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31-03-2013, 09:02
Well mine has just the RIAA setting as have many. How important are these Columbia, Decca etc settings that I see on some mega priced models? Do they really make much difference to playback quality?

31-03-2013, 10:02
How many pre-1955 records do you have and from what labels? RCA curve = RIAA curve adopted as a standard in 1955. Internet rumors suggesting the likes of Columbia persisting with their curve into the 60s and 70s are more likely wishful thinking...the EQ setting was gradually but quickly dropped from replay equipment around the same time so it would have made no sense for any of the labels not to use RIAA from 1955 onwards...

Ammonite Audio
31-03-2013, 10:13
Selectable equalisation curves are not just confined to mega priced gear. The little iFi iPhono has them, also Project Phono Box RS, to name just two.

31-03-2013, 11:14
I don't think Decca fully adopted RIAA until nearer 1960, but could be wrong here..

Since so many cartridges, even modern ones, have tone-tilt (perceived and factual) built in, does it really matter so much?

31-03-2013, 11:33
Good, something NOT to think about.

01-04-2013, 02:14
The RIAA equalisation standard was introduced in 1954 and was intended to be the de facto standard for all subsequent recordings.

Initially it was not universally adopted, though it had been by the vast majority of record companies by the early '60s.

http://www.vinylengine.com/cartridge_database_record_equalization.php might be of interest.

If you really want something to worry about, how about the "Neumann 3.18us" correction? :scratch: