View Full Version : Late Night Listening

17-03-2013, 22:30
I am convinced that listening late at night my system sounds better, anyone agree???

And I have strange bed fellows: Audio Note Oto & Klipsch... they seem to be getting on really well


17-03-2013, 22:36
I would agree with that Bev, although my other half has commandeered the system just now as she is watching Lord Of The Dance.

17-03-2013, 22:38
Your avatar just keeps making me giggle......


17-03-2013, 22:42
For me it has more to do with less ambient sounds such as traffic late at night, also i tend to be more relaxed in the evening after work and chores etc. I don't think it is my system that sounds better late at night, it sounds the same in the day.

17-03-2013, 22:45
Yeah .... maybe I'm just more chilled..... a little tipple maybe helping too :glug:

17-03-2013, 22:46
Hi Bev, are the klipsch new? How do they differ from the Audio note speakers?

17-03-2013, 22:49
Hi Dave
No the Klipsch are far from new, they are about 1990/92 vintage

The Audio Note's were absolutely fantastic when I heard them at the place I picked them up from (a larger room) but unfortunately they just didn't suit my room

The Klipsch are super smooth which I didn't expect because a set of Heresey's I owned years ago were anything but smooth !!

17-03-2013, 22:53
Your avatar just keeps making me giggle......


I have not been over to Orthanc recently to see if his Dunn'ness has noticed yet, I really should ;)

17-03-2013, 22:54
There’s a theory that the mains is cleaner with less demand on the national grid. I’m not sure about that, but I prefer listening late at night.

I listen in very low light, usually with just the turntable cueing light on. I think the biggest contributor is the heavy drapes over the french doors.

Come to think of it, I don’t listen in the day anyway !

17-03-2013, 23:07
Your avatar just keeps making me giggle......

Aye, and Dunce thinks it's in celebration of Tommy Cooper!! :lol: :lol: :wanker: :mental:


17-03-2013, 23:10
Marco...... sooooooooooooooooo funnnnnnny....

Bless him.... a..... :lol:

17-03-2013, 23:14
Aye, and Dunce thinks it's in celebration of Tommy Cooper!! :lol: :lol: :wanker: :mental:


Really??? :rfl:

17-03-2013, 23:23
Shame cos I love Tommy Cooper.....


17-03-2013, 23:25
Jus' like that... huh, huh... :D

17-03-2013, 23:33
Bottle glass, glass bottle.....:lol:

17-03-2013, 23:35
I have a strange urge to try some Heresey's again as I have a feeling they might like the AN Oto

I'm finding the Oto really superb after years in mothballs...

17-03-2013, 23:46
If you do and you like 'em, I may make you an offer for your current JBL's although picking them up will be a major op.

17-03-2013, 23:54
I don't have any JBL's

I have the following:

Sterling Broadcast LS 3/5a's in Rosewood ...mint
Audio Note AN-K Silver Wired
Royd Minstrels - Walnut (definitely not for sale)
Wharfedale Linton 2 - going cheap
Klipsch KG3's - currently using

Oh my god, far too many speakers :)

17-03-2013, 23:56
If I leave them too much longer I'm sure they will start breeding ;)

17-03-2013, 23:59
Don't do it Nina! The Hereseys as you know are bit bit rough round the edged sonically. All you'll get with the Oto is good quality 'rough round the edges'.

18-03-2013, 00:01
You are probably right Geoff. I've had them before and found them a bit rough but it's so tempting as the Oto is soooo smooth

18-03-2013, 00:03
The Oto deserves a pair of good Tannoys!

18-03-2013, 00:04
Had a pair of DMT 15's but didn't get on with them. Didn't try them on the Oto tho

18-03-2013, 00:07
I don't have any JBL's

I have the following:

Sterling Broadcast LS 3/5a's in Rosewood ...mint
Audio Note AN-K Silver Wired
Royd Minstrels - Walnut (definitely not for sale)
Wharfedale Linton 2 - going cheap
Klipsch KG3's - currently using

Oh my god, far too many speakers :)

I meant Klipsch :doh: :lol:

18-03-2013, 00:07
DMT 15 is not one of Tannoy's greatest efforts. But some will compliment any good sweet sounding amplifier. Mine sound incredible!

18-03-2013, 00:09
Bev is your Oto an EL-84 amp?

18-03-2013, 00:14
Yes SET EL84

18-03-2013, 00:19
Dave I'm sure we could come to some agreement re: Klipsch KG3's

They are playing some superb Katie Malua at mo

18-03-2013, 00:26
Since the re-cap my amp has lost all its low level charm so I've had to put a stop to late night sessions :(

18-03-2013, 00:33
That's a shame Dave...:(

18-03-2013, 00:42
I feel like going for a blast in the car with the top down...... Now that'd be really silly

And probably wet too.....

Just fancy it......

18-03-2013, 00:44
I am hoping it is a temporary situation which will be remedied once the caps have had a chance to burn in properly. They were installed on Friday so there is still hope.

18-03-2013, 00:49
What's the output of your amp Dave?

18-03-2013, 00:59

Thermionic Idler
18-03-2013, 01:00
I feel like going for a blast in the car with the top down...... Now that'd be really silly

And probably wet too.....

Just fancy it......

I used to do that when I had a soft top --- night time was always the best!

18-03-2013, 01:10
Yeah Dave it's so strange

Better not do it now, had a coupe of drinks but I might try it tomorrow

It must be odd at night :lol:

18-03-2013, 01:53
Dave 15w isn't too much is it

I think you may like the Klipsch. They pick up everything, including all the subtleties your amp can throw at it

18-03-2013, 02:11
Must be a valve thing but it sounds a hell of a lot more than that, it can comfortably drive the DM2's to high SPL's and gives a real sense of scale to orchestral works, something the similarly rated Mini-T I used before struggled to do ;)

18-03-2013, 06:58
Really??? :rfl:

Yes, really! The thick old coont. Perhaps you should educate him as to the real purpose of your avatar? :eyebrows:


18-03-2013, 13:42

Anyone we know who could use that as their anthem? ;)


Rare Bird
18-03-2013, 13:50