View Full Version : Give your vintage speaker a modern look ?

18-03-2013, 17:40

I´m in favor for keeping equipment as original as possible, but saw this tempting idea - this owner of a set of JBL L100 Century has painted them piano black - the result I think is nice.

I think this give thoughts and ideas, to give the speakers a more modern look, instead of perhaps change to new speakers, instead to paint them, give them a modern steel stand. And the dilemma is over if you understand what I mean :)

My own approach will be ( the decision has bee taken, but not the time ) to paint them piano-white at a auto painter, find a simple modern steel stand, straight, in order to place something on top and use them as a furniture - give them a front cover in light gray semi-transparent, to see the speakers behind.

Perhaps this gives inspiration to others ... ?


18-03-2013, 17:52
I would like to get that black colour off my NS1000M and subsitute it for a wood grain kind of finish.

18-03-2013, 18:55
I would like to get that black colour off my NS1000M and subsitute it for a wood grain kind of finish.

Hi Stanley, yes, grass always seems more green ..

It depends of cause of taste, and the rest of the furniture. Part of the story is I moved recently, and throw all the old furniture away, old style plenty of wood, and now have only glass, steel and chrome.

It will all depend on the colors and materials chosen - and if the paint is true piano. I made this small picture of how such could be given a more modern look - a pair of L100´s can be found for 300 USD, so damage is not that ireversible - better than facing the "femal-factor" finding one day they "left the building" :scratch:


18-03-2013, 19:52
I actually love the 70's look of my boxes, even though they are only 2 years old. I used to have tall 'needle dick' Monitor Audio piano black speakers and that finish was a pain in the arse to keep looking good. Mind you my Harbeth's certainly wouldn't please a wife if I had one and I know they would prefer the MA floor-standers, the women who have seen my Harbies think they are ugly - good job I'm single ;)

18-03-2013, 20:09
Mind you my Harbeth's certainly wouldn't please a wife if I had one and I know they would prefer the MA floor-standers, the women who have seen my Harbies think they are ugly - good job I'm single...

Lol... Don't be so sure, daftee. It's simply a matter of finding the right woman, who accepts that your hi-fi (music collection) and you, come as ONE package! :exactly:

Del loved the look of my old Spendor SP100s, which were much bigger than your Harbs. She prefers big speakers, in general, because she likes BASS (with her favourite music), and she wouldn't have that (or me) any other way.

If you marry a 'house proud' (I hesitate using that description) control freak, and become subservient to her every wish, then you've got no-one to blame but yourself...! ;)


Rare Bird
18-03-2013, 20:13
You'll be suprised how many blokes let their other half decide what they are allowed in the house..

18-03-2013, 20:20
Oh I know, mate, I've seen it first hand! Seeing it, though, will never make me understand WHY it happens.... :scratch:


Rare Bird
18-03-2013, 20:30
Vintage gear in our house till i die, saying that it's a vintage everything :lol:

18-03-2013, 20:36
I think most Hi-fi gear only looks right sporting the appearance the manufacturer gave it in the first place. Imagine painting a pair of Tannoy GRFs black, God Almighty!

(pisses me off that you just cannot get replacement 60's/70's Tannoy beige Vynair grille cloth. There's something horribly wrong looking about a pair of Lancasters with black grilles)

18-03-2013, 20:52
Vintage gear in our house till i die, saying that it's a vintage everything :lol:

Go on Andre, post a photo of your living room.
Go on go on go on go on..........:lol:

Rare Bird
18-03-2013, 21:19

Marco's seen the sofa already :D

18-03-2013, 21:25
Lol, and gorgeous it is, too! Here's a pic I took last time I was in Andre's gaff, with Cheryl looking particularly lovely that day:

http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/3682/27923084671b7d1e4ca2z.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/841/27923084671b7d1e4ca2z.jpg/)
