View Full Version : WTB: 'interesting' speaker cables - up to £200ish

07-04-2013, 09:18
What Have You?

Need min. of 3.5m on 1 leg, 2m on t'other. :)

07-04-2013, 14:34
VDH "The Wind" Mk11 rock yer boat Jerry
1 x 4m
1 x 2.5m
Got a load of the VDH connectors spade and banana

07-04-2013, 16:50
I have a 10m biwire length of Van den hul Cleartrack going for £85.00


07-04-2013, 20:56
I have 2 x 5 metres of Chord Rumour bi-wired and terminated available for £125.

07-04-2013, 21:01
I've got some 6amp flex if you fancy giving it a go ...:eyebrows:

08-04-2013, 06:18
VDH "The Wind" Mk11 rock yer boat Jerry
1 x 4m
1 x 2.5m

You should give that a go, Jerry. It's superb stuff! :exactly:


08-04-2013, 06:29
I've got some 6amp flex if you fancy giving it a go ...:eyebrows:

Hmm yeah, that is interesting, but it may be a bit above my price bracket, though. :hmm: - I notice you don't give a price, that usually means "if you have to ask, you can't afford it."



Pondering my options at present - thanks for all the replies, folks. :thumbsup:

08-04-2013, 13:00
I daren't echo the shout for the "Wind" cables, since I'll be accused of shilling for Rob and sucking up to "my mate Marco!" :rofl: But it is good stuff and should give great results with anything!

08-04-2013, 14:02
Six-amp cable (flex) looks similar to this. ;)


08-04-2013, 16:57
I daren't echo the shout for the "Wind" cables, since I'll be accused of shilling for Rob and sucking up to "my mate Marco!" :rofl: But it is good stuff and should give great results with anything!

Wot? Shilling again, Dave. :nono:


Thanks for the thoughts. :thumbsup:

I'm waiting on further info from The Robster at the moment. :) ... and there's summat on fleaBay that has kind of taken my fancy .... :rolleyes:

08-04-2013, 17:25
OK! - looks like I'll be getting the Wind up me.

Still interested in trying others as well, though - so keep any offers/suggestions coming. :thumbsup:

08-04-2013, 20:53
ooooo how about some nordost going cheap?

have 5 or 6 different reels of the stuff if you are any good at soldering they just need z-plugs putting on

08-04-2013, 21:20
Hmm yeah, that is interesting, but it may be a bit above my price bracket, though. :hmm: - I notice you don't give a price, that usually means "if you have to ask, you can't afford it."


Mine is called "The No Bullshit Equaliser" :eyebrows:
PM your address and it's yours for a pint should we meet somewhere ;)

08-04-2013, 22:00
ooooo how about some nordost going cheap?

have 5 or 6 different reels of the stuff if you are any good at soldering they just need z-plugs putting on

Werllll ... I can use a screwdriver. That will do.

Watchya got, then? :)

11-04-2013, 08:10
OK - I'm sorted for now.

Thanks for the offers. :thumbsup: