View Full Version : GSP Elevator

10-03-2013, 02:01
Has anyone used a Graham Slee Elevator with a Van den Hul DDT-II special?

I am trying to get the best I can from the cart, my 10:1 SUT is far from ideal, I have tried a F117 Nighthawk phono stage and that wasn't too bad, I now use a borrowed Marshall Leach DIY pre and that is so far the best, but I'll have to return it one day.

Ant help would be welcome.


Thermionic Idler
10-03-2013, 10:37
I own an Elevator - unused now as I have the Whest one-box phonostage. However I haven't used it with that particular cartridge which probably isn't helpful. I've used mine with the Ortofon 90th Anniversary SPU, Koetsu Urushi, and Ortofon Jubilee.

I found being able to adjust the loading via the front switches as you listen, to be a real bonus, something I miss with the Whest. I know this goes against what a lot of users here are saying but I tended to get subjectively better results with the Elevator than with SUT's quite a lot of the time. But I think this may be more down to the fact that the SUT's I've tried weren't 1) all that great and/or 2) well matched.

I think it's a good option if you want to use MC's with your nice valve phonostage.