very skillful art and they're stacked up with business now.

You know, it'd be great to have a resurgence in the lovely LP sleeves and the artwork that never translated properly to a CD sized case. Looking at same on a screen isn't quite the same either for me...

11-04-2013, 12:33
Old Skool rules !

You can't get near the vinyl displays in shops now due to the kids crowding around them. Quite amazing. People at work used to think I was insane running a record collection - now they struggle to hide their jealousy. Nothing to do with sound quality - it's all about the rebirth of cool. :)

Audio Al
11-04-2013, 12:46
" It's the future I tell you , It IS " :D

11-04-2013, 12:56
Those figures are for USA sales. Vinyl sales remained relatively healthier in UK and Europe in early 90s.

Last year UK sales were 389,000 up 15% from previous year.

11-04-2013, 13:48
Those figures are for USA sales. Vinyl sales remained relatively healthier in UK and Europe in early 90s.

Last year UK sales were 389,000 up 15% from previous year.


So true.

Here is a link for the figures.


2012 Top 10 Vinyl Albums in the U.S.

1. Blunderbuss - Jack White
2. Abbey Road - Beatles
3. Babel - Mumford & Sons
4. El Camino - Black Keys
5. Sigh No More - Mumford & Sons
6. Bloom - Beach House
7. For Emma Forever Ago - Bon Iver
8. Boys & Girls - Alabama Shakes
9. 21 - Adele
10. Bon Iver - Bon Iver

2012 Top 10 Vinyl Albums in the UK

1. Coexist - The xx
2. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie
3. Blunderbuss - Jack White
4. 21 - Adele
5. Lonerism - Tame Impala
6. Tempest - Bob Dylan
7. Bloom - Beach House
8. An Awesome Wave - Alt-J
9. Go-Go Boots - Drive-By Truckers
10. The Wall - Pink Floyd

11-04-2013, 14:20
What the f*** is it the yanks have for Mumford and Sons!

11-04-2013, 15:16

11-04-2013, 15:21
Good to see sales rise. Let's hope it contunues in the years to come.


11-04-2013, 16:04
You know what this MIGHT mean if it continues? The rebirth, hopefully not in mullered form, of the Techie :) They'd have to see a genuine market demand though since they were made in huge batches every so often and from what I gather, the main board may need to be redesigned as I understand some IC's aren't made any more, but you never know. It just depends on whether DJ's will return to vinyl on the road - sorry, but it was thanks to them the original kept going for thirty years and more

[edit] - Wiki says the mk2 was introduced in 1978!

Thing Fish
11-04-2013, 16:21
I regularly frequent Sister Ray in Berwick street and spoke to the owner the other day inquiring whether his vinyl sales were up. He replied (with a smile) that they were and by no small margin. His answer warmed the cockles of my heart..:)

I personally have never stopped buying vinyl and still have all my records I bought since I was about 12 years old. Thankfully I was never swept up in the whole CD thing...:lol:

11-04-2013, 19:20
...It just depends on whether DJ's will return to vinyl on the road - sorry, but it was thanks to them the original kept going for thirty years and more...

Right, you are about that! While I would never be caught dead (or alive) "scratchin'" I certainly have to give them respect for keeping the 12xx in production for so long.

Of course, I'd rather they re-enter the market with a technology updated SP-10MK2 or MK3 (fewer IC's, user adjustable torque, etc.). I'd sell my kids for one. :D

11-04-2013, 20:02
think Vinyl will outlive the Cd myself & there is a almost daily new Sacd releases
have trouble keeping up with all the 180 & 200g & box sets released these days
both these formats where offcially declared Dead almost ten years

11-04-2013, 20:04
I regularly frequent Sister Ray in Berwick street and spoke to the owner the other day inquiring whether his vinyl sales were up. He replied (with a smile) that they were and by no small margin.

My local dealer said the same, but then pointed out most were being bought by collectors and would probably never be played, which was a surprise.

Thing Fish
11-04-2013, 20:08
My local dealer said the same, but then pointed out most were being bought by collectors and would probably never be played, which was a surprise.

I can't see the point of that myself...:scratch:

All mine get well played...:)

12-04-2013, 10:55
Oh yes, music is to be played...