View Full Version : iFI Audio Headphone Amplifier at MCRU

09-03-2013, 14:59
I received my stock of all 4 ifI audio products a few weeks ago and took them to the Bristol hifi show to see what all the fuss was about. To be honest the boxes look a million dollars and the units themselves are immaculately presented.

http://i622.photobucket.com/albums/tt309/themainsman/iFi%20audio/i-can2_zps28f60b0a.jpg (http://www.mains-cables-r-us.co.uk/dac-s-headphone-amplifiers/617-ifi-audio-i-can-headphone-amplifier.html)

I did not read any reviews prior to taking delivery but simply bought them on the say so of Select Audio the distributer (I already sell AMR fuses and AMR had a hand in the design of the iFI range).

To cut a long story short I have never found a headphone amplifier that can drive the HifiMan HE6 headphones well enough, some have attempted it and at the show Canor sent me a modded TP10 which did the job perfectly (costs £850+)

Anyway without any prior knowledge of the i-can I had it on test driving the new Furutech ADL headphones through a SB touch and it sounded very good indeed, I thought there is no way this small box can drive the HE-6 so I never bothered plugging them in. It is only when I got home and had to send the demo pair of HE-6's out to the next customer who wanted to try them I thought to myself let's plug them in to the i-can and see what happens.

It is a long time since I have been lost for words when trying out any bit of hifi kit, a lot of stuff I hear is very good indeed but when something truly great comes along and with a price tag that is quite honestly stupid for what it does, one has to sit up and take notice.

The i-can headphone amplifier drives the HE-6's with ease, in fact it drives almost any headphone with ease. OK it is not the ultimate headphone amp but when you consider the price it is a game changing product in my opinion, £225 wouldn't even buy a round of drinks in Harvey Nichols restaurant just round the corner from the Bristol show!

So I would say if you want one of the best sounding headphone amps around for what is basically beer money get the i-can, you won't be dis-appointed. The engineers who designed this have even paid attention to the dreaded wall wart power supply that comes with the i-can and it has been tweaked to offer better performance than a standard smps.

The USB amplifier, phono stage and DAC are all being put through their paces by me at the moment but I expect they will be similar to the i-can.

The i-can and other items in the range are on my website (http://www.mains-cables-r-us.co.uk/dac-s-headphone-amplifiers/617-ifi-audio-i-can-headphone-amplifier.html) and the ifi website (http://www.ifi-audio.com/en/index.html) has some technical information and a list of other dealers should you wish to buy elsewhere.

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